
Grundy Reporter

Thursday, January 9, 2025

City of Vienna City Council met May 3

City of Vienna City Council met May 3.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The City Council of the City of Vienna met in regular session, Wednesday, May 3, 2023 at Vienna City Hall with the following members and guest:

ELECTED/APPOINTED OFFICIALS PRESENT: Steve Penrod, Mayor Angela Moore, Alderman Richard Owen, Alderman Alan Racey, Alderman Ron Pitts, Alderman Austin Tuey, Alderman Melissa Hill, Alderman Tim Elliot, Alderman Aleatha Wright, Clerk Shane Racey, Supt. Jim Miller, Police Chief


Nathan Graves Larry Moore

There being a quorum, Mayor Penrod called the meeting of the Vienna City Council to order at 6:30 p.m.


Alderman Owen made a motion to Authorize and Approve the Omnibus Consent Agenda consisting of the April 19, 2023 council meeting minutes, the Warrant ($34,232.19). Alderman Hill seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried.

Newly and re-elected officials were sworn in by Mayor Penrod for term 2023-2027. Melissa Hill- Ward 1, Tim Elliot-Ward 2, Angela Moore-Ward 3.

Alderman Hill made a motion to Authorize and Approve Resolution 23-04, A Resolution to construct, occupy, and maintain a 4-inch Force Main Sewer, an 8-inch Gravity Sewer Main and three manholes along and under IL 146 for Project 78524 water main and services along and under IL 146 for Project 78524. Alderman Tuey seconded the motion. All in favor motion carried.

Alderman Moore made a motion to Authorize and Approve Resolution 23-05, A Resolution to construct, occupy, and maintain an 8-inch water main and services along and under IL 146 for Project 78524. Alderman Pitts seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried.

Alderman Racey made a motion to Authorize and Approve an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority and the City of Vienna. Alderman Pitts seconded the motion. All in favor, motion caried.

Alderman Pitts made a motion to Authorize and Approve the purchase of four-Dodge Charger Police Sedans from the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority. Cost excludes tax/title/license- $21,200.00 (General Funds). Alderman Tuey seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried. Police Chief Miller noted that Vienna High School would reimburse the city for three of the vehicles. The vehicles would be used for the school resource officer program.

Alderman Hill made a motion to Authorize and Approve (General Funds) for installation of radio equipment on a dodge charger police sedan, Novacom- $2,197.98 and V-con Full Feature Siren- Galls-$445.07. Alderman Racey seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried.

Alderman Moore made a motion to Authorize and Approve an amendment to a motion made 09- 07-22, agenda item #10. The amendment will exclude the water portion costs, estimated at $600,00.00, from the previous motion made for the funding of the 146 East widening project. The water portion of the project will now be funded by the city's general fund and reimbursed by rural development grant funds. Alderman Tuey seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried.

Alderman Tuey made a motion to Authorize and Approve to fund 1⁄2 of the additional playground surfacing needed at the Brayden King Memorial playground site ($1,250,00). Alderman Moore seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried. Council was in consent to pay the full invoice of $2,500.00 and be reimbursed half by the Brayden King Memorial fund.


Nathan Graves was present with Progress Church to request permission to hand out bottled water during the evening of the city fireworks event. Council gave consent.


Clerk Wright mentioned that Arrowleaf was holding a free community wide event in the city park Thursday, June 1st from 5-8 p.m.

Jim Miller, Police Chief updated council on properties with high grass/weeds.

Alderman Tuey presented a completed a Fourth of July flyer and would be distributing it to businesses for firework display donations.

Alderman Hill discussed repairs needed at the old bathrooms in the city park with council. Council discussed obtaining a quote on epoxy coating for flooring.

Alderman Moore gave a fall fest update including ideas for a parade theme and grand marshal. Moore also discussed adding handicapped playground equipment/swing in the city park.

Mayor Penrod said Southern Five would assist local hotels/restaurants applying for the Back to Business Grant program that were impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Penrod updated council on a seminar at John A. Logan regarding ITEP grant applications. Penrod also gave updates on other grant information including a residential demolition grant opportunity through the Illinois Housing Development Authority. Council discussed and agreed the city should contact Southern Five to apply.

Penrod said Revive Vienna Committee would be taking on events for the 2024 Solar Eclipse.

As there was no further business to discuss, Alderman Tuey made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Alderman Hill. Mayor Penrod adjourned the meeting at 7:53 p.m.
