Coal City Community Unit School District #1 Board of Education met June 3.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
Roll Call:
President Ken Miller called the emergency meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. in the Coal City Community Unit School District #1 District Office Board Room. In attendance were Board members Robert Bianchetta, Jeff Emerson, Mary Gill, Shawn Hamilton, Quint Harmon, Chuck Lander and Ken Miller. Superintendent Kent Bugg, CSBO Jason Smith, and Board Secretary Karen Vota were also in attendance.
Pledge Of Allegiance:
President Miller led the Board of Education and others present in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
Notices And Communications:
Introduction/acknowledgement of guests. President Miller welcomed those in attendance.
Communications From The Floor:
1. In regard to agenda items – none.
2. In general (Limited to 5 minutes per person.) – none.
Closed Session:
Mr. Lander moved and Mr. Hamilton seconded to go to closed session at 7:03 p.m. for the purpose of considering information regarding collective negotiating matters.
Roll Call.
Ayes: Chuck Lander, Shawn Hamilton, Robert Bianchetta, Jeff Emerson, Mary Gill, Quint Harmon, Ken Miller
Motion Carried.
When the Board returned to open session, President Miller called the emergency meeting back to order at 7:33 p.m. with the board members answering roll call present: Robert Bianchetta, Jeff Emerson, Mary Gill, Shawn Hamilton, Quint Harmon, Chuck Lander, Ken Miller.
Action As A Result Of Closed Session:
1. Mr. Harmon moved and Mr. Hamilton seconded to approve the contract between the Coal City Community Unit Education Association/IEA/NEA and the Coal City Community Unit School District #1 Board of Education as presented.
Board member Shawn Hamilton thanked Dr. Bugg and CSBO Jason Smith for all the time and patience spent in negotiating the contract.
Roll Call.
Ayes: Quint Harmon, Shawn Hamilton, Robert Bianchetta, Jeff Emerson, Mary Gill, Chuck Lander, Ken Miller
Motion Carried.
During the roll call vote, Board member Robert Bianchetta commented that he was voting yes because with this new contract we are looking at a savings of approximately $500,000 dollars over the original contract offer. We maintained the 6 percent buy out for the retirees for the next 5 years, but that will be costing us about $350,000 so in aggregate we are saving the tax payers $150,000 over the original contract even maintaining the 6 percent buy outs.
Open For Items Not Known At Agenda Preparation Time – none.
Communications From The Floor:
1. In regard to agenda items – none.
2. In general (Limited to 5 minutes per person.) – none.
Next Regular Board Meeting: Wednesday, June 6, 2018 @ 6 p.m.
In District Office Board Room
Next Board Study Session: Wednesday, June 27, 2018 @ 6 p.m.
In District Office Board Room
Mr. Emerson moved and Mr. Hamilton seconded to adjourn the special meeting at 7:35 p.m. President Miller asked if there was any opposition to the motion, hearing none considers the motion approved.