Morris Community High School District 101 Board of Education met June 11.
Here is the agenda provided by the Board:
I. Call To Order
Roll Call
Pledge Of Allegiance To The Flag
II. Consent Agenda
A. Minutes
1. Regular and Closed Sessions
2. Destruction of Closed Meeting Audio Recordings
B. Financials
1. Financial Statements
2. Payment of Bills
3. Student Activity Account
C. Request(s) For Use of Facilities
D. Personnel
1. Employment
2. Assignments
3. Resignations
E. Dues
III. Grundy County Special Education Cooperative
A. Financial Statements – Bill Approval – Treasurer’s Report
B. Staff Recommendations and Resignations
C. Agreements
IV. District Report – Dr. Halloran
A. Legislative Update
B. Ceres Contract
C. School Safety Update
D. Dr. Waldron Introduction
V. Building Report
VI. Public Participation
VII. Discussion
VIII. Business
A. Adoption of FY18 Amended Budget
B. Donations
1. Jim and Carol Baum Fund Donation $2500
2. Friends of the Morris Tennis Association - Bench
C. Designation of Bank Depositories
1. Grundy Bank
2. Illinois Public Treasurer’s Investment Pool
3. Illinois Liquid Asset Fund
4. Community Foundation of Grundy County
D. Adoption of Prevailing Wage Rate Ordinance
E. Ceres Contract Renewal
F. Audit Engagement Letter
G. Adoption of Regular Board Meeting Schedule
H. Personnel Items
I. Other
IX. Executive Session (Appointment, Employment, Compensation, Discipline, Performance, or Dismissal of Specific Employees)
X. Action Resulting From Executive Session
XI. Discussion
XII. Adjournment