
Grundy Reporter

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

City of Highland City Council met August 6.

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City of Highland City Council met Aug. 6.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

Mayor Michaelis called the Regular Session to order at 7:00pm. Council members Schwarz, Frey, Bellm and Nicolaides were present. Others in attendance were City Manager Mark Latham, City Attorney Michael McGinley, Directors Cook, Gillespie, Imming, Korte and Rosen; EMS Chief Wilson, Fire Chief Bloemker, Lt. Conrad, Interim H.R. Director Stoecklin, Mallard Hubbard, Treasurer Foehner, Library Director Kim, Deputy City Clerk Hediger, City Clerk Bellm, 17 citizens, including 6 Boy Scouts, and one member of the news media.

Mayor Michaelis asked the Boy Scouts to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Following the Pledge, Derek Driemeyer, of Troop 40, with St. Paul’s Parish, explained some of the boys are working towards merit badges. The rest of them are working on their community badge, which involves learning about city government. He thanked the City Council for allowing them to participate tonight. Boy Scouts in attendance were: Jonathon Pierce, Timothy Comish, Sam Huelskamp, Isaiah Paisley, Daniel Wick, and Logan Driemeyer.


Councilman Schwarz made a motion to approve the minutes of the July 16, 2018 Regular Session as attached; seconded by Councilwoman Bellm. Roll Call Vote: Schwarz, Frey, Bellm and Nicolaides voted aye, none nay. Motion carried.


Citizens’ Requests and Comments:

Highland Hope United Methodist Church – Hope Night on the Square Request – Kathryn

Comish, Outreach Coordinator, Highland Hope United Method Church, requested permission for Hope Night on the Square, on Friday, August 17, 2018 for Hope Night. It is an evening of music and gathering that is free for families to attend. We recently changed it a little to have dessert fundraiser and hopefully a live auction at the event, to benefit former Police Chief Terry Bell. Councilwoman Bellm made a motion to approve the request of Highland Hope United Methodist Church for use of the Square on August 17, 2018 as requested; seconded by Councilman Schwarz. Roll Call Vote: Schwarz, Frey, Bellm and Nicolaides voted aye, none nay. Motion carried.

Marsha Roe, 713 Poplar Street, stated she is here on behalf of mother, who is ninety-seven. We have lived there for sixty-five years. Next door is rental property, at 709 Poplar Street, which is owned by Andy Schmitt. He lives in Troy and operates Troy Garage Door. One time he left a lot of grass blown on my driveway. I wrote him a letter to ask him to blow it a different way. He told me to stay off his property. Well, the new occupants have a very large cat. The cat comes over and lays down on our cellar steps. We have to watch that cat is not there if we step out, so that we do not fall over it. It sometimes lays in front of our door, so we cannot get the door opened. We are, basically, trapped in our own house. I called the police department. Officer Ken McCoy saw the cat on our property. They wrote them up and it went to court, and it stopped for a while. I went over to the property, when it started again. It was a tirade when I asked them to get the cat off the property. I explained that my mother was ninety-seven and suffers from macular degeneration, which has progressed to where she is legally blind. The lady told me I need to get rid of her. They never clean up their dog dirt, from the smell. Ms. Roe expressed rental property is taking this town down. The pool was too close to the electrical lines, so zoning had to address that with them. Their Weedeater throws dog dirt onto our property. I tried to call Andy Schmitt twice at the business. I never get a hold of him. His secretary says she will let him know I called. One time before, he rented the property to a lady that had a dog and son. I always had to wait to take groceries in. I had a day when there was a gallon container of dog dirt in my yard. After I told him to put a fence in, that fixed that. So far, the cat has been left out again. I almost fell over it again. So, I have to go out the front door to get out of the house. The city needs to take a stronger look at rental. Someone else would have a gun and shoot this cat, but I am not this type of person. I sprayed by the cellar for insects. Later, I found a dead squirrel there. Ms. Roe stated if I spray for insects again, I am afraid the cat will die. I am not going to have my mother who is ninety-seven years old having to deal with this.

Ms. Roe stated she also wanted to address the railroad crossings in town. The worst one is the Walnut Street crossing. I was behind a semi-truck with trailer and it veered way over, because they did not want to mess up their load. In Pierron, their crossing is as smooth as butter. St. Jacob’s is also. Mayor Michaelis reported we have constantly called CSX for many months. Mark has an update on this that he was going to give later. City Manager Latham reported the crossing at Walnut Street & 6th Street will be shut down for 48-72 hours starting tomorrow for CSX to do repairs. We ended up having to contact the Illinois Commerce Commission and submitted to them, in order to get this done. Marsha Roe asked how can Pierron and St. Jacob have such smooth ones; yet, Highland has to deal with this. I would not want your jobs, but I do not understand how these other towns can get these smooth crossings, but we cannot not. City Manager Latham pointed out, you have to realize, we have a lot more crossings than Pierron or St. Jacob. A lot of our crossings are also part of IDOT roadways. Ms. Roe stated I realize how these large corporations are these days. I do not know how many people have had to get their car repaired from it. Mayor Michaelis assured her that we have been working a lot to get that addressed.

Mayor Michaelis asked Lt. Conrad if there is anything they can do to address Ms. Roe’s problem with the neighbor. Lt. Conrad stated we should be able to address the animals at large through “animals at large” ordinance. Ms. Roe stated it is one thing to be outside with your animals and then take it in. I cannot believe I did this: I called the police station, and I asked for Ken McCoy, but they said he was out on patrol. I went out for a drive, I met him on the street, and I got him to pull over. He said he had done all he could. Mayor Michaelis asked if there are a lot of raccoons over there. Ms. Roe stated with the creek down there, off Sycamore. Mayor Michaelis noted they are trapping them and taking them out of town.

Requests of Council:

No comments or requests made by council members.

Staff Reports:

City Manager Latham reported CSX will begin work on the Walnut Street Crossing, as stated earlier.

City Manager Latham introduced David Slover, the new Human Resources Director for the City of Highland. He comes here with over thirty years of experience in the field of human resources.


Approve Mayor’s Reappointments of Erin Mignon and John Coziar to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission – Councilman Schwarz made a motion to approve the mayor’s re-appointment so Erin Mignon and John Coziar to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission for three-year terms to expire July 31, 2021 as attached; seconded by Councilwoman Bellm. Roll Call Vote: Schwarz, Frey, Bellm, and Nicolaides voted aye, none nay. Motion carried.

Bill #18-93/RESOLUTION Approving an Annexation Agreement with Justin Lowe for Property Located at 12053 Highland Road – Councilwoman Bellm made a motion to approve Bill #18-93/ Resolution #18-08-2548 approving an annexation agreement with Justin Lowe for property located at 12053 Highland Road as attached; seconded by Councilman Schwarz. Roll Call Vote: Schwarz, Frey, Bellm, and Nicolaides voted aye, none nay. Motion carried.

Bill #18-94/ORDINANCE Annexing Certain Property to the City—12053 Highland Road – Councilman Schwarz made a motion to approve Bill #18-94/Ordinance #2868 annexing certain property at 12053 Highland Road into the City of Highland as attached; seconded by Councilwoman Bellm. Roll Call Vote: Schwarz, Frey, Bellm, and Nicolaides voted aye, none nay. Motion carried.


Approve Cornerstone Insurance Group as Broker of Record for the City’s Health Insurance – Councilwoman Bellm made a motion to approve Cornerstone Insurance Group as Broker of Record for the city’s health insurance as attached; seconded by Councilman Schwarz. Roll Call Vote: Schwarz, Frey, Bellm, and Nicolaides voted aye, none nay. Motion carried.

Bill #18-100/RESOLUTION Authorizing Sole Source Purchase of Services from Ameren Illinois Regarding Relocation of a Gas Line – Councilwoman Bellm made a motion to approve Bill #18-100/ Resolution #18-08-2549 authorizing sole source purchase of services from Ameren Illinois regarding relocation of a gas line as attached; seconded by Councilman Schwarz. Roll Call Vote: Schwarz, Frey, Bellm, and Nicolaides voted aye, none nay. Motion carried.

Bill #18-101/ORDINANCE Vacating Right-of-Way, Specifically a 16.5’ Wide Alley From Madison Street North to Adams Street, and Situated Between Cedar Street and Beech Street – Councilwoman Bellm made a motion to approve Bill #18-101/Ordinance #2869 vacating right-of-way, specifically a 16.5’ wide alley from Madison Street north to Adams Street, and situated between Cedar Street and Beech Street as attached; seconded by Councilman Schwarz. Councilwoman Bellm stated she did not know an alley even existed there. I do not see any reason we should not vacate this. Mayor Michaelis noted there are a couple of them like this. Roll Call Vote: Schwarz, Frey, Bellm, and Nicolaides voted aye, none nay. Motion carried.

Bill #18-102/ORDINANCE Declaring One Lifepak 12 Cardiac Monitor/Defibrillator Surplus and Authorizing Its Disposal – Councilman Schwarz made a motion to approve Bill #18-102/Ordinance #2870 declaring one Lifepak 12 Cardiac Monitor/Defibrillator surplus and authorizing its disposal as attached; seconded by Councilwoman Bellm. Roll Call Vote: Schwarz, Frey, Bellm, and Nicolaides voted aye, none nay. Motion carried.

Bill #18-103/RESOLUTION Waiving Competitive Bidding Requirement and Authorizing Purchase of Physio-Control Inc., Lifepak 15 Cardiac Monitor/Defibrillator for City EMS Department –

Councilwoman Bellm made a motion to approve Bill #18-103/Resolution #18-08-2550 waiving competitive bidding requirement and authorizing purchase of Physio-Control Inc., Lifepak 15 Cardiac Monitor/ Defibrillator for City EMS Department as attached; seconded by Councilman Schwarz. Councilman Schwarz asked if there is a reason why we are loyal to Lifepak. EMS Chief Brian Wilson reported that the U.S. Department of Transportation only authorizes use of two different companies in ambulances, due to the bouncing/motion. Zoll would be the other brand. Councilman Schwarz asked are they more expensive. Chief Wilson replied yes. Roll Call Vote: Schwarz, Frey, Bellm, and Nicolaides voted aye, none nay. Motion carried.

Bill #18-104/RESOLUTION Authorizing Sole Source Purchase of Services From Tantalus Systems Inc., for Annual Maintenance and Technical Support – Councilman Schwarz made a motion to approve Bill #18-104/Resolution #18-08-2551 authorizing sole source purchase of services from Tantalus Systems Inc., for annual maintenance and technical support as attached; seconded by Councilwoman Bellm. Roll Call Vote: Schwarz, Frey, Bellm, and Nicolaides voted aye, none nay. Motion carried.

Approve a Notice of Municipal Letting for the Water Main Improvements 2018 project – Councilwoman Bellm made a motion to approve a Notice of Municipal Letting for the Water Main Improvements 2018 project as attached; seconded by Councilman Schwarz. Roll Call Vote: Schwarz, Frey, Bellm, and Nicolaides voted aye, none nay. Motion carried.

Discussion - ADA Renovations for the City Council Chambers –

City Manager Latham stated he hoped the members of council had a chance to read my memo on the proposal options based upon the ideas presented by Idea Architects. There are three options. Two options include providing a wheelchair lift that would provide ADA access down to this level here. The other option, would be for a sitting area up there, with railing. The cost is $39,750 for the lift without the chair. Add $27,000 for a chair. The base option is to just to provide the sitting area with railing, for $10,000.

Councilwoman Bellm pointed out we do have a wireless microphone that we added when we put in the new PA system. Councilman Frey concurred adding $68,000 versus the use of a cordless microphone and that would still allow those to stay where they are comfortable, is a better option. Councilwoman Bellm stated addressing access to the seating area so it is safe is a key concern. City Manager Latham pointed out we will be losing some seating over on the north side of the Council Chambers. It was the consensus of the council to go with the third option, for a seating area and railing.


Approve Warrants #1101 & #1102 – Councilman Schwarz made a motion to approve Warrants #1101 & #1102 as attached; seconded Councilwoman Bellm. Roll Call Vote: Schwarz, Frey and Bellm voted aye, none nay. Councilman Nicolaides abstained. Motion carried.

Councilwoman Bellm made a motion to temporarily adjourn this regular session to enter into executive session under the Illinois Open Meetings Act under 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(21) to discuss approval of executive session minutes, 2(c)(5) to discuss personnel, and 2(c)(3) to discuss lease of property. Motion seconded by Councilman Schwarz. Roll Call Vote: Schwarz, Frey, Bellm and Nicolaides voted aye, none nay. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:35pm.

Mayor Michaelis reconvened the Regular Session at 8:03pm. Roll Call Vote: Councilmembers Nicolaides, Bellm, Frey and Schwarz were present. Others in attendance were City Manager Latham, City Attorney McGinley, Lt. Conrad, Deputy City Clerk Hediger and City Clerk Bellm.

Bill #18-105/RESOLUTION Authorizing Employment Agreement Between City and Terry Remelius, Interim Police Chief – Councilman Schwarz made a motion to approve Bill #18-105/Resolution #18-08-2552 authorizing employment agreement between City and Terry Remelius, Interim Police Chief as attached; seconded by Councilwoman Bellm. Roll Call Vote: Schwarz, Frey, Bellm, and Nicolaides voted aye, none nay. Motion carried.

Councilwoman Bellm made a motion to adjourn; seconded by Councilman Schwarz. All council members voted aye, none nay. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 8:04pm.



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