
Grundy Reporter

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Coal City Community Unit School District #1 Board Study Session of the Whole met May 29

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Coal City Community Unit School District #1 Board Members | Coal City Community Unit School District #1

Coal City Community Unit School District #1 Board Members | Coal City Community Unit School District #1

Coal City Community Unit School District #1 Board Study Session of the Whole met May 29.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order

President Miller called the Study Session meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Coal City Community Unit School District 1 Boardroom. In attendance were Board members Dan Engelhardt, Mary Gill, Shawn Hamilton, Quint Harmon Cindy Klein, and Ken Miller. Also, in attendance were Superintendent Christopher Spencer, CSBO Jason Smith, Director of Special Populations Luke Krippel, Director of Curriculum and Instruction Jennifer Kenney, Community Relations Specialist Ann Gill, and Board Secretary LaWanda Gagliardo. Board Member Steve Rogers was absent. President Miller led the Board and others present in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.

Discussion on Facilities Improvement Plan

Superintendent Christopher Spencer updated the Board of Education on the progress of the Facilities Improvement Plan. The turf is on schedule to be installed on June 17th, electrical installation is taking currently place, and some of the poles are being painted. Footings for the video board will be installed in a couple weeks. CSBO Mr. Smith asked the Board to possibly consider financing the cost of the video boards. The Board asked to see what the profit would be, if any, of the difference on paying flat out versus the interests earned if the equipment was leased. That is data Mr. Spencer and Mr. Smith will present to the Board at the next Board meeting. Mr. Spencer also discussed the one (1) year, or three (3) year advertising options for businesses. Mr. Spencer is planning on having a meeting on June 17th with local businesses to present advertising or sponsorship options. Mr. Spencer passed around a rendering of the middle school concession/restrooms for the Board to review. The replacing of the bleachers in the aux gym will take place in August, but the demolition will happen well before. Mr. Spencer will provide the Board with an update at the next Board meeting.

Discussion on Staffing Updates for FY25

Superintendent Christopher Spencer provided the Board with a staffing update for the FY25 school year. For the middle school ELA position, a potential candidate will be contacted tomorrow, adding a self-contained Special Education Teacher, and needing a .5 Interpreter at the middle school. Mr. Spencer will have an update at the next Board meeting.

Discussion on Student Web Filtering and Monitoring

CSBO Jason Smith discussed student web monitoring and filtering across the district. Chromebooks must be monitored and filtered at school and home. Mr. Smith provided the Board with a summary of other vendors and compared them to the district’s current vendor. Mr. Smith discussed the metrics the current vendor offers, and he provided the Board with a price comparison. The Board asked about staff filtering, and Mr. Smith discussed that a different security software is utilized for staff. Mr. Spencer will present Mr. Smith’s recommendation at the June meeting.

Discussion on K-5 Furniture Project

CSBO Jason Smith provided the Board with an update on the K-5 furniture project. Sample classrooms were put into the smaller buildings for the staff to tryout and provide feedback. To maximize this expenditure there will be professional development sessions offered on how to best utilize the space. To come in under budget and to meet the lead time on this project, Mr. Smith had to execute the order. Mr. Smith asked the Board about leasing the furniture, and they will present his findings to determine if leasing is better a better financial option for the district.

Discussion on Update on the ERP Software

At the April 24 Board Study Session of the Whole meeting, CSBO Jason Smith discussed possibly changing the ERP Software for the district. Mr. Smith provided the Board with an update on his findings for a potential new software. He went through each one and provide a list of pros and cons. Mr. Smith also discussed the timeline as to when this conversion would possibly take place. His recommendation will be made at the June Board Meeting.

Discussion on Adding a Self-Contained Special Education Teacher at the Early Childhood Center

Director of Special Populations Luke Krippel discussed possibly adding a self-contained special education position and teacher at the Early Childhood Center. There are requirements per the State that must be met for students with IEP’s and adding this position and teacher will meet that requirement. The Board inquired about the student’s ability to transition into general education classes. Mr. Krippel presented the Board with examples of students who may’ve started in this type of behavioral classroom and were able to transition into general education classes. Mrs. Davidson having her LBSII endorsement will allow her to provide internal support for the district’s Special Education teachers. The Board wants the administration to take a proactive approach with monitoring the enrollment numbers. The Board would like to be updated on the enrollment numbers for future discussions to possibly acquire additional funding from the State for the program. With the Board’s approval Mr. Krippel will start searching for potential candidates. Adding the position will be an action item at the June Board meeting.

Discussion on 2024 – 2025 Board Meeting Schedule

Superintendent Christopher Spencer discussed possible date changes for Board Meeting, and/or Board Study Session of the Whole Meetings. Mr. Spencer discussed changing the July Board meeting date from Wednesday, July 3, to Monday, July1, the September Board Study Session of the Whole (BSSW) meeting from Wednesday, September 25, to Wednesday, September 18, December BSSW meeting from Wednesday, December 25, to Wednesday December 18, and the January Board meeting from Wednesday, January 1, to Wednesday, January 8. The Board will approve the changes at the June 5 Board meeting.

Discussion on Health Life Safety Report

CSBO Jason Smith discussed the 2024 Health Life Safety Report. Mr. Smith presented the Board with the findings from the Health Life Safety Report. Some of items will be rectified with district maintenance staff and the others may have to go out to bid for. The Board inquired about if a building was decommissioned, would the repairs still need to happen. Mr. Smith explained that the items would be paused, but the work would still need to be done.

Discussion on Strategic Plan Goals Update

Superintendent Christopher Spencer provided the Board with an update on progress of the Strategic Goals for FY24. Mr. Spencer went through the list and provided the Board with an updated status as to where the district is with each item.

Discussion on 2024 – 2025 Liability Insurance Renewal

CSBO Jason Smith presented the Board with the insurance renewal rates for general liability, property, cyber, and workers compensation. The district is a part of a co-op that will search for the best price for what the needs are. The rates that the co-op find are much lower than they would be for the district to seek them on their own.

Finance Reports

The bank statements, monthly revenue, expenditure summary reports, check reconciliation report, cash report, and cleared check report for April were enclosed for review. Detailed reports were available in the Business Office for review prior to the meeting. The Treasurer’s report, investment report, and lunch report for April were also enclosed for review.


Items not known at agenda preparation time – Mr. Krippel provided the Board with an updated on the pre-school tuition program. Mr. Krippel believes there will not have to be a lottery, and that the spots will be filled with no problem.

Sharing Ideas / Information – none.


Mr. Harmon moved and Mr. Engelhardt seconded to adjourn at 7:04 p.m. the Board Study Session of the Whole meeting.
