llinois State Board of Education Finance and Audit Committee met Dec. 12.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
I. Roll Call
Chairperson Jane Quinlan brought the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. Roll call was taken, and a quorum was present with three members.
Members Present
Chairperson Jane Quinlan
Dr. Christine Benson (attended via phone)
Dr. David Lett (attended via phone)
Dr. Carmen I. Ayala, State Superintendent
Kim Clarke, Interim Board Services Coordinator
Scott Harry, Director, Budget
Robert Wolfe, Financial Officer
II. Public Participation
No public participation at this time.
III. Approval of Minutes: November 26, 2019
Chairperson Quinlan stated that the Nov. 26, 2019, minutes would be amended to clarify that Dr. Lett and Dr. Benson were in attendance via phone.
Dr. Lett made the motion for the Finance and Audit Committee to approve the Nov. 26, 2019, meeting minutes. Dr. Benson seconded the motion, and it passed by voice vote.
IV. Discussion Items
A. Fiscal Year 2021 Budget Recommendation, Robert Wolfe, Financial Officer
Mr. Wolfe clarified details on Evidence-Based Funding in fiscal year 2020 compared to past years at the request of Dr. Benson. Mr. Wolfe provided insight on questions from Chairperson Quinlan and the committee.
Mr. Wolfe outlined the timeline moving forward with the budget recommendations. He and Mr. Harry explained where the agency’s funds were in FY 2019 and FY 2020, and how it impacts the agency’s ability to fund line items in FY 2021. Mr. Wolfe described the big priority areas for the FY 2021 to the committee. The budget recommendation has been shared with the Governor’s Office and we are awaiting review and response.
Dr. Benson expressed appreciation to Mr. Wolfe and Mr. Harry for their thorough and quick preparation of information for the budget. She also thanked Chairperson Quinlan for carefully preparing questions that worked through the committee’s shared questions and concerns. Chairperson Quinlan also thanked Mr. Wolfe and Mr. Harry for their work in light of the budget hearings and the November Board meeting.
V. Next Meeting: January 7, 2020 VI. Adjournment
Dr. Benson made a motion to adjourn. Dr. Lett seconded the motion, and it passed by roll call vote