Channahon Park District Board of Commissioners met April 23.
Here is the agenda provided by the Commissioners:
I. Call to Order - 5:00pm
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll Call
IV. Approval of Minutes
A. March 26, 2018 Regular Meeting
V. Correspondence
VI. Public Comment
VII. Commissioners Reports
VIII. Reports to the Board
A. Treasurer
1. Current Financial Status
2. Approval of Pending Bills
B. Executive Director
C. Staff Member Teams
D. People for Channahon Parks Foundation
IX. Old Business
X. New Business
A. Consideration and Approval for Water/Septic for Heritage Bluffs Maintenance Facility
B. Consideration and Approval for Track/Court Painting at Heritage Crossing
C. Purchase Approvals
1. Computer Rotation
2. Summer Day Camp Transportation
3. Aquatic Center Chairs
4. Turbine Blower for Heritage Bluffs
XI. Adjournment