City of Vienna City Council met Aug. 3.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
The City Council of the City of Vienna met in regular session al Vienna City Hall with the following members and guest:
Steve Penrod, Mayor
Melissa Hill. Alderman
Richard Owen, Alderman
Angela Moore, Alderman
Austin Tucy, Alderman
Alan Racey, Alderman
Ron Pills, Alderman
Shane Racey. City Supt.
Aleatha Wright, Clerk
Michelle Meyers, City Treasurer
Brent Williams, Fire Chief
GUESTS Joseph Emery
There being a quorum, Mayor Penrod called the meeting of the Vienna City Council to order at 6:30 p.m.
Alderman Moore made a motion to Authorize and Approve the Omnibus Consent Agenda consisting of the July 20. 2022 council meeting minutes and the Warrant ($35.214.64). Alderman Owen seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried.
Alderman Racey made a motion to Authorize and Approve an engagement letter between Buessink, Hickamin & Kochel, P.C., and the City of Vienna, la conduct the 2022 FY Audit. Alderman Pilis seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried.
Alderman Moore made a motion to Authorize and Approve Ordinance 22-04. An Ordinance for the City of Vienna. II., Appropriating funds for the 2022-2023 fiscal year. Alderman Tuey seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried.
Joseph Emery, Art Gallery Off the Square owner was present to inquire of holding adult sip and paint events. Emery said the gallery would not be selling or distributing alcohol as participants would have to furnish their own alcohol, serve themselves and be of legal drinking age. Council was overall supportive of the idea but would contact city attorney and insurance to question liability.
Supt. Racey said MFT oil and chip was scheduled for August 15. Mayor Penrod said that Redbud Road was removed from the list due to the city applying to upgrade the road through grant funds.
Wright said the city had received the fall festival parade permit from IDOT for Saturday, October 1, 2022.
Mayor Penrod updated council that nuisance ordinance violation fines were issued at a recent court dale totaling $2,300.00. Chief Miller was continuing to inspect properties.
Penrod said he and Supt. Racey had met with Haley Ing. Clarida & Ziegler, to discuss the 2023 IDOT project on 146 Fast which will include the installation of y roundabout. Penrod said the city was notified and will be responsible for costs to move water, sewer, and gas lines for the project. Penrod said some of the work may have to be contracted out. Penrod said he contacted Southern live to inquire of possible grant funds to assist the city with costs.
Penrod discussed the status of the USDA Rural Development loan the city was in the process of applying for. The city would need to increase water/sewer rates and is working with the city auditor for a recommendation based on the city water fund. City council would further discuss rate increases at the next scheduled meeting.
At 7:12 p.m. Alderman Pitts made a motion to go out of Regular Session into executive Session For Collective Negotiations between the City of Vienna and Local Union 50 as per S ILCS 120/2(c)(2). Motion seconded by Alderman Tuey.
At 7:32 p.m. Alderman Moore made a motion to resume the Regular Session meeting. Seconded by Alderman Tuey.
As there was no further business to discuss. Alderman Tuey made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Alderman Pitts. Mayor Penrod adjourned the meeting at 7:32 pm.