Coal City Village Board Met March 10.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
The budget meeting of the Coal City Village Board was called to order at 6 p.m. in the boardroom of the Village Hall. In attendance were Trustees Dave Togliatti, Ross Bradley, Dan Greggain, Dave Spesia, Sarah Beach and Mayor Terry Halliday, Matt Fritz, village administrator, intern Tom Phetmeuangmay, Kyle Watson, deputy building inspector, Darrell Olson, maintenance supervisor, Tyler Valiente and John Huddleston from the water and sewer department.
Kyle Watson stated:
. There were more inspections in 2020 . Less code violations
• Same amount of P-tickets
Projects & Details:
• Loss of Richard "Bob" Malone . Annual Lease increase for 55 Maple Street Projections:
• More inspections in 2021 due to the long rainy season in 2020 which inhibited construction
Tyler Valiente announced:
• Performance Indicators
1. Overtime hours dropped when comp time was implemented
2. Double-time hours were acquired from the Feb. 14th freeze at the water plant
3. Sludge was transferred to the landfill instead of farmer's fields
• Projects completed
1. Hubber repairs and clogs
2. Prairie Oaks repair to the tank at water plant
3. Water leak outside of sewer plant
• Water & Sewer expenses
1. Water tower cleaning and painting
2. Liability insurance renewal
3. Water meter replacement purchase completed
4. Valve exerciser purchase in FY22
5. Water treatment plant expansion savings trimmed Proposed Budget presented Interfund transfer
1. Overtime budget
2. Salaries
3. Hiring of additional personnel
Darrell Olson described:
• Performance Indicators
1. Challenges with COVID pandemic/infected & exposed workers
2. Overtime hours are up
3. Double-time hours are due to snow plowing & salting
4. Increase in watermain cracks
5. Water service lines replaced-removal of lead lines
6. Fire hydrants repaired/replaced
7. Sidewalks new/replaced increased
8. Tree removal with more to be removed; Dan Hartsfield offered to grind stumps on his own time with the use of the Village's grinder
Projects completed
1. Storm projects-405 E. Division Street, 640 S. Illinois Street, 80 W. Willow, 375 W. Oak Street, 60 W. First Street, 445 S, Broadway, 160 S. Broadway
2. Police Department building maintenance
3. Park maintenance
4. Items completed by contractors
• Upcoming Projects in FY22
1. New watermain @Mazon St. & Maple St.; S. Broadway & E. Elm
2. Replace 6 valves in Village
3. 10 in. valve at Village Hall
4. Lead line replacement at Housing Rehab homes
• Budget
1. Shop lighting replaced
2. Heavy duty shelves installed
3. Broadway Planter beautification-on going
4. Interfund Transfer/01-41-999
a. Vactor-last payment May, 2022
b. Dump truck-payment 2 of 2; disposal of old truck
c. Track loader purchase
• Finalizing Hope Helps Playground/Washrooms
• Farmers Market-6th year in 2021-continues with the support of the Park Board Pavilion in Meadow Estates Subdivision
• $7,000 for park cameras at Hope Helps Park
Mr. Fritz suggested that the Village complete final payments for certain properties acquired by the Village. He recommended 160 S. Broadway and 445 S. Broadway. The final payment for 610 S. Broadway will occur in FY24. The Board suggested that the 55 W. Maple be negotiated and finalized in FY22 instead of 445 S. Broadway and 160 S. Broadway because those two properties are already financed wherein 55 W. Maple is a leased property. The 160 W. Walnut property was acquired when the Village demolished the abandoned property following the tornado. Habitat for Humanity may be interested in purchasing the property for a home. The 95 E. Oak Street property which was acquired when the home was abandoned and the Village declared it unsafe, demolished the property and placed a lien on the vacant property. Selling it on the open market is suggested.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:57 p.m.