Charter Township of Highland Board met July 25.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance,
Roll Call;
Rick Hamill, Supervisor
Tami Flowers, Clerk
Judy Cooper, Treasurer
Mary Pat Chynoweth, Trustee - absent
Brian Howe, Trustee
Mary McDonell, Trustee
Joseph Salvia, Trustee
Also Present:
Beth Corwin - Planning Administrator
Visitors: 27
Approval of Agenda:
Supervisor Hamill requested item 8f) Budget Amendment for SEMOG Transportation Grant be added to the agenda.
Mrs. Cooper moved to approve the Agenda as amended. Mr. Salvia supported the motion. Discussion regarding the ability to add 8f as it was not on posted agenda for the special meeting. Mrs. Cooper moved to amend the original motion to approve the agenda as presented without the additional item. Mr. Howe supported and the motion carried with the following roll call vote: Hamill - yes, Cooper - yes, Flowers - yes, Howe - yes, McDonell -- yes, Salvia - yes. The amended motion carried with the following roll call vote: Hamill - yes, Cooper - yes, Flowers - yes, Howe - yes, McDonell - yes, Salvia - yes,
Consent Agenda Approval:
July 11, 2018 Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes Receive and File:
Financial Report - June 2018 Treasurer's Report - June 2018
Mrs. Cooper moved to approve the Consent Agenda as amended with correction to July 11, 2018 Board of Trustees Minutes. Mr. Howe supported and the motion carried with the following roll call vote: Hamill -- yes, Cooper - yes, Flowers - yes, Howe - yes, McDonell - yes, Salvia - yes.
Announcements and Information inquiry:
a) Primary Election Tuesday, August 7, 2018 b) Sounds like Summer Outdoor Music Series at Veterans Park Tuesdays 7:00 p.m. thru August 14th c) Public Comment -Mr. Howe announced former trustee Ray Polidori sends his regards. On a sad note the recent drowning in White Lake was former resident Todd Mara who was very active in our community.
New Business:
a) Public Hearing Use Requiring Special Approval for Bed and Breakfast Establishment at 1865 Harvey Lake Road Submitted by Applicant and Property Owner Lynne Johnson-Benaglio
The public hearing was opened at 6:41 p.m. after comments from the audience the hearing was closed at 7:05 p.m.
b) Consider Approval Use Requiring Special Approval for Bed and Breakfast Establishment at 1865 Harvey Lake Road submitted by applicant and property owner Lynne Johnson-Benaglio
Mrs. McDonell made a motion to postpone the decision on this item until the next regular Board of Trustees meeting. The motion died for lack of support.
Mr. Hamill moved to approve a motion in case URSA 18-04 to grant conditional special land use approval and approve the draft special use permit presented by the Planning Director for a Bed and Breakfast Establishment at 1865 Harvey Lake Road, with the Board hereby determining that the use will be in compliance with the standards in Section 6.03.H of the Zoning Ordinance, with this determination based on the July 19, 2018 summary of those standards by the Planning Director that are adopted by reference, and the approval conditions being complied with.
The conditions of this approval and the special use permit are those recommended by the Planning Commission on June 21, 2018 (11 conditions numbered 1-11 and an unnumbered 12° condition calling for a performance review after 18-24 months), except for or with the following changes or additions to those conditions:
The 12th condition recommended by the Planning Commission and the conditions numbered 2 and 7, are not conditions of this approval.
Condition No. 3 is modified to add a reference to MCL 125.1504b, which is the section of the State Construction Code Act on Bed and Breakfasts.
Condition No. 10 is modified to require that the written Guest Rules of Conduct include notice of the limited hours of outdoor activity under condition No. 5, and that copies of the written Guest Rules of Conduct be filed with the Township Planning Director and Zoning Administrator.
The following conditions are added:
a. This approval shall not be effective until the property has been inspected-by the Township and confirmed to be in compliance with the requirements of MCL 125.1504b, with the property to thereafter be maintained in compliance with those requirements at all times.
b. This approval shall not be effective until a Certificate of Occupancy for a Bed and Breakfast use of the building has been issued by the Township Building Official.
Mr. Salvia supported and the motion carried with the following roll call vote: Hamill - yes, Cooper -- yes, Flowers -yes, Howe - yes, McDonell - no, Salvia -yes.
c) New Hire for Transportation Department
Mr. Hamill moved to approve the hiring of Stacia Zukowski as a Part-Time Driver for the Transportation Program to start employment Thursday, July 26, 2018 at a rate of pay of $12.00 per hour not to exceed 29 hours per week. Mrs. Cooper supported and the motion carried with the following roll call vote: Hamil) -- yes, Cooper - yes, Flowers - yes, Howe - yes, McDonell - yes, Salvia -- yes.
d) New Hire Part-Time Floater Positions and Budget Amendment
Mrs. Cooper moved to approve the hiring of Sarah Shapiro as a Part-Time Floater to start employment on August 6, 2018 at a rate of $14.50 per hour, not to exceed 29 hours per week. Mr. Howe supported and the motion carried with the following roll call vote: Hamill - yes, Cooper - yes, Flowers-yes, Howe - yes, McDonell - yes, Salvia - yes.
Mrs. Cooper moved to approve the hiring of Laura Hearn as a Part-Time Floater to start employment on or after August 6, 2018 at a rate of $14.50 per hour, not to exceed 29 hours per week. Mr. Salvia supported and the motion carried with the following roll call vote: Hamill - yes, Cooper - yes, Flowers - yes, Howe - yes, McDonell-yes, Salvia - yes.
Mr. Hamill moved to approve the budget amendment to transfer $6,000 from the Maintenance-Work Crew to Department Floater Wage. Mrs. Cooper supported and the motion carried with the following roll call vote: Hamill - yes, Cooper - yes, Flowers - yes, Howe -yes, McDonell - yes, Salvia -- yes.
e) Approval and Authorization for Supervisor to Sign SEMCOG Transportation Grant Agreement
Mr. Hamill moved to approve the Pass Through Agreement with SEMCOG for the Planning for Community Transportation Grant as presented and authorize the Supervisor to sign the Agreement subject to the following conditions:
1. Changes to the Agreement requested by the Township Attorney being made by SEMCOG.
2. Plante Moran reviewing and advising the Township that the audit requirements in the Agreement can be complied with as part of the Township's annual audit.
3. Confirmation that the vendor on the software does not object to the conditions that will be required to be included in the contract or purchase order for the software.
Mrs. Cooper supported and the motion carried with the following roll call vote: Hamill - yes, Cooper - yes, Flowers - yes, Howe - yes, McDonell - yes, Salvia - yes.
Closed Session
a) Possible Closed Session to Discuss Confidential Township Attorney Opinion Letter on Tax Foreclosed Properties.
Mr. Hamill moved to go into closed session at 8:45 p.m. to discuss confidential township attorney letter on tax foreclosed properties. Mr. Howe supported and the motion carried with the following roll call vote: Hamill - yes, Cooper - yes, Flowers - yes, Howe - yes, McDonell -- yes, Salvia - yes. The closed session ended at 9:26 p.m.
List of bills 7-25-18 - Mrs. Cooper moved to approve the list of bills for 07-25-18 plus add-ons. Mr. Howe supported and the motion carried with the following roll call vote: Hamill - yes, Cooper - yes, Flowers - yes, Howe - yes, McDonell - yes, Salvia-yes.
Public Comment
There were no public comments.
Supervisor Hamill adjourned the meeting at 9:27 p.m.