Village of Minooka Village Board will meet June 26.
Here is the agenda provided by the Board:
1. Call To Order
2. Pledge Of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Changes To Meeting Agenda
5. Review Of Previous Village Board Meeting Minutes – May 22, 2018
6. Bills & Transfers
7. Treasurer’s Report
8. Public Forum
9. Consent Agenda: All items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Board member or citizen so requests, in which even the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered after all other regular agenda items.
A. Resolution for Chestnut Ridge Pay Request #2 to Austin Tyler Construction ($6,117.30)
B. Resolution for LED Pay Request #2 (final) to Power Energy Solutions ($3,500.00)
10. Unfinished Business
11. New Business
A. Resolution for Authorizing the Village of Minooka to Enter into an Agreement with Current Technologies for IT Services
B. Resolution for Public Works to Purchase and Install a Fence at Summit Park in the Amount of $22,070.00 to The Cedar Mill, Inc.
C. Resolution Accepting Low Bid For McLindon/Twin Rails Intersection Project from PT Ferro in the Amount of $814,570.64
D. Resolution Authorizing Execution Construction Oversite Contract with Robinson Engineering for the McLindon/Twin Rails Intersection Project (not to exceed $97,546.00)
E. Resolution Accepting Plat of Dedication – Tabler Road Investments, LLC
F. Resolution for Strand and Associates to Perform a Bio-Solids Preliminary Engineering Evaluation Study ($19,300.00)
G. Resolution Approving Arbor Lakes Commercial Site Development Plans
H. Resolution Approving OPUS Site Development Plans
I. Resolution Authorizing Execution of Contract between the Village Of Minooka and Metropolitan Alliance of Police Chapter #348
J. Ordinance Authorizing a Conditional Permitted Use in a B-1 Zone for a Storage Facility
K. Ordinance Adopting Prevailing Wages for 2018
12. Staff Reports
13. Liquor Commission Report
A. Ordinance Amending Title 3, Section 3-4-7(a) (Liquor Control, Number of Licenses; Fees) of the Minooka Village Code --- Increasing Class D1 from 5 to 6 for Towne Place Suites (Minooka Hotel Associates, LLC) – New Hotel
14. Annexation Committee Report
15. Executive Session
16. Action From Executive Session
17. As Appropriate
18. Adjourn