City of Highland City Council met Aug. 20.
Here is the minutes provided by the Council
Mayor Michaelis called the Regular Session to order at 7:00pm. Council members Schwarz, Frey, Bellm and Nicolaides were present. Others in attendance were City Manager Mark Latham, City Attorney Michael McGinley, Directors Cook, Imming, Korte and Slover; Police Chief Remelius, EMS Chief Wilson, Fire Chief Bloemker, Coordinator Hubbard, Building & Zoning Scott Hansen and Intern Breann Speranol, Treasurer Foehner, Library Director Kim, Deputy City Clerk Hediger, City Clerk Bellm, 21 citizens, and one member of the news media.
Councilman Schwarz made a motion to approve the minutes of the August 6, 2018 Regular Session as attached; seconded by Councilwoman Bellm. Roll Call Vote: Schwarz, Frey, Bellm and Nicolaides voted aye, none nay. Motion carried.
Citizens’ Requests and Comments:
2018 Homecoming Parade Street Closure Request – Monica Rensing, parent of football player at
HHS. Kim Etter and I are the coordinators for the HHS Homecoming Parade. She made a formal request to for permission for this year’s HHS Homecoming Parade to be held on September 26, 2018, beginning at 6:00pm. There will not be a rain date, due to the other activities schedules that week for homecoming week. The route will be the same as last year, with lineup around the Lindenthal Campus traveling west on Lindenthal; turn right and proceed north on Washington Street and ending on Main Street at the City Square. We will have approximately 32 parents to assist in the event. After the parade, we would hold a pep rally on the Square at the gazebo. Parade volunteers will assist with cleanup of the Square after the rally. Line up for the parade will begin at 5:00pm and start the parade at 6:00pm, to get ahead of sunset and the darkness. We are requesting permission to hold the parade and for use the Downtown Square and facilities to hold a pep rally immediately following the parade. This should last no later than 10:00pm. Councilman Schwarz made a motion to approve the request to hold the Highland High School Homecoming Parade and use of the Downtown Square facilities, on September 26, 2018, as request; seconded by Councilwoman Bellm. Councilwoman Bellm asked if the Class of 1968 is still invited at the parade. Mrs. Rensing replied yes, everyone is. Roll Call Vote: Schwarz, Frey, Bellm, and Nicolaides voted aye, none nay. Motion carried.
Sam’s Pizza Fundraiser Alley Closure Request – Jared Klaus, representing Sam’s Pizza requested permission for closure of the alley behind 1017 Broadway, the between Broadway and Main, from Pine Street to the alley that intersects the block to the west of Broadway Bar & Grill. The fundraiser is Saturday, September 1, 2018 for Nicole Fuehne to help her and her family with expenses incurred while she is fighting breast cancer. Nicole has a few small children and we would like to help her and her family. Councilman Schwarz made a motion to approve the closure of the alley behind Sam’s Pizza on Saturday, September 1, 2018 as requested; seconded by Councilwoman Bellm. Mayor Michaelis commended the business for doing this fundraiser. Roll Call Vote: Schwarz, Frey, Bellm and Nicolaides voted aye, none nay. Motion carried.
Mayor Michaelis invited anyone else who wish to speak to come forward. He stated if you are here to discuss something specific to the agenda tonight, now is the time to speak.
Requests of Council:
No requests or comments made.
Staff Reports:
City Manager Latham acknowledged the outstanding effort by the local police, EMS, dispatchers,
and firefighters with Terry Bell’s funeral, this past weekend. It was amazing to see how many people were there in uniform and the public that turned out.
City Manager Latham reported two structures were taken down on Deal Street and one on Oak Street, this past week. Councilwoman Bellm questioned if the trees are still there. City Manager Latham replied yes.
Mayor Michaelis added what a respectful event that was for Chief Bell on Friday and Saturday. There were numerous people that worked very hard to put it all together, including Sergeant Scott Athmer and Damien Fenney, who coordinated with the various police and fire departments in the area.
Approve Mayor’s Reappointment of Deanna Harlan to the Combined Planning & Zoning Board – Councilwoman Bellm made a motion to approve the mayor’s reappointment of Deanna Harlan to the Combined Planning & Zoning Board for an additional five-year term, to expire August 31, 2023 as attached; seconded by Councilman Schwarz. Roll Call Vote: Schwarz, Frey, Bellm, and Nicolaides voted aye, none nay. Motion carried.
Bill #18-106/ORDINANCE Annexing Property Located on the North Side of State Route 143, Approximately 100 Feet West of Valentine Lane, Owned by Frey Properties of Highland, LLC, Having PIN# 02-1-18-29-13-301-001 – Councilman Schwarz made a motion to approve Bill #18-106/Ordinance #2871 annexing property located on the north side of State Route 143, approximately 100-feet west of Valentine Lane, owned by Frey Properties of Highland, LLC, having PIN# 02-1-18-29-13-301-001 as attached; seconded by Councilwoman Bellm. Councilwoman Bellm expressed a thank you for coming tonight, for those that have some concerns regarding this development. I also have some concerns. This item, along with items B, C, D, E & F on the agenda, I am going to address them all now. The property is not in the city limits. It is controlled by the county, as it is right now; there is very little that we can do. We have no legal or safety control. Madison County could make it commercial property. With regards to that, I was thinking, “What else could go out there?” Ideally, single-family homes. I have been told that is very unlikely. The city is doing as much as we can to encourage single-family housing, but because of location and how it is laid out there is slim to no chance that it would become that. It could remain agricultural, but it is too valuable for that, with its location. There could be other apartments built in there, with any number of people and any ages. With it being in the county, we would not have a way to resolve legal, safety, or drainage issues. We would rely on the county to handle that. It could be a commercial strip center or a small industrial center with more noise and traffic, and little the city could control. If annexed in, the city has some control over what happens in there. We can enforce speeding in that area. We have to stop before or after that area, right now. (City Manager Latham) Mark gave me something tonight from IDOT. They are going to double sign the 45mph speed limit zone and add a warning. Do I pay attention to that? Not necessarily. However, IDOT points out that the city can then enforce the speed limits. If annexed in we can monitor the drainage. If it is in the city limits, we can hold the developer responsible. Should there not be enough parking, the ordinance stipulates we can ask for more parking. With this development, we know exactly what we are getting. One-story, minimal number of people. It has to be senior living for at least thirty years. The developer has to commit to additional parking without impacting detention or runoff. I am going to ask to consider what else might be there, that might be less desirable than this complex. Councilwoman Bellm stated I cannot talk about property values. If I was living out there, I would like to know exactly what we are getting than possibly a commercial auto repair, with cars piled up or a strip commercial center. Those would negatively affect property values more than this.
Councilman Frey stated I wrote down a few things regarding issues brought up at the Planning & Zoning meeting. There were concerns about the city forcing Holiday Manor into the city limits. Councilman Frey assured everyone that the City has no interest in annexing that subdivision in. I spoke with some realtors, they stated they felt this keeps your values safe compared to other options. With regards to water runoff, all that is required is one retention/detention pond. This group is willing to put in two. Rather than an open field, this will be grass, so the water flow will be controlled. If annexed in, the city has more control to handle what exist now. The speed limits and traffic cannot get any worse. Roll Call Vote: Schwarz, Frey, Bellm, and Nicolaides voted aye, none nay. Motion carried.
Bill #18-107/ORDINANCE Rezoning Property Located on the North Side of State Route 143, Approximately 100 Feet West of Valentine Lane from R-1-C “Single Family Residential” to R-3 “Multiple Family Residential” – Councilwoman Bellm made a motion to approve Bill #18-107/Ordinance #2872 rezoning property located on the north side of State Route 143, approximately 100-feet west of Valentine Lane from R-1-C “Single Family Residential” to R-3 “Multiple Family Residential” as attached; seconded by Councilman Schwarz. Roll Call Vote: Schwarz, Frey, Bellm, and Nicolaides voted aye, none nay. Motion carried.
Bill #18-108/RESOLUTION Approving the Site Development Plan for Special Use Permit Issued to Southwest Illinois Development Authority, on Behalf of Frey Properties of Highland, LLC, for Planned Unit Development at State Route 143, Having PPN 02-1-18-29-13-301-001 - Councilman Schwarz made a motion to approve Bill #18-108/Resolution #18-08-2553 approving the site development plan for special use permit issued to Southwest Illinois Development Authority, on behalf of Frey Properties of Highland, LLC, for Planned Unit Development at State Route 143, having PPN 02-1-18-29- 13-301-001 as attached; seconded by Councilwoman Bellm. Roll Call Vote: Schwarz, Frey, Bellm, and Nicolaides voted aye, none nay. Motion carried.
Bill #18-109/RESOLUTION Making Separate Statement of findings of Fact in Connection with Ordinance Granting Special Use Permit to Southwest Illinois Development Authority on Behalf of Frey Properties of Highland, LLC for Planned Unit Development at State Route 143, Specifically: PPN 02-1- 18-29-13-301-001 – Councilwoman Bellm made a motion to approve Bill #18-109/Resolution #18-08- 2554 making Separate Statement of findings of Fact in connection with ordinance granting Special Use Permit to Southwest Illinois Development Authority on behalf of Frey Properties of Highland, LLC for Planned Unit Development at State Route 143, Specifically: PPN 02-1-18-29-13-301-001 as attached; seconded by Councilman Schwarz. Roll Call Vote: Schwarz, Frey, Bellm, and Nicolaides voted aye, none nay. Motion carried.
Bill #18-110/ORDINANCE Granting Special Use Permit to Southwest Illinois Development Authority on Behalf of Frey Properties of Highland, LLC for Planned Unit Development at State Route
143, Specifically: PPN 02-1-18-29-13-301-001 – Councilman Schwarz made a motion to approve Bill #18-110/Ordinance #2873 granting Special Use Permit to Southwest Illinois Development Authority on behalf of Frey Properties of Highland, LLC for Planned Unit Development at State Route 143, specifically: PPN 02-1-18-29-13-301-001 as attached; seconded by Councilwoman Bellm. Roll Call Vote: Schwarz, Frey, Bellm, and Nicolaides voted aye, none nay. Motion carried.
Bill #18-111/ORDINANCE Increasing Sewer Rates – Councilwoman Bellm made a motion to approve Bill #18-111/Ordinance #2874 increasing sewer rates as attached; seconded by Councilman Schwarz. Roll Call Vote: Schwarz, Frey, Bellm, and Nicolaides voted aye, none nay. Motion carried.
Bill #18-112/RESOLUTION Determining Financial Institution for Financing Water Main Improvements – Councilman Schwarz made a motion to approve Bill #18-112/Resolution #18-08-2555 determining financial institution for financing water main improvements as attached; seconded by Councilwoman Bellm. Roll Call Vote: Schwarz, Frey, Bellm, and Nicolaides voted aye, none nay. Motion carried.
Bill #18-113/RESOLUTION Approving Affiliation Agreement for City d/b/a Highland Communication Services, Between Vivicast Media, LLC and Smithsonian Network Television Service – Councilwoman Bellm made a motion to approve Bill #18-113/Resolution #18-08-2556 approving Affiliation Agreement for City d/b/a Highland Communication Services, between Vivicast Media, LLC and Smithsonian Network Television Service as attached; seconded by Councilman Schwarz. Roll Call Vote: Schwarz, Frey, Bellm, and Nicolaides voted aye, none nay. Motion carried.
Bill #18-114/ORDINANCE Declaring Personal Property of the City Surplus and Authorizing Its disposal, Including HCS Equipment, Broken and Out of Warranty – Councilman Schwarz made a motion to approve Bill #18-114/Ordinance #2875 declaring personal property of the City surplus and authorizing its disposal, including HCS Equipment, broken and out of warranty as attached; seconded by Councilwoman Bellm. Roll Call Vote: Schwarz, Frey, Bellm, and Nicolaides voted aye, none nay. Motion carried.
Award Bid for 2018 MFT Maintenance Materials (Section 18-00000-00-GM) – Councilwoman Bellm made a motion to award Bid for 2018 MFT Maintenance Materials (Section 18-00000-00-GM) as follows: Beelman Logistics, LLC for C-6 Aggregate, in the amount of $9,768.00; Beelman Logistics, LLC for C-7 Aggregate, $4,836.00; Beelman Logistics, LLC for Grit (CM-13 Slag), $254.00; Beelman Logistics, Seal Coat Aggregate Furnish and Deliver, $31,080.00; Mike A. Maedge Trucking Inc., MC- 800 Prime, Furnish and Applied, $13,618.50; JTC Petroleum Company., HFRS-2 Emulsion, Furnish and Applied, $34,123.44; and, to DeLaurent Construction Co. Inc., Seal Coat Aggregate, Haul and Spread, $22,750.00, as attached; seconded by Councilman Schwarz. Roll Call Vote: Schwarz, Frey, Bellm, and Nicolaides voted aye, none nay. Motion carried.
Approve Warrant #1103 – Councilman Schwarz made a motion to approve Warrants #1103 as attached; seconded Councilwoman Bellm. Roll Call Vote: Schwarz, Frey and Bellm voted aye, none nay. Councilman Nicolaides abstained. Motion carried.
Councilwoman Bellm made a motion to temporarily adjourn this regular session to enter into executive session under the Illinois Open Meetings Act under 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(21) to discuss approval of executive session minutes and 2(c)(3) to discuss purchase of real property. Motion seconded by Councilman Schwarz. Roll Call Vote: Schwarz, Frey, Bellm and Nicolaides voted aye, none nay. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:34pm.
Mayor Michaelis reconvened the Regular Session at 8:29pm. Roll Call Vote: Councilmembers Nicolaides, Bellm, Frey and Schwarz were present. Others in attendance were City Manager Latham, City Attorney McGinley, Deputy City Clerk Hediger and City Clerk Bellm.
Councilwoman Bellm made a motion to adjourn; seconded by Councilman Schwarz. All council members voted aye, none nay. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 8:29pm.