
Grundy Reporter

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Garfield Township Board met August 28.

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Garfield Township Board met Aug. 28.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

Call meeting to order

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll call of Board Members

1. Public Comment

Public Comment Guidelines:

Any person shall be permitted to address a meeting of The Township Board, which is required to be open to the public under the provision of the Michigan Open Meetings Act, as amended. (MCLA 15.261, et.seq.) Public Comment shall be carried out in accordance with the following Board Rules and Procedures: a.) any person wishing to address the Board is requested to state his or her name and address. b.) No person shall be allowed to speak more than once on the same matter, excluding time needed to answer Township Board Member’s questions. Where constrained by available time the Chairperson may limit the amount of time each person will be allowed to speak to (3) minutes. 1.) The Chairperson may at his or her own discretion, extend the amount of time any person is allowed to speak. 2.) Whenever a Group wishes to address a Committee, the Chairperson may require that the Group designate a spokesperson; the Chairperson shall control the amount of time the spokesperson shall be allowed to speak when constrained by available time.

2. Review and approval of the Agenda - Conflict of Interest

3. Consent Calendar

The purpose of the Consent calendar is to expedite business by grouping non-controversial items together to be dealt with in one Board motion without discussion. Any member of the Board, staff or the public may ask that any item on the Consent Calendar be removed there from and placed elsewhere on the Agenda for full discussion. Such requests will be automatically respected. If any item is not removed from the Consent Calendar, the action noted in parentheses on the Agenda is approved by a single Board action adopting the Consent Calendar.

a. Minutes – August 14, 2018 (Recommend Approval)

August 21, 2018 (Recommend Approval)

b. Bills -

General Fund $ 149,958.27

(Recommend Approval)


Developer’s Escrow Fund – Storm Water Reviews $ 3,065.00

Developer’s Escrow Fund – Utility Plan Review,

Oversight & Closeout 2,252.50

Utility Receiving Fund 76,060.50

Total $ 81,378.00

(Recommend Approval)

c. MTT Update (Receive and File)

d. Consideration of Contractor’s Application for Payment No. 2 to Elmer’s Crane and Dozer For NW Water System Improvements in the amount of $470,966.96

e. PD 2018-92 - Introduce and schedule Draft 2018 Master Plan for September 25, 2018

Public Hearing

4. Items Removed from the Consent Calendar

5. Correspondence

a. Email from Lizabeth Wojes regarding trees at Silver Lake Park

b. Email from Rebecca and Tom Childs regarding removal of trees a Silver Lake Park

6. Reports

a. Construction Report

b. GT Metro Fire Report

c. County Commissioner’s Report

d. Supervisor’s Report

7. Unfinished Business

8. New Business

a. Pat Parker - Grand Traverse Metro Fire Department Budget Assumptions/Issues and Consideration of Resolution 2018-31-T, the 2019 Budget resolution for the Grand Traverse Metro Emergency Services Authority - Introduction and schedule for public hearing on September 11, 2018

b. Consideration of Resolution 2018-29-T, a Resolution Opposing HB 6049 and SB 1025

c. Consideration of Resolution 2018-30-T, a Resolution Supporting HB 4986

d. Consideration of financing through the Lateral Charge process for a public water and sewer system on Eaglehurst Drive in Eaglehurst Estates

9. Public Comment

10. Other Business

11. Adjournment
