Illinois State Board of Education Education Policy Planning Committee met Oct. 6.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
I. Roll Call
Chairperson Susie Morrison brought the meeting to order at 12:30 p.m. Roll call was taken, and a quorum was present with two members. Chairperson Morrison made the declaration, “An in-person meeting is not practical or prudent because of a disaster. Physical presence for the meeting is unfeasible due to the disaster.” All attendees joined via phone. She verified that each member could hear one another and follow the discussion, and that they were able to testify
Committee Members Present
Chairperson Susie Morrison
Jackie Robbins
Other Board Members Present
Dr. Cristina Pacione-Zayas
Darren Reisberg
Staff Present
Dr. Carmen I. Ayala, State Superintendent
Kirsten Parr, Board Services Coordinator
Kim Clarke, Executive Assistant to the State Superintendent
Krish Mohip, Deputy Officer of Operational Education
Amanda Elliott, Executive Director of Legislative Affairs
Dr. Brenda M. Dixon, Research and Evaluation Officer
Dr. Ernesto Matias, Education Officer
Irma Snopek, Policy and Communications Officer
Dr. Jason Helfer, Deputy Officer of Instructional Education
Emily Fox, Director of Educator Effectiveness
Jennifer Saba, Executive Director of Regional Services
Dr. Dana Kinley, Executive Director of Systems of Support
Barbara Moore, Director of Special Education
II. Public Participation
No public participation at this time.
III. Approval of the September 1, 2020, Meeting Minutes
Ms. Robbins made the motion for the Education Policy Planning Committee to approve the September 1, 2020, meeting minutes. Chair Morrison seconded the motion, and it passed by roll call vote.
IV. Review of October Board Agenda Items
A. Welcome and Introductions for the 2020-21 Student Advisory Council
The members of the council will be introduced during the Board meeting. Ms. Saba noted that one of the students is an English Learner, so there may be a translator for her, depending on their comfort level.
B. Recognizing ISBE Teacher of the Year Program Awardees & Naming of 2021 Illinois Teacher of the Year
The announcement will happen during a Board meeting in lieu of the event that usually is held. The surprise notification to the finalists is available for viewing online. Mr. Reisberg asked if a short snippet of the announcement could be taken to be shared on social media, in addition to a screenshot of the Board members and winner. Ms. Megan Griffin, director of Internal Communications, confirmed that plans for something such as that are in the works.
Dr. Matias introduced Dr. Dana Kinley, executive director of Systems of Support, to the committee and welcomed her to the agency.
C. Rules for Initial Review - Part 25 (Educator Licensure) Educator Licensure Updates and Changes
Ms. Robbins noted that there were aspects of the way the edits were formatted that detracted from clarity.
Ms. Fox highlighted some changes related to bilingual education, which reduces barriers for educators who are already fluent in a foreign language and international educators who have already proven their proficiency in English.
Mr. Reisberg asked about what Superintendent Mark Twomey from Macomb will be speaking on and asked the committee members if they have any suggestions about what might be helpful for him to address. Dr. Ayala said that he will present some things the district is proud of, how they’re doing, and the impact COVID-19 has had. Chair Morrison said that she would like to hear him speak about how his district is dealing with the pandemic and how he thinks the State Board can be of help.
D. Rules for Initial Review - Part 267 (Recycling Grant Program) New K-12 Recycling Grant Program There were no questions for this item at this time.
E. Rules for Adoption - Part 1 (Public Schools Evaluation, Recognition and Supervision) COVID-19 Related Matters
Ms. Snopek provided information on the proposed ruling.
F. Rules for Adoption – Part 1 (Public Schools Evaluation, Recognition and Supervision) Climate Survey There were no questions for this item at this time.
G. Rules for Adoption - Part 25 (Educator Licensure) COVID-19 Related Matters
Ms. Robbins asked about the dates that were edited. Ms. Fox explained that one piece of feedback taken from public comment was that there should be a buffer period between when a public health emergency is lifted and when candidates will be expected to complete licensure exams. Those dates were added for public comment in order to give institutions of higher education some additional planning time and the ability to guide their candidates.
H. Rules for Adoption - Part 235 (Early Childhood Block Grant) Child Care Centers During a Public Health Emergency
There were no questions for this item at this time.
I. Fall 2020 Waiver Report
There were no questions for this item at this time.
J. Approval of Amendment of Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with Northern Illinois University (NIU) on School Report Card to include Ed360
There were no questions for this item at this time.
K. Approval of the Legislative Agenda.
Ms. Elliott provided a brief overview of the timeline of the agenda.
V. Review November Board Agenda Items (upcoming action)
A. Approval of Illinois Assistive Technology Device Loan and Evaluation Grant (4630-LE)
Ms. Moore highlighted that data in a chart on page 2 is inaccurate and will be updated for the Board meeting.
B. Approval of Illinois Assistive Technology Exchange Network Grant (4630-EN) There were no questions for this item at this time.
C. Approval of Illinois Assistive Technology Training and Technical Assistance Program Grant There were no questions for this item at this time.
D. Approval of the Three-Year Renewal with College Board to Administer the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) per the Existing Contract
Mr. Reisberg asked if the protest period had passed. Dr. Dixon said yes and negotiation is in process.
Mr. Reisberg asked if there is anything being done to discuss remote administration of the assessment and building that into the contract. Dr. Dixon said that Dr. Sean Clayton has begun having these conversations. She explained that with the nature of the contract is that the vendor does not get paid unless the assessment is administered, so there is a built-in incentive to figure out a way of administering it under any circumstance. She said that the main concern is test security. If that can be figured out, then the vendors will very likely offer a remote version of the assessment. Otherwise, students may be asked to come in person for the assessment, adhering to whatever health and safety guidelines are in place at the time.
Chair Morrison requested that the assessment also be a standing item on the agenda, along with the Statewide System of Support.
Dr. Pacione-Zayas asked if there has been data collected from the most recent in-person administration of the SAT to learn from and optimize safety protocol. She emphasized being very attentive to the calculation of risk, especially considering communities that may have higher risk of spread, and whether or not administering the test would be worth the risk. Dr. Dixon said that her department does not currently have access to Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) data and it is unclear whether that access can be legally acquired. Dr. Pacione-Zayas said that there is likely general data available that does not violate HIPAA. Mr. Reisberg echoed that this will be important to track. Dr. Ayala said that they would reach out to IDPH about whether or not the recent administrations resulted in an outbreak.
Ms. Robbins expressed concern about test security, and Dr. Ayala said that there is data analysis that can be conducted in order to weed out outstanding, suspicious scores.
E. Approval of Illinois Service Resource Center Grant
Ms. Moore provided information on the proposed grant to be renewed.
VI. Discussion Items
A. Statewide System of Support – IL Empower 2.0
Dr. Matias and Dr. Helfer presented updates on this project regarding new leadership, partner supports, school support coordinators, and communication. Mr. Reisberg asked about chain of command, and Dr. Matias clarified it for him.
Chair Morrison asked what the new role of the Regional Offices of Education (ROEs) is versus the primary partner role they have had in the past with schools and districts. Dr. Matias and Mr. Mohip explained that they are still functioning as primary partners and how that relationship will look.
Chair Morrison asked the total dollar amount that will be going to Comprehensive and Targeted schools this year as well as the amount that will be paid to the primary partners. Mr. Mohip said he could report this data in an update.
Dr. Ayala and Dr. Matias explained that existing contracts and funds within the agency are being used and strategically reallocated and repurposed without subtracting any funding from the schools.
Chair Morrison inquired more about the evolution of the relationship between some of the primary partners and schools. Dr. Matias explained the transition period that will occur. She followed up by asking if Illinois Association of Regional School Superintendents is getting new money from the agency while individual ROEs are getting school money. The answer was yes. She asked for future discussions to more clearly outline who is getting existing funds versus who may be getting new funds.
Chair Morrison asked how many learning partners there currently are. Mr. Mohip said it is upward of 50 or 60, and she will be provided a more specific number later. Dr. Matias said that they would distinguish between
learning partners that do or do not have existing contracts with schools. Chair Morrison asked if attaching to a partner was required of schools. The answer was no.
Chair Morrison asked for an explanation of the quality reviews that the school support coordinators are going to do. Mr. Mohip said that they will be meeting quarterly with schools to reflect on the impact of the learning partners in addition to meeting with primary partners in order to make sure everyone is on the same page about allocation and depth of responsibilities. Dr. Matias added that the reviews will involve a review of the data as an accountability measure. Chair Morrison asked which partner would provide the expertise to do this. Dr. Matias explained that the process and means of analysis are still being determined. Chair Morrison emphasized that data literacy is a very important external support.
Mr. Reisberg asked whether or not schools were in control of which partners they work with, if any. The answer was yes, and Dr. Ayala expanded on some of the logistics with an example. Mr. Reisberg asked about how the agency is ensuring that school support coordinators are adequately equipped to be making these decisions. Dr. Ayala said that it is only Targeted schools that will have this level of choice, and she explained that ROEs will be working very closely with the schools in order to conduct their needs assessments. Mr. Reisberg requested that a clear layout of the requirements of Targeted and Comprehensive schools be included in the next discussion of this topic.
Chair Morrison asked why an organization would go through the process of approval to become a learning partner when they can individually contract with schools. Dr. Matias and Mr. Mohip explained that this partnership helps provide the partners with access to the schools they would not have otherwise, in addition to the opportunity to collect data and demonstrate results in order to form a strong, lucrative relationship.
Chair Morrison asked if there will be an amendment to the Illinois ESSA Plan, since it requires schools to use an external partner. Dr. Helfer said the plan has been reviewed and confirmed that it would be updated, but a formal amendment is not necessary.
Dr. Pacione-Zayas asked how the agency is being deliberate in using the partners to support early childhood. Dr. Matias said his department is considering providing professional development to superintendents and principals regarding early childhood education in addition to looking into how the agency could provide support to early childhood programs. Dr. Pacione-Zayas questioned if ISBE has the internal capacity to support whole school improvement from the early childhood lens. Dr. Matias said he would reflect on the points she made and is open to having further discussions and hearing her suggestions. Dr. Ayala added that a major barrier to instituting statewide policies regarding K-3 is the lack of statewide assessment for those grade levels. Dr. Pacione-Zayas further expressed the importance of addressing these grade levels, since plans to improve Grades 3-12 will go awry without the proper foundation.
VII. New Business: Items for the next agenda
Dr. Ayala noted that IL-EMPOWER 2.0 will be discussed again, with a focus on the distinction between Comprehensive and Targeted schools.
Chair Morrison specified that she would like to see who they may and must partner with, what their options are, the roles and responsibilities of the partners, the roles and responsibilities of the school support coordinators, and details on how progress will be measured.
Ms. Robbins added that it would be useful to give examples of funds that are staying put versus funds that are being repurposed.
Chair Reisberg added that it would helpful at some point down the line to have real-world examples of a Comprehensive and a Targeted school executing this plan and presenting both successes and failures.
Dr. Ayala noted that Standards and Assessments will be a standing agenda item and asked if there is anything specific the committee would like covered.
Chair Morrison asked for an update on how the critiques from the last Board meeting have been implemented. She also asked for an update on assessment contracts and plans for implementation. Additionally, she expressed complaints from educators working on the social science standards about their November deadline. Finally, she brought up the idea of some kind of recovery task force to create a multi-year statewide learning recovery plan, providing names of superintendents who wrote an op-ed about this possibility and offered their services. Dr. Ayala said that some thought has been put into this, but the proper data is needed before concrete plans can be constructed.
VIII.Next Meeting: November 5, 2020
IX. Adjourn
Ms. Robbins made a motion to adjourn. Ms. Morrison seconded the motion, and it passed by a roll call vote. Chairperson Morrison adjourned the committee at 2:16 p.m.