
Grundy Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Minooka Community High School District 111 Board of Education met Oct. 18

Webp 14

Timothy Juskiewicz, Board Secretary | Minooka Community High School District 111 Website

Timothy Juskiewicz, Board Secretary | Minooka Community High School District 111 Website

Minooka Community High School District 111 Board of Education met Oct. 18.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


The regular meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Mike Brozovich. The meeting was held at Minooka Community High School-Central Campus in the Library. A physical quorum was present with the following board members answering roll call:

                                        YES      NO

• Mike Brozovich               X

• Laura Hrechko                            X

• Tim Juskiewicz               X

• Mike Hoyt                                   X

• Jim Grzetich                   X

• Matt Shepard                 X

• Terry Spivey                               X

Additionally, present were:

• Dr. Rob Schiffbauer       X

• John Troy                      X

• Dr. Phillip Pakowski       X

• Kristi Boe                       X (arrived at 6:46 p.m.)

• Aubrey Knight                X

• Jamie Soliman              X

• Michele Williamson       X

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Board members honored MCHS Senior Noelle Klima who was named as a Semifinalist in the 2024 National Merit Scholarship Program.


There were no public comments heard.


Administrative reports were provided in the board packet for review.

Dr. Schiffbauer spoke on the ABC 7 Flyover experience and what a great job was done by Aubrey Knight who organized staff and students for the early September 29th morning. He added that The Facilities Staff Committee met on October 18th with a great turn out. Lastly it is being recommended to cancel the November 15th board meeting and change the November 8th Committee of the Whole Meeting to a Special Meeting due to the School Board Conference that week. There were no questions or concerns raised from board members.


MOTION: by Grzetich, seconded by Shepard, to approve the consent agenda as presented:

A. Open Session Minutes

1. September 13, 2023 – Committee Meeting

2. September 20, 2023 – Budget Hearing

3. September 20, 2023 – Regular Board Meeting

B. Financial Reports

1. Monthly Financial Reports

2. Payment of Bills/Total

3. Employee Payroll

4. Imprest Fund Report/Total

5. Activity Fund Report

6. Treasurer’s Report (Cash/YTD – Exp/Rev)

Voting Aye: Juskiewicz, Grzetich, Shepard, and Brozovich. Motion carried. Time: 6:04 p.m.


There was no Committee of the Whole meeting held in October.

Building and Grounds – Pre-construction and Construction Meeting Minutes for Office Building Remodel were provided in the board packet for review. Mr. Troy reported that the Board has previously approved $150,000 in allowance. He added that as change orders come up, board members will receive notice of the change order and an Administration recommendation and if there are no objections from the Board the administration will proceed with the change order and a formal approval will be at the following board meeting. In the case the change order reaches the $150,000, there will be a request to grant additional authority to proceed with the project. The engineer provided the Population Equivalents calculations for water and sewage provided to the Village of Minooka and was provided in the packet for review. Mr. Troy reported that the Village of Minooka passed an ordinance and stated that they do not have the authority to waive the tap on fees for any municipality or governmental bodies. The architect submitted a maximum amount of use in the building and does not reflect actual use. The tap on fees totaled $57,800 dollars. Mr. Troy stated he has requested that the Architect and Engineer to come up with a more reasonable population equivalent for that building and Mr. Troy predicts that the fee amount should be significantly less. This will be discussed at the Village of Minooka Committee of the Whole and Mr. Troy will provide any updates.

A Curricular Committee meeting was held on October 12th, Mr. Grzetich provided an update noting that along with the updates to the Curricular guide the only significant change was to propose a grade level change for Biology freshman year with the rationale to have solid Algebra skills prior to taking Chemistry. In addition, Anatomy and Physiology will be offered with a total cost of $2,000. The Curricular Guide was presented and a first reading is on the agenda for the regular board meeting. Dr. Schiffbauer added that GAVC may be add a Manufacturing class in the future based on the demand in Grundy County in particular.

GAVC meeting was held on September 26, 2023.

GCSEC – Dr. Schiffbauer stated that GCSEC met on October 18th and reported that a teacher recently resigned and the continued shortage of paraprofessionals.


Educational Foundation Update:

The Educational Foundation update was included in the board packet for review. Dr. Schiffbauer stated that a meeting was held October 17h and discussed was the planning of the December 1st Ugly Christmas Sweater fundraiser. On October 6th, Staff Appreciation Day was held and the Education Foundation sponsored dinner by Taco Burrito King.

Policy Review:

The October Policy Review was provided in the board packet for review. As a review Dr. Schiffbauer went over the following policies:

• 3:70 Succession of Authority

• 4:80 Audit

• 5:170 Copyright

There were no questions or concerns.

Policy 6:10 revision was provided in the board packet for review. There were no objections or questions for a second reading and adoption at the regular board meeting.

Succession Plan:

The Succession Plan was provided in the board packet for review. There were no questions or concerns from board members.

Narcan – Update 7:270:

Dr. Schiffbauer suggested to see if there is an update in the upcoming Press Plus Policy. If there is not then a recommendation for administering Narcan will be presented for consideration.

Board and Superintendent Appointees:

A list of the Board and Superintendent appointees was provided in the board packet for review. There were no questions or concerns to renew the appointees and it is anticipated for approval at the regular board meeting.

FY24 Curriculum Proposal – First Reading:

The 2024-2025 Curriculum Guide was provided in the board packet for review. There were no questions or concerns and a second reading and adoption is anticipated for the November Meeting.

Medical Office Building Resolution:

The Resolution to amend intended use of the 201 S. Property was provided in the board packet for review. Mr. Troy stated that the Resolution that was approved in 2021 and stated that the building was not intended to be used for instructional purposes. The Resolution has been updated to include instructional purposes/classrooms and it is anticipated for approval at the end of the regular board meeting. There were no questions or concerns.

MOU with DLA:

The Memorandum of Understanding with DLA was provided in the board packet for review. This will be for the master facility plan and will be compensated on a time and material basis not to exceed $35,000 without prior District approval. There were no concerns and it is anticipated for approval at the end of the regular board meeting.

Village of Minooka Downtown TIF District:

Dr. Schiffbauer updated board members on the progression of the downtown TIF. He previously shared a map of the TIF area with board members. Dr. Schiffbauer attended the review board meeting last week to go over the TIF and the intended purposes. Dr. Schiffbauer stated that the impact on MCHS is rather minimal but also added that part of the campus is included in the TIF such as the pond area and the northwest side of the campus is included up to the railroad tracks. He will keep board members updated as progression occurs.

Out of State Travel for Girls Wrestling:

The out of state overnight request for girls wrestling was provided in the board packet for review. This National Duals invitational is located in Lacrosse, Wisconsin. There were no questions or concerns for the team to attend and it is anticipated for approval at the end of the regular board meeting.

Overnight Travel for Girls Tennis:

The overnight request for Girls Tennis was provided in the board packet for review. Ashlyn Reade qualified and will compete at the IHSA State Tennis Tournament. There were no questions or concerns and it is anticipated for approval at the end of the regular meeting.


Approval and Adoption of Policy 6:10 Revisions as presented:

MOTION: by Juskiewicz, seconded by Shepard to approve and adopt Policy 6:10 revisions as presented. Voting Aye: Grzetich, Shepard, Juskiewicz, and Brozovich. Motion carried. Time: 6:23 p.m.

Approval of Board Appointees as presented:

MOTION: by Grzetich, seconded by Shepard to approve Board Appointees as presented:

Hearing no objections. Motion was approved. Time: 6:23 p.m.

Approval of the Resolution to Amend Intended use of the 201 S. Wabena Property as presented:

MOTION: by Juskiewicz, seconded by Grzetich to approve the Resolution to Amend Intended use of 201 S. Wabena Property as presented.

Hearing no objections. Motion was approved. Time: 6:23 p.m.

Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding with DLA as presented:

MOTION: by Shepard, seconded by Grzetich, to approve the Memorandum of Understanding with DLA as presented Voting Aye: Juskiewicz, Grzetich, Shepard, and Brozovich. Motion carried. Time: 6:24 p.m.

Approval of the Girls Wrestling Out of State Travel as presented.

MOTION: by Spivey, seconded by Juskiewicz to approve the Girls Wrestling Out of State Travel as presented. Hearing no objections. Motion was approved. Time: 6:24 p.m.

Approval to Amend the Motion of the Girls Tennis Out of State Travel to an “Overnight Request” as presented

MOTION: by Grzetich, seconded by Shepard to amend and approve the Girls Tennis Out of State Travel to an “Overnight Request” as presented.

Hearing no objections. Motion carried. Time: 6:25 p.m.


MOTION: by Grzetich, seconded by Shepard to adjourn the meeting to executive session for the purpose of discussing matters related to minutes, the appointment, compensation, discipline, dismissal, employment and performance of specific employees of the district and individual student discipline, collective bargaining and litigation. Voting Aye: Shepard, Juskiewicz, Grzetich, and Brozovich. Motion carried. Time: 6:26 p.m. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION

MOTION: by Shepard, seconded by Grzetich to return to open session.

Hearing no objections. Motion was approved. Time: 6:47 p.m.


Closed Session Minutes

MOTION: by Juskiewicz, seconded by Shepard, to approve the closed session minutes as presented: • September 13, 2023 Executive Committee Meeting

• September 20, 2023 Executive Regular Meeting

Hearing no objections, the motion was approved. Time: 6:49 p.m.



MOTION: by Grzetich, seconded by Shepard, to accept the following resignation(s) as presented:

Brittaney Freeman – Administrative Assistant to the Transportation Director – eff. 10/13/2023 Kyle Adelmann – Pit Orchestra Sponsor – eff. 10/6/2023

Hearing no objections, the motion was approved. Time: 6:50 p.m.


MOTION: by Grzetich, seconded by Shepard, to accept the following resignation(s) as presented:

Frank Lazzaro – Custodian – from approximately 10/9/2023 – 12/29/ 2023 (Days TBD) under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

Hearing no objections, the motion was approved. Time: 6:50 p.m.


MOTION: by Grzetich, seconded by Shepard, to approve the employment of the following certified staff member(s) for the 2023/2024 school year as presented, pending proper paperwork and background check deemed favorable by the MCHS #111 Administration:

Jenna Temple – First -year Probationary Teacher – CTE – MA/Step 1

Voting Aye: Juskiewicz, Grzetich, Shepard, and Brozovich. Motion carried 6:51 p.m.

MOTION: by Grzetich, seconded by Shepard, to approve the employment of the following support staff member(s) as presented, pending proper paperwork and background check deemed favorable by the MCHS #111 Administration:

Aimee Skoglunnd – Nurse - $26.50/hr.

Aaron Thompson – Campus Monitor - $19.73/hr.

Voting Aye: Juskiewicz, Grzetich, Shepard, and Brozovich. Motion carried. Time: 6:51 p.m.

MOTION: by Grzetich, seconded by Shepard, to approve the following extracurricular employment/volunteers for the 2023/2024 school year as presented, pending proper paperwork and background check deemed favorable by the MCHS #111 Administration:

JoDee Kovanda - Volleyball (Boys) Assistant Coach - Step 1

Kristina Brown - Connections Crew - Co-Sponsor - Step 4

Katie Cassidy - Connections Crew - Co-Sponsor - Step 2

Arielle Zemaitis - Flags-Marching - Sponsor - Step 5

Bethany Bachmann - Track (Girls) - Assistant Coach - Step 2 (Increase to full stipend)

Richard Longest - Football - Volunteer

Tracy Konrath - Band - Volunteer

Anthony Siebert - Band - Volunteer

David Power - Basketball (Girls) - Volunteer

Jason Hill - Band - Volunteer

Jennifer Regalado - Band - Volunteer

Dawn Rogowski - Band - Volunteer

Justin Rogowski - Band - Volunteer

Liset Sanchez - MCHS Band Boosters - Volunteer

Kelly Harrison - Band - Volunteer

Voting Aye: Juskiewicz, Grzetich, Shepard, and Brozovich. Motion carried. Time: 6:52 p.m.

MOTION: by Juskiewicz, seconded by Grzetich, to approve the Memorandum of Understanding for Tuition Reimbursement with the MEA as presented.

Voting Aye: Shepard, Juskiewicz, Grzetich, and Brozovich. Motion carried. Time: 6:52 p.m.

MOTION: by Grzetich, seconded by Shepard to approve the Memorandum of Understanding for Additional Sick Leave Days with the MEA as presented.

Voting Aye: Juskiewicz, Grzetich, Shepard, and Brozovich. Motion carried. Time: 6:53 p.m.

MOTION: by Juskiewicz, seconded by Shepard to approve the Memorandum of Understanding for Sick Bank Days with the MEA as presented

Voting Aye: Grzetich, Shepard, Juskiewicz, and Brozovich. Motion carried. Time: 6:53 p.m.

MOTION: by Grzetich, seconded by Juskiewicz to approve the settlement agreement with student P.D. in the amount of $7,500 dollars as presented.

Voting Aye: Shepard, Juskiewicz, Grzetich, and Brozovich. Motion carried. Time: 6:53


MOTION: by Juskiewicz, seconded by Shepard to adjourn the meeting.

Hearing no objections, the motion was approved. Time: 6:54 p.m.



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