Edgar Greene earned $42,900 during 2019 working for the Illinois Department of Revenue as a revenue tax specialist, according to data provided by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
Laquetia Greer earned $37,100 during 2019 working for the Illinois Secretary of State as a public service representative, according to data provided by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
Greg Robinson was ranked in the 90th percentile among public employees in Illinois in terms of pay in 2019, according to data gathered by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
Raymond Krupp was ranked in the 90th percentile among public employees in Illinois in terms of pay in 2019, according to data gathered by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
Yvette Green earned $74,700 during 2019 working for the Illinois Department of Transportation as a highway maintainer, according to data provided by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
Ethan Allen was ranked in the 90th percentile among public employees in Illinois in terms of pay in 2019, according to data gathered by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
Kenesha Greer earned $57,900 during 2019 working for the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services as a child welfare specialist, according to data provided by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
Ryan Schoon was ranked in the 90th percentile among public employees in Illinois in terms of pay in 2019, according to data gathered by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
Amber Gregory earned $65,500 during 2019 working for the Illinois Department of Corrections as a social worker, according to data provided by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
There were four businesses in Illinois zip code 60416 that had between 100 and 249 employees in 2017, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
Stephen Gregory earned $86,100 during 2019 working for the Illinois Department of Corrections as a correctional officer, according to data provided by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
Ashawnda Gregory earned $54,100 during 2019 working for the Illinois Department of Human Services as a mental health technician, according to data provided by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
Barry Greer earned $59,100 during 2019 working for the Illinois Department of Human Services as a secretary therapy aide, according to data provided by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
Kristina Greiman earned $60,800 during 2019 working for the Illinois Department of Human Services as a mental health technician, according to data provided by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
James Johnson was ranked in the 90th percentile among public employees in Illinois in terms of pay in 2019, according to data gathered by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
Ellen Greenlief earned $37,100 during 2019 working for the Illinois Secretary of State as a public service representative, according to data provided by the Illinois Comptroller Office.