Minooka Elementary School District Board of Education met Sept. 8.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
Members Present:
Vicki Allen
John Clucas
Ed Cronin
Kristan Crouch
Al Skwarczynski
Renee Thompson
James Satorius
1. Cal to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President James Satorius. Others present were: Kris Monn, Josh Ruland, Nancy Skwarczynski, Tim Crouch and Lori Shanholtzer.
Moved by Skwarczynski, seconded by Crouch, to approve the agenda as presented. Aye: Skwarczynski, Crouch, Allen, Clucas, Cronin, Thompson, Satorius Motion Carried.
2. Public Recognition None
3. Consent Agenda
3.01. Approval of Personnel Items Moved by Skwarczynski, seconded by Crouch to approve the revised personnel report. Rita Geyer's resignation was taken off the report. Aye: Skwarczynski, Crouch, Allen, Clucas, Cronin, Thompson, Satorius
Motion Carried.
3.02 Master Purchase Agreement with Mercedes Benz Financial Services LLC to complete the 2-17-18 bus lease often (10) buses
Moved by Clucas, seconded by Thompson to approve the Master Purchase Agreement with Mercedes Benz Financial Services LLC to complete the 2017-18 bus lease often (10) buses as presented. Aye: Clucas, Thompson, Allen, Cronin, Crouch, Skwarczynski, Satorius
Motion Carried.
4. Information
4.01 Discussion of 2017-2018 Budget Dr. Monn shared information regarding the 2017-2018 Tentative Budget. The presentation that he shared can be viewed on the electronic Board Docs board packet.
5. Executive Session Moved by Clucas, seconded by Skwarczynski to go into closed session to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance and/or dismissal of employees, negotiations, the purchase of real property, confidential student matters, and/or litigation.
Motion Carried at 7:20 p.m.
Aye: Clucas, Skwarczynski, Allen, Cronin, Crouch, Thompson, Satorius
Motion Carried.
Moved by Thompson, seconded by Allen to return to open session at 8:18 p.m. Aye: Thompson, Allen, Clucas, Cronin, Crouch, Skwarczynski, Satorius Motion Carried.
6. Adjournment Moved by Clucas, seconded by Allen to adjourn the special meeting at 8:19 p.m.
Aye: Clucas, Allen, Cronin, Crouch, Skwarczynski, Thompson, Satorius
Motion carried at 8:19 p.m.