Minooka Elementary School District 201 Board of Education met May 21.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
1.Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:16 p.m. by President James Satorius. Roll call was answered as indicated. Others present were: Kris Monn, Joshua Ruland, Nicole Bitterman, Ruth Satorius, Katherine Lara, Emily Conquest, Denise Kalina, Nicole Bittermann, Serena, Jeff & Tonya Peterson, Connie Carpenter, Livilla San Pedro, Julie & Steve Schaack, Ron & Misty Honsik, Craig & Chrissy Vercelote, Tiffany Staab, Natalie Baxter, Gina Ruggeri, Kathleen Cheshareck, Rodney Hiser, Sarah Monroe, Adrianne McKerrow, Jeana Pekol, Monica Totaro, Jackie Harig, Monica Wunderlich, Megan Olin, Ashley Webb, Chelsea Cotton, Kelsey Fillipone, Megan Husted, Olivia Dziedzinskyj, Michelle Schluntz, Delaney Bolte, Erin Schimen, Peggy Smith, Adrianne McKerrow, Tammy Walsh, Dustin Heap and Lori Shanholtzer.
Moved by Skwarczynski, seconded by Karceski to approve the agenda as presented.
Aye: Skwarczynski, Karceski, Allen, Clucas, Cronin, Thompson, Satorius
Motion Approved.
2. Public Comments and Recognitions
2.01 Students of the Month
The Students of the Month were honored by the Board of Education and students read their speeches to the Board.
2.02 Minooka Elementary School AG Jeopardy
The Minooka Elementary School AG Jeopardy Team was recognized by the Board.
2.03 Boys State Championship Bowling Team
The Boys State Championship Bowling Coaches and Team were recognized by the Board.
2.04 Comment from the Employees and the Public
Community Member Denise Kalina addressed the Board with her concerns regarding Oswego 308's budget deficit.
Parent Nicole Bittermann addressed the Board with her concerns regarding bullying at Minooka Junior High School.
Parent Katherine Lara addressed the Board with her concerns regarding bullying at Minooka Junior High School.
3. Consent Agenda
Moved by Skwarczynski, seconded by Thompson to approve the list of bills, minutes from the April 16, 2018 regular board meeting and May 1, 2018 special board meeting, treasurer's report, destruction of the closed session recordings from May 2016, and FOIA Requests, board meeting dates for 2018-2019, district office staff handbook as presented.
Aye: Skwarczynski, Thompson, Allen, Clucas, Cronin, Karceski, Satorius
Motion Approved.
Moved by Clucas, seconded by Skwarczynski to approve the personnel report as presented.
Aye: Clucas, Skwarczynski, Allen, Cronin, Karceski, Thompson, Satorius
Motion Approved.
4. Discussion and Information Items
4.01 Strategic Planning Process - Update
Administration and Board Members Satorius and Allen shared the progress of the District's Strategic Planning Process. Data regarding our plan and process can be found on our Minooka 201 Strategic Planning Website.
4.02 School Improvement Plan Updates
The following administrators and teachers presented their school improvement plans to the board:
Aux Sable - Ciara Manno, Gina Ruggeri, Olivia Dziedzinskyj, Michelle Schluntz, Delaney Bolte, Erin Schimen, Peggy Smith
Jones Elementary - Rodney Hiser, Sarah Monroe, Megan Husted
Minooka Elementary - Natalie Baxter, Gina Ruggeri, Chelsea Cotton, Kelsey Fillipone
Minooka Intermediate - Jeana Pekol, Monica Totaro, Jackie Harig, Monica Wunderlich, Megan Olin, Ashley Webb
Minooka Junior High - Adrianne McKerrow, Tammy Walsh, Dustin Heap
Walnut Trails - Kathleen Chesareck, Sarah Monroe
5. Action Items
5.01 Leasing of new copiers for Aux Sable, Minooka Primary, Jones Elementary, Minooka Intermediate and District Office
Moved by Clucas, seconded by Cronin to approve the leasing of new copiers for Aux Sable, Minooka Primary, Jones Elementary, Minooka Intermediate and District Office as presented.
Aye: Clucas, Cronin, Allen, Karceski, Skwarczynski, Thompson, Satorius
Motion approved.
5.02 Leased Devices: Teacher laptops, chromebooks, ipads
Moved by Skwarczynski, seconded by Allen to approve the leased devices: Teacher laptops, chromebooks, ipads as presented. (detailed information can be located on the electronic board packet)
Aye: Skwarczynski, Allen, Clucas, Cronin, Karceski, Thompson, Satorius
Motion approved.
5.03 2018-2019 Parent and Student Handbook
Moved by Thompson, seconded by Karceski to approve the 2018-2019 Parent and Student Handbook as presented.
Aye: Thompson, Karceski, Allen, Clucas, Cronin, Skwarczynski, Satorius
Motion approved.
6. Communication
6.01 Administrative Reports
Dr. Ruland Report:
Dr. Ruland shared information with the Board regarding Summer Programming (Dive Into Learning and Enrichment).
Dr. Ruland shared information regarding the Education Committee Meeting held on May 8, 2018.
Dr. Monn Report:
Dr. Monn provided the Board with an update on student enrollment and registration.
Dr. Monn updated the Board on the staffing plan. He stated he is watching a couple grade levels and is adding a Kindergarten Section to Walnut Trails.
Dr. Monn shared information regarding the 8th grade graduation ceremony.
6.02 Board Topics
7. Executive Session
Moved by Clucas, seconded by Karceski to go into closed session to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, and/or dismissal of employees, negotiations, the purchase of real property, confidential student matters, and/or litigation.
Motion Carried at 9:56 p.m.
Aye: Clucas, Karceski, Allen, Cronin, Skwarczynski, Thompson, Satorius
Motion Carried
Moved by Thompson, seconded by Allen to returned to open session at 10:48 p.m.
Aye: Thompson, Allen, Clucas, Cronin, Karceski, Skwarczynski, Satorius
Motion Carried
8. Action as a result of Executive Session
9. Adjournment
Moved by Allen, seconded by Clucas to adjourn the regular meeting at 10:49 p.m.
Aye: Allen, Clucas, Cronin, Karceski, Skwarczynski, Thompson, Satorius
Motion Carried at 10:49 p.m.