Three Rivers Public Library District Board met March 14.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Pro-Tem Swick and a quorum was established. Trustees present were: Chesson, McEvilly-Reed, McSteen, Petersen and Swick. Absent: Doyle and Ferguson. Also present: Director Offerman, Assistant Director Griggs and Recording Secretary Esposito.
Public Comments: None
Review and Approval of minutes: The February Building and Grounds and February Board Meeting minutes were approved as presented.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Chesson reviewed the February financials. Trustee Chesson moved, seconded by McEvilly-Reed to approve the February 2018 expenses in the amount of $51,030.41. Ayes: Chesson, McEvilly-Reed, McSteen, Petersen and Swick. Absent: Doyle and Ferguson.
Staff Reports: Director Offerman and Assistant Director Griggs submitted written and presented oral reports. Director Offerman reminded Trustees to complete the Economic Interest Statements from Will County. The State of the Union for the Village of Minooka will be held on April 4th at Minooka Community Hall. If any trustee would like to attend, they are to inform Director Offerman. Assistant Director Griggs reported that our new website is now live.
Committee Reports:
a. Building & Grounds – Chair Chesson informed Trustees the next meetings will be May 9th at 5:30 p.m. when the committee will walk around the Minooka location and June 13th at 5:00 will be the Channahon walk around.
Old and New Business:
a. Trustee Forum – Trustees Petersen and McEvilly-Reed attended the Trustee Forum and they recapped what they learned.
b. Strategic Planning – Director Offerman and Assistant Director Griggs met with architect, Rick McCarthy from Studio GC. He will be in attendance at the April meeting to update Trustees on the planning progress and to present conceptual drawings.
c. Logo – Director Offerman requested to obtain drawings of possible new logos with a graphic designer for a cost not to exceed $125.
d. Collection Development Policy – Trustee Chesson moved, seconded by McSteen to amend the Collection Development Policy as presented effective 3/14/18. Ayes: Chesson, McEvilly-Reed, McSteen, Petersen and Swick. Absent: Doyle and Ferguson.
e. Drug & Alcohol Free Policy – Tabled until April 2018 meeting for the second reading.
f. By-Laws 2018-ORD1 – Director Offerman informed the board other local libraries did not include officer term limits in the by-laws. She consulted with our attorney who stated officer term limits can be included in the by-laws but are not required. Trustees can self- monitor the officer limits even if they are not in the by-laws. Director Offerman also referred to the attorney regarding the interview process for new appointed trustees. Our attorney informed her that you can request an application and interview potential candidates either separately or at the same time. This again does not need to be stated in the by-laws and Trustees can decide how the decision will be made. The attorney confirmed that our by-laws are currently accurate in regards to trustee absences.
g. Finance Committee – Chair Chesson and Trustee Petersen will meet with Director Offerman to discuss fiscal year 2019 budget.
h. Executive Session to Review Closed Session Minutes – Trustees did not convene for an executive session. Trustee McEvilly-Reed moved, seconded by Petersen to destroy the audio recordings from 6/11/14, 1/14/15, 3/11/15, 6/10/15 and 1/13/16. Ayes: Chesson, McEvilly-Reed, McSteen, Petersen and Swick. Absent: Doyle and Ferguson.
Adjournment: Trustee Swick moved, seconded by McEvilly-Reed to adjourn the meeting at 6:55 p.m. wishing everyone a Happy Pi Day, St. Patrick’s Day and Easter. Motion carried by a voice vote with 5 ayes.