
Grundy Reporter

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Gardner Community Consolidated Grade School District 72-C Board of Education Met September 17


Gardner Community Consolidated Grade School District 72-C Board of Education met Sept. 17.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The school board meeting was held on Thursday, September 17, 2020. Denny Christensen called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.

Roll call

Members Present:

Denny Christensen, Nick Hamilton, Brad Male, Lauren Vitko

Jamie Wilkey entered the meeting after roll call at 7:01 pm


Superintendent Recognition

● Congratulations to Jeff & Cassie Carlson (Bexson) on their recent wedding

● Dr. Merritt recognized Janelle Biros, Betsy Hennessy, and Katie Johnson for all of their efforts on surprising Mrs. Gigi Pierard for her upcoming retirement with a visit from Butch Lockley, contestant from Survivor, The Amazon.

Audience/Visitor Participation

● Verna Morecraft, GGS Foodservice Supervisor

● Katie Mack

● Amy Workman

● Terri Balcom

Motion to approve or reject any sealed bids for district surplus property

Mike Cornale read the bids to the board.

1st: Christensen, 2nd: Wilkey

Ayes: Christensen, Wilkey, Hamilton, Vitko, Male,

Absent: Olsen

Motion carries

Motion to suspend the regular scheduled BOE meeting and enter into the public hearing regarding the projected annual budget for FY 2020.

TIME: 7:03pm

1st: Male, 2nd: Hamilton

Ayes: Male, Hamilton, Chritensen, Vitko, Wilkey

Absent: Olsen

Motion carries

● Discussion on budget line items. Mike Cornale provided a detailed explanation on the budget

Jerry Olsen entered the meeting at 7:09pm

Motion to adjourn the public hearing on the annual FY 2020 proposed budget and return to the regular Board of Education Meeting. TIME: 7:15 pm

1st: Wilkey, 2nd: Hamilton

Ayes: Wilkey, Hamilton, Christensen, Male, Olsen, Vitko

Motion carries

Motion to approve Board of Education minutes from August 2020

1st: Vitko, 2nd: Wilkey

Ayes: Vitko, Wilkey, Christensen, Hamilton, Olsen

Abstain: Male

Motion carries

Motion to approve Board of Education Special Meeting minutes from July 2020

1st: Christensen, 2nd: Hamilton

Ayes: Christensen, Hamilton, Male, Olsen, Vitko, Wilkey

Motion carries

Financial Business

Motion to approve payment of bills for the month of September 2020.

1st: Hamilton 2nd: Male

Ayes: Hamilton, Male, Christensen, Olsen, Vitko, Wilkey

Motion carries

Motion to approve payroll in the amount of $89,667.95(gross) $68,863.86 (net).

1st: Male, 2nd: Wilkey

Ayes: Male, Wilkey, Christensen, Hamilton, Olsen, Vitko,

Motion carries

Motion to approve the treasurer’s report for the month of August 2020.

1st: Wilkey, 2nd: Vitko

Ayes: Wilkey, Vitko, Christensen, Hamilton, Male, Olsen

Motion carries

Motion to approve the annual budget as proposed for the FY 2021 school year

1st: Male, 2nd: Hamilton

Ayes: Male, Hamilton, Christensen, Olsen, Vitko, Wilkey

Motion carries

Motion to approve Permanent Working Cash Transfer for Parking Lot work of $68,000.00

1st: Wilkey, 2nd: Hamilton

Ayes: Wilkey, Hamilton, Christensen, Male, Olsen, Vitko

Motion carries

Dr. Merritt entered the meeting at 7:30 pm

Superintendent Report/New Business

a. Hybrid Learning Update

b. ISBE Updates / my2020.gov / Priority Learning Standards

c. School Reopening Task Force to Reconvene on 9/24/2020

d. Grundy County Sheriff's Deputy Well-Being Check

e. Federal School Lunch Program

● GGS will participate in this program beginning Monday, 9/21/2020. Free meals to ALL students. Dr. Merritt to draft a letter to all GGS families.

f. Patriot Day Observation

g. Half-Day Institute / Wed. 9/16/2020

h. MTSS Schedule

● Dr. Merritt provided the board with a schedule

● No meeting the week of parent/teacher conferences

Motion to approve the sale of surplus IMac desktop computers to the community and/or staff at a cost of $75 per device

1st: Christensen, Wilkey

Ayes: Christensen, Wilkey, Hamilton, Male, Olsen, Vitko

Motion carries

Motion to approve First Midwest Bank as Gardner CCSD 72C’s primary financial institution

1st: Christensen, 2nd: Hamilton

Ayes: Christensen, Hamilton, Male, Olsen, Vitko, Wilkey

Motion carries

Motion to approve The Paper as Gardner CCSD 72C’s primary source for posting public information

1st: Male, 2nd: Christensen

Ayes: Male, Christensen, Hamilton, Olsen, Vitko, Wilkey

Motion carries

Old Business

● Federal Title Grant Application - completed and submitted by Dr. Merritt

Motion to approve (second reading) adoption of IASB PRESS

Updates: Board Policy and Administrative Procedure 7:190, Student Behavior; 7:190-AP4, Use of Isolated Time Out, Time Out, and Physical Restraint; 5:170-AP4, Designation of District Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Agent; Registration Process; 7:40, Nonpublic School Students, Including Parochial and Home-Schooled Students; 7-190-AP2, Student Handbook - Gang Activity Prohibited; 7:190-AP5, Student Handbook - Electronic Devices; 7:220-AP, Electronic Recordings on School Buses

1st: Wilkey, 2nd: Christensen

Ayes: Wilkey, Christensen, Hamilton, Male, Olsen, Vitko

Motion carries

Motion to adjourn into closed session to consider information regarding the appointment, employment, or any permissible matter under the Open Meetings Act 5ILCS 120 (2) (1) Time: 8:02 pm

1st: Wilkey, 2nd: Hamilton

Ayes: Wilkey, Hamilton, Olsen, Vitko, Christensen, Male

Motion carries

● Discussions during closed session will be addressed during the October Board of Education meeting.

Motion to adjourn from closed session and return to regular session. Time: 8:47 pm

1st: Wilkey, 2nd: Hamilton

Ayes: Wilkey, Hamilton, Olsen, Vitko, Christensen, Male

Motion carries

Board Committee Reports

a. Building and Grounds Committee (Hamilton/Male)

1. Marquee Sign

b. Curriculum (Male/Vitko)

c. Finance Committee (TBD/Olsen)

d. Handbook (Hamilton/Vitko)

a. Update Student Handbook

e. Personnel (Christensen/Wilkey)

a. PERA Committee

f. Sports (Christensen/Olsen)

a. Home-School Participation

g. Technology (TBD/Wilkey)

Motion for adjournment: Time: 9:38 pm

1st: Wilkey, 2nd: Olsen

Ayes: Wilkey, Olsen, Hamilton, Male, Vitko, Christensen

Motion carries
