Village of Bartlett President and Board of Trustees Committee met July 7.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
President Wallace called the regular Committee meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Bartlett to order on the above date at 7:22 p.m. and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Section 7(e) of the Open Meetings Act as set forth in Senate Bill 2135 signed by Governor J.B. Pritzker on June 12, 2020, making it effective upon said signing (“SB 2135”), that the regular Committee meeting of the Village President and Board of Village Trustees of the Village of Bartlett (the “Village Board”) scheduled to be held on July 7, 2020 at the Bartlett Municipal Building, 228 South Main Street, Bartlett, Illinois, may be conducted by audio or video conference without a physical quorum of the members of the Village Board present because an in-person meeting is not practical or prudent due to a disaster, that being COVID-19 pandemic and the applicable restrictions imposed under various laws rules, restrictions, Executive Orders and/or announcements issued by Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker and/or Ngozi O. Ezike MD, Director of the Illinois Department of Public Health, including without limitation “Restore Illinois: A Public Health Approach to Safely Reopen Our State”, which currently limits gatherings to the lesser of 50 people or 50% of the capacity of the meeting room as a public health measure.
PRESENT: Chairmen Carbonaro, Deyne, Gabrenya, Hopkins, Reinke and President Wallace
ALSO PRESENT: Village Administrator Paula Schumacher, Assistant Village Administrator Scott Skrycki, Economic Development Coordinator Tony Fradin, Sr. Management Analyst Sam Hughes, Management Analyst Joey Dienberg, Finance Director Todd Dowden, Director of Public Works Dan Dinges, Planning & Development Director Roberta Grill, Building Director Brian Goralski, Grounds Superintendent Paul Petersen, Police Chief Patrick Ullrich, Village Attorney Bryan Mraz and Village Clerk Lorna Giless.
BCBP Lot 12B (Tomart) – Site Plan Review and Special Use Permit
Chairman Hopkins presented the Brewster Creek Business Park Lot 12B Site Plan Review/Special Use Permits and asked the Planning and Development Services Director, Roberta Grill to summarize.
Ms. Grill stated that the petitioner is requesting Site Plan Review for a proposed 25,000 sq. ft. warehouse building on the east side of Humbracht Circle. The building would be gray with red accents and constructed with precast concrete wall panels at a maximum height of just under 35’. Two curb cuts are proposed for Humbracht Circle. Trucks will enter the site from the southern curb cut and exit at the northern cub cut. Passenger vehicles will utilize the north curb cut only. The petitioner is requesting a special use to allow for outdoor storage of trailers on the site. The site plan currently shows 51 truck stalls. They are also requesting to amend Ordinance 2000-54. This ordinance approved of the preliminary plat of subdivision for the entire eastern half of Brewster Creek Business Park. The ordinance required an 11-foot-tall berm to be installed along the 50-foot landscaping easement on the eastern property line. At the time this ordnance was written, the grade plans had not been finalized. The proposed building would be 28’ lower than the residential subdivision located to the east. The requirements for a berm to be located along the eastern property line would serve no purpose and would not be visible to the homes. There is a ComEd right-of-way that is approximately 205’ wide that provides a buffer from the site to the single-family homes. There is also an open space area located east of the right-of-way. Staff prepared an exhibit that shows the distanced from the nearest home to the truck parking which would be 438 feet at the southern location and 528 feet to the building. Staff agrees to eliminate the amendment for the 11-foot-high berm. The petitioner is here tonight if you have any questions.
The item was forwarded on to the Plan Commission for a public hearing.
Elmhurst Chicago Stone TIF Budget Amendment
Todd Dowden, Finance Director, stated they are looking at an amendment to the Brewster Creek TIF Budget. Jeff Brown from Elmhurst Chicago Stone is here tonight if you have any questions. He is requesting the budget be increased $3,000,000 to develop the remaining undeveloped sites in Cook and DuPage Counties. This would be the second budget amendment with the last one being in 2016, when bonds were issued. If the TIF budget is increased, it would allow the Village to issue another developer note not to exceed $3,000,000. The budget is being increased by the Consumer Price Index. In 1999, the original budget was $30,000,000. In 2016 it was increased to $44,000,000. This would add three more years of inflation on it which would bring it up to about $48,000,000. The 2016 Developer Note which was not to exceed $11,000,000 still has a little over $4,000,000 left on the Note and will be used to complete the remainder of Spitzer Rd. as well as Lot #1, #3 and #4 in Cook County. The $3,000,000 would be for Lot #2 in Cook and Lot #’s 8 and 12 in DuPage County. Currently, TIF Bonds outstanding, there is $16,095,000 in the 2007 and 2016 bonds. The 2016 Developer Note has a balance of just over $3,000,000. Increment collected in 2020 will be just about $606,000,000 for the TIF Project Fund this year. With the average increases and new construction added in Cook County, we are projecting funds will be available to pay back the additional $3,000,000. The TIF is not an obligation of the Village and will be paid fully from the increment of the property taxes. Even though the budget is being amended, we are not extending the life of the TIF and it will still be ending in December of 2023. If the budget is amended, we send notices to the taxing districts to the change of the TIF budget and then approve a Supplemental Redevelopment Agreement and then approve an ordinance to issue an additional Redevelopment Note in the amount of $3,000,000.
Chairman Hopkins asked who regulates the 7% interest rate and where did it come from.
Mr. Dowden stated that this is an interest rate that has been used on the last Developer Note. The reason why it is higher is because all the risk is on the developer as far as producing the development and making sure the increment is made to repay for the bonds.
Chairman Hopkins stated that he didn’t think there was much risk so he wanted to know if that could be amended.
Village Attorney Bryan Mraz stated that it is not something that needs to be amended. It is not our obligation. They will borrow against the Developer Note at the bank and that is something to consider. They may request some additional disclosures, such as the bonds be tax exempt. Because they own all the land and pay a large portion of the real-estate taxes that provide the increment, the high interest rate is appropriate and partly because these bonds are subordinate to some of the outstanding debt which justifies the higher interest rate. The tax payers are not paying any of this.
President Wallace stated that it is not a burden to the taxpayers at all. It is an internal thing between the developers and the TIF program. Typically, this is the way it is written.
Mr. Mraz stated that no residents are paying for it unless they own property in the business park, but it is all paid out of the real-estate taxes from the improved development.
Chairman Hopkins confirmed that it cannot be amended.
Mr. Mraz stated not really, there would not be a basis to do that.
President Wallace stated that it is not in the Villages position to amend it. Elmhurst Chicago Stone might want to amend it, but it’s not our responsibility.
Mr. Mraz stated that there is no reason to do it because it is not a Village expense or detriment.
The item was forwarded on to the Village Board for a final vote.
Chairman Deyne moved to adjourn and that motion was seconded by Chairman
AYES: Chairmen Carbonaro, Deyne, Gabrenya, Hopkins, Reinke
NAYS: None
The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m.