Morris Elementary School District 54 Board of Education met April 2.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
Mrs. Cap
Mrs. Dzuryak
Mr. Hitchcock
Ms. Johnston
Mrs. Marsmaker
Mr. Stevens
Mr. White
I. Determination of Quorum – Call to Order
President, Jerry White called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll call was answered as indicated, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Others present were: Shannon Dudek, Dave Raffel, and Lisa Beeler.
II. Action Items
A. Morris Community High School Track Renovation
Motioned by Ms. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Stevens to approve to increase the contributed amount by $21,000, for a total amount of $236,000, toward the Morris Community High School #101 shared track renovation. Due to Saratoga 60c choosing to not participate in the renovation of the Morris High School Track, an additional cost of $21,000 is needed to complete the project. The total cost for District #54 is $236,000, and this amount will allow District #54 and #101 to partner in the track renovation project. Dr. Dudek also presented the renovation costs for the existing track at Shabbona. To renovate the current 6 lane track would be an estimated cost of $197,000. This estimate did not include items such as drainage, lighting, etc. Mrs. Cap didn’t agree with the numbers presented and wanted to be sure that the board was clear and that everyone understood the costs involved. She also wanted to be sure that he cap amount for the project was $236,000, because costs can change once ground is broke and the project begins. Dr. Dudek assured the board that the cap amount that district #54 would pay would be $236,000, not any more. Mrs. Cap also wanted to know who made the decision of a red based track. Dr. Dudek said that the red based track was a recommendation from the architects. It is a longer lasting track material. Mr. White added that the track project was a good investment and opportunity for the district. Mrs. Cap was not negating this, she was unsure of the timing of the track and why it was being rushed prior to a new High School Superintendent coming in. Mrs. Cap also felt that the funds could be better spent on site on things that could possibly benefit more students. Mrs. Marsmaker asked why the Saratoga board voted no, did they know something we didn’t? Dr. Dudek stated that he could not speak for the other school boards or administrators from the other districts. But he could speak for our district and we have an opportunity to be part of something that can help improve our program and is appropriate with working together for the community.
Aye: Mr. White, Mr. Hitchcock, Mr. Stevens, Ms. Johnston, Mrs. Dzuryak
Naye: Mrs. Cap, Mrs. Marsmaker
Motion Carried
B. Intergovernmental Agreement for the Shared Costs of Improvements By and Between School District 101 and 54
TABLED until the April 16, 2018 school board meeting, due to revisions needing to be made to the agreement.
III. Motion to Adjourn to Closed Session
No need for closed session.
IV. Adjourn
Moved by Ms. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Stevens to adjourn the board meeting at 6:25 p.m.
Aye: Mrs. Cap, Mrs. Dzuryak, Ms. Johnston, Mr. Hitchcock, Mr. Stevens, Mrs. Marsmaker, Mr. White
Absent: None
Motion Carried