Iroquois Education Association Executive Board met July 13.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
1.0 Call to Order, Roll Call:
On July 13, 2017 at 1:00 p.m., President Pro-Tem, Dan Hylbert, called the ISEA Executive Board Meeting to order for the regular session meeting. Upon roll call, the following members were present:
Dr. Dan Hylbert, Superintendent, Cissna Park,
Mr. Jeffrey Alstadt, Superintendent, Crescent City
Mr. Steve Westrick, Superintendent, Donovan
Dr. Linda Dvorak, Superintendent, Iroquois West
Mr. James Bunting, Superintendent, Watseka
Also present were: Mrs. Nicole Bullington, Executive Director, ISEA, and Ms. Nicole Trumble, Recording Secretary.
1.1 Action to Appoint President Pro-Tem
A motion was made by Linda Dvorak, seconded by James Bunting, to appoint Dan Hylbert as President Pro-Tem.
The motion passed by a voice vote.
2.0 Opportunity for Public Comment:
There was no public comment.
3.0 Consent Agenda:
3.1 Approve the Regular Session minutes of June 1, 2017.
3.2 Approve the bills and payroll, financial statement and investments.
A motion was made by Steve Westrick, seconded by Linda Dvorak, to approve the Regular Session minutes of June 1, 2017, and to approve the bills and payroll, financial statement and investments.
Upon roll call, the motion passed by vote 10:0
4.0 Action Items
4.1 Motion to approve the Hearing Itinerant Contract through RCCSEC
A motion was made by James Bunting, seconded by Steve Westrick, to approve the Hearing Itinerant Contract through RCCSEC.
Upon roll call, the motion passed by vote 10:0
4.2 Motion to approve Procedures Manual/Employee Handbook
A motion was made by Linda Dvorak, seconded by James Bunting, to approve Procedures Manual/Employee Handbook.
Upon roll call, the motion passed by vote 10:0
4.3 Motion for School Treasurer approval
A motion was made by Steve Westrick, seconded by Linda Dvorak, to approve Christy Fink as the School Treasurer.
Upon roll call, the motion passed by vote 10:0
4.4 FOIA and OMA Officer approval of Cindy Johnson and Nicole Bullington
A motion was made by Linda Dvorak, seconded by James Bunting, to approve Cindy Johnson and Nicole Bullington as FOIA and OMA Officers.
Upon roll call, the motion passed by vote 10:0
4.5 Bryce Ash Grove Lighting Project approval
A motion was made by Steve Westrick, seconded by James Bunting, to approve the Bryce Ash Grove Lighting Project.
Upon roll call, the motion passed by vote 10:0
5.0 Directors Report
5.1 Negotiations Update
5.2 Insurance Update
5.3 Openings
6.0 Adjournment:
A motion was made by James Bunting, seconded by Linda Dvorak, to adjourn the meeting.
The motion passed by voice vote.
The meeting adjourned at 1:25 p.m.