
Grundy Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Coal City Community Unit School District #1 Board of Education Aug. 3

Coal City Community Unit School District #1 Board of Education Aug. 3.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


President Miller called the regular meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. with the board members answering roll call present: Robert Bianchetta, Mary Gill, Shawn Hamilton, Quint Harmon, Chuck Lander, Steve Rogers, and Ken Miller. Also in attendance were Superintendent Christopher Spencer, CSBO Jason Smith, Director of Curriculum and Instruction Tammy Elledge, Director of Special Populations Luke Krippel, Board Secretary LaWanda Gagliardo, and member of the press Ann Gill.


President Miller led the Board and others present in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.


1. Introduction/acknowledgement of guests. – none.


1. In regard to agenda items – none.

2. In general (Limited to 5 minutes per person.) – Trevor Wiegand a resident of Coal City was attendance and spoke to the Board regarding summer sports programs. Superintendent Christopher Spencer asked Mr. Wiegand to put together a proposal for him to review, and present to the Board at a future meeting.


President Miller asked if there were any items that the Board would like to remove from the consent agenda. Hearing none, President Miller asked for a motion to approve the consent agenda, and the following building requests:

Mr. Lander moved and Mr. Harmon seconded to approve the consent agenda.



• James Cichy Jr. – Custodian at the Middle School – Mr. Cichy’s last day will be Friday, August 12, 2022.

• Quinn McCants – 1:1 Special Ed Aide at the Early Childhood Center. Ms. McCants’ resignation is effective immediately.

• Bethany Nicola – Classroom Aide at the Middle School. Ms. Nicola’s last day was July 29, 2022.

• Dawn Rodgers – 1:1 Special Ed Aide at the High School. Ms. Rodgers last day was June 30, 2022.

Employments - pending satisfactory completion of all state requirements – see Superintendent’s Report

Employee Transfers

• Amy Kuder – 5-hour Food Preparer at the Elementary School. Ms. Kuder will transfer to a 6- hour Food Preparer at the High School.

Leave Requests

• Colin Keppner – Social Studies Teacher at the High School – Mr. Keppner is requesting a seventeen (17) day paid FMLA medical leave, with use of accumulated sick leave in accordance with the Teacher’s Negotiated Agreement, from Wednesday, October 5, 2022 through Monday, October 31, 2022. Mr. Keppner is planning to return Tuesday, November 1, 2022.

• Lauren Kempes – Counselor at the Middle School – Ms. Kempes is requesting up to a seventy-eight (78) day maternity leave pending doctor’s approval, with use of accumulated sick leave in accordance with the Teacher’s Negotiated Agreement, from Wednesday, November 15, 2022 through Thursday, March 16, 2022. Ms. Kempes is also requesting an additional forty-two (42) day FMLA days from approximately Friday, March 17, 2022 through Thursday, May 25, 2022, which is the last contractual day for certified staff.

Retirement Requests

• Todd Painter – P.E. Teacher at the Early Childhood Center. Mr. Painter plans to retire at the conclusion of the 24 - 25 school year. Mr. Painter will take advantage of the Early Retirement Plan per the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Coal City Community Unit District Board of Education.

• Paula Crawford – full-time Aide at the Early Childhood Center. Ms. Crawford plans to retire at the conclusion of the 22 – 23 school year.

Extra-Curricular Resignations

• Rachel Bjorklund is resigning as the Assistant Track Coach at the High School effective immediately.

• Brad Boresi is resigning as the FS Baseball Coach at the high school effective immediately.

• Francis Loughran is resigning as the Assistant Track Coach at the High School effective immediately.

Extra-Curricular Assignments

Athletic Director Dan Hutchings is recommending the following for coaching positions:

• Jerry McDowell – Varsity Head Baseball Coach

• Joe Rivera – Middle School Assistant Wrestling Coach

• Laura Basham – Middle School C Softball Coach


Tim Gabehart – High School Volunteer Golf Coach


• Rodney Monbrum

• Corey Mikula

• Brad Boresi

Job Descriptions

• Performing Arts Center Support Staff

Closed Session Minutes to Open Session

• March 2, 2022, February 23, 2022 and January 26, 2022

Paraprofessional Reinstatements for the 22-23 School Year:

Early Childhood Center

● Lauren Basham - Full-time Classroom Aide

● Niki Planeta - Full-time 1:1 Aide

● Kristen Togliatti - Full-time Classroom Aide

● Carol Bielfeldt - Full-time Classroom Aide

● Michelle Hill - Full-time Classroom Aide

● Cheri Eikey - Full-time Classroom Aide

● Same Hill - Full-time 1:1 Aide

● Jenn Endrst - Full-time 1:1 Aide

● Rebecca Acred - Full-time 1:1 Aide

● Gina Hiles - Full-time 1:1 Aide (Transfer from Coal City Elementary School)

● Christina McClenning - Part-time Reading Aide

● Jennifer Hall - Part-time Reading Aide

● Jewel Anderson - Part-time Reading Aide

● Paula Crawford - Full-time PE Aide

● Danielle Diamond - Full-time Library Aide (Split w/ES)

Elementary School

● Holly Kainz - Full-time 1:1 Aide (Split w/IS)

● Colleen Berta - Full-time Classroom Aide

● Lisa Hootselle - Full-time 1:1 Aide

● Deb Tapley - Full-time Classroom Aide

● Sue Hancock - Full-time Classroom Aide

● Jessica Giordano - Full-time 1:1 Aide

● Destiny Horkavy - Full-time 1:1 Aide

● Jenn Rolley - Full-time 1:1 Aide

● Lori Johnson - Full-time 1:1 Aide

● Angela Bartholomew - Full-time 1:1 Aide (Transfer from Coal City Middle School)

● Kristen Erhard - Part-time Reading Aide

● Mary Lepic - Part-time Reading Aide

● Cindie Haddon - Part-time Recess Aide

● Allison Gill - Full-time Health Aide

● Stacey Wills - Full-time PE Aide (Split w/IS)

Intermediate School

● Stephanie Barkley - Full-time Classroom Aide

● Tara Charles - Full-time Classroom Aide

● Theresa Chernesky - Part-time Reading Aide

● Rachel Rose - Part-time Reading Aide

● Lance Roseland - Part-time Reading Aide

● Carol Budde - Full-time Health Aide

● Cherie Sieger - Part-time Recess Aide

Middle School

● Amanda Eaton - Full-time Classroom Aide

● Mercedis Neal - Full-time Classroom Aide

● Daniel Ripplinger - Full-time 1:1 Aide

● Julie Walsh - Full-time Classroom Aide

● Gina Pens - Full-time 1:1 Aide

● Keegan Clampitt - Full-time 1:1 Aide (Transfer from Coal City High School)

● Jody Jackson - Full-time 1:1 Aide (Transfer from Coal City Intermediate School)

● Tina Vignocchi - Full-time Library Aide (Split w/IS)

● Jaimie Bianchetta - Part-time Lunch Supervisor

High School

● Shannon Caher - Full-time Classroom Aide

● Joy Williams - Full-time Classroom Aide

● Karen Carlson - Full-time Classroom Aide

● Xander Smith - Full-time Classroom Aide

● Donna Harmon - Full-time Classroom Aide

● Sara Helland - Full-time 1:1 Aide

● Katie Easton - Full-time 1:1 Aide

● Shannon Manietta - Full-time Classroom Aide

● Vanessa Babcock - Part-time Lunch Supervisor

● Aislinn Jones - Part-time Health Aide

Roll Call.

Ayes: Chuck Lander, Quint Harmon, Robert Bianchetta, Mary Gill, Shawn Hamilton, Steve Rogers, Ken Miller Nays:

Motion: Carried.



Principal Davidson Reported:

Calendar of Events:

August 9th, 10th, 11th - New Teacher Orientation

August 12th - Teacher’s Institute

August 15th - Teacher’s Institute

August 15th - Back to School Night - 3:30pm-5:00pm

August 16th - First Day with Students!

August 23rd - A Team Meeting @ 2:55pm

August 24th - Staff Meeting @ 2:55pm

August 25th - PBS Team Meeting @ 2:55pm

August 29th - NEW staff meeting @ 2:55pm

August 30th - Kindergarten Team Meeting @ 11:15am

August 30th - 1st Grade Team Meeting @ 12:15pm

August 30th - SPED Team Meeting @ 2:55pm

August 31st - PreK Team Meeting @ 10:45am

Current ECC Enrollment for 2022-2023:

PreK: 119

Kindergarten: 124

1st Grade: 148

Total: 391 (in PowerSchool as of July 27th, 2022)


• July was here and gone in the blink of an eye! We are putting the final touches on what is going to be an exciting start to the new school year. It feels like a fresh start after many years of only thinking about COVID. It is refreshing and exciting!!

• Walk-in Registration was held on July 14th from 7:00am-10:00am and again on July 19th from 4:00pm-6:30pm. It was a very busy night as always with many new PreK students completing registration. Overall, the ECC had 7 new Kindergarten and 1st grade students register for the 2022/2023 school year.

• The custodial staff at the ECC (Tracci, Donna, Aaron and Jeremy) have worked tremendously hard this summer and the building is ready and open for staff early to come and prepare for the beginning of the school year.

• We look forward to our Back to School Night on Monday, August 15th. This is a great opportunity for our students to meet teachers and staff and for parents to drop off school supplies. It is always a busy and fun night!

• We will welcome many new faces at the ECC this school year and are happy to have the following as part of our team:

o Ashley Jackman - Kindergarten Special Education

o Tyler Schoonover - 1st Grade Teacher

o Emily Halliday - Speech Pathologist

o Kristen Strunga - Reading Specialist


• A HUGE thank you to the custodial staff for working so hard (with no air conditioning) to get the building ready EARLY for the staff to return and prepare for the upcoming school year. Amazing work by Tracci, Donna, Aaron and Jeremy!! It has been a hot summer, but they have pulled through and the building looks amazing!

• Thank you to Tracy Warner and Kristina Davy for all of the summer work completed making sure everything is set for students to return! Both would come help with anything asked at any given moment in time and their dedication to making sure everything runs smoothly is unmatched!

• Thank you to Emily Nolan (our school nurse) for the hours she has put in this summer to make sure her files are sorted and medical documentation is accounted for!


Principal Trotter reported:

Calendar of Events:

August 8th: New Student Orientation

August 15th: Back to School Night

August 16th: Students first day of school

ES Enrollment:

2nd Grade: 155 students

3rd Grade: 138 students

Total: 293 (enrolled as of 7/29/22)


● Janet Mahlfeldt was hired as reading aide/lunch & recess supervisor

● Cristina Schultz was hired as our school counselor to take the place of Craig Warner who took a position at the high school

● Alison Gill will be at the ES all day for the 22-23 school year as health aide and assistant secretary.

CCES Happenings and Recognitions:

● June and July were busy at the ES. We are working on an updated schedule and class lists.

● The building is looking great thanks to Julie Roeglin, Lynn Pearson and Tim Larson. They are continuing to wax and clean the rooms and move a few classrooms around for us. They are a fantastic crew!

● Denny and his crew have also had some painting done and hung ViewSonic boards up for us.


Principal Carlson reported:

Calendar of Upcoming Events:

August 8 – New Student and 4th Grade Orientation 9:00 a.m.

August 12 &15 – Teacher Institute Day

August 15 – Back to School Night 6:00-7:30 p.m.

August 16 – First Day of School – 8:00-1:25

Anticipated Enrollment:

4th Grade 138 6 sections; 23 students per section

5th Grade 160 7 sections; 22-23 students per section

Total 298

As of 7/29/22:

New Students = 8

Move-outs = 2


I would like to welcome the following staff to CCIS for the upcoming 2022-2023 school year:

- Sonja Minnick ~ 4th/5th Cross Categorical Special Education Teacher

- Sara Bohac ~ 4th Grade Special Education Co-teacher

- Tricia Hall ~ 5th Grade Co-teacher

- Joey Rivera ~ 4th Grade Teacher

- Hope Connelly ~ 4th/5th Music Teacher (traveling from CCHS)

- TBD ~ Reading Specialist

Preview of August:

• New Student and 4th Grade Orientation will take place on Monday, August 8 from 9:00- 10:00 a.m. We will meet in the North Gym for approximately 25 minutes where I will speak to the students and parents/guardians. Around 9:30 families who are new to Coal City schools will be given a guided tour, and everyone else will be free to tour the school on their own with a map

• Back to School Night is planned for Monday, August 15 from 6:00-7:30 p.m. This is a fun evening for students to meet their teacher, bring their school supplies, and decorate their locker if they choose to.


Principal Johnson reported:

Calendar of Events:

July 25 - CCMS Softball Begins

August 1 - CCMS Baseball Begins

August 4 & 5 - WEB Leader Training

August 8 - CCMS 6th Grade Orientation – 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

CCMS New Student Orientation – 11:30 a.m.

August 9 & 10 - New Teacher Orientation

August 12 & 15 - Teacher Institute

August 16 - First Day of School for Students – 1:45 p.m. dismissal

Enrollment Numbers on 7/29

6th Grade 170

7th Grade 167

8th Grade 167

Total 503

Personnel Report:

We have some new staff members who will be joining CCMS in the fall of 2022.

• Rodney Monburm will be the new Assistant Principal at CCMS.

• Brad Boresi is our new 6-12 Dean of Students/Asst. Athletic Director.

• Amie Depodesta will be Assistant Secretary at the MS.

• Michael Kren will be joining the CCMS Staff as a Music/Chorus teacher.

• Amanda Gibson will be joining our 8th grade team as an ELA teacher.

• Angela Roudis is our new Special Education teacher for our Cross Categorical Classroom.

• Allison Peterson and Tina Vignocchi will be splitting our library position at CCMS this school year.

We have some new support staff members at CCMS.

• Keegan Clampitt – Special Education Aide

• Ashley Meyerhoff – Special Education Aide

• Jody Jackson – Special Education Aide

Month in Review – Summer:

• Walk In Registration took place on July 14 and July 19 at the Unit Office. At the present time, we have 21 new students who have registered at CCMS for the 2022-23 school year. Special thanks to LaWanda Gagliardo and Taryn Trotter for their work on the registration process.

• CCMS Athletics are set to begin in the month of August with Softball and Baseball. CCMS Softball will begin with games on August 4 and Baseball is set to start their season on August 10. Good luck to all of our teams and coaches this fall.

CCMS Softball Coaches

Brad Schmitt – 8th Grade

Stephanie Vuscko – 7th Grade

Laura Bashem – 6th Grade

CCMS Baseball Coaches

Greg Wills – 8th Grade

Nate Wills – 7th Grade

Mike Pfeiffer – 6th Grade


Principal Kenney reported:

Calendar of Events:

Aug. 2nd & 3rd Senior Pictures

Aug. 4th Freshman/New Student Orientation

Aug. 4th New Student/Freshmen Parent night

Aug. 8th Fall Athletics Start

Aug. 12th Staff Breakfast and Professional Development

Aug. 14th Staff in Buildings

Aug. 16th Students First Attendance Day

Aug. 20th HS Fall Sports Picture Day

Aug. 24th CCHS Fall Pictures


• The Custodial Staff led by Tyrone Gregory have the building looking great and will be ready to open on the 17th for our students and staff.

• Thank you to the Maintenance and Grounds crews for their work this summer. Month in Review:

2022 – 2023 Page 25

Coal City Community Unit School District #1 Board of Education Meeting Minutes Wednesday, August 3, 2022

• We just finished our second session of summer school; we had 26 students for session 1 and 34 students in session 2. Students signed up for a Math, English or Science class for the summer. Thank you to Mike Kostbade, Kaitlyn Czernicki, Tammy Norris, and Michelle Painter for setting up and running Summer School.

• Coal City High School welcomes 9 new staff members for the 2022-2023 school year. Those with an * are transfers from another building. They are as follows:

• Corey Mikula* – Assistant Principal

• Brad Boresi* – Dean/Assistant Athletic Director

• Craig Warner* – Social Work

• Sarah Bell – Special Education

• Zach Edgar* – Special Education

• Michael Kren – Music

• Adam Macholz – Industrial Technology

• Sarah Cyrkiel – Mathematics

• Richard Taylor - Science


Director Krippel reported:

Move-In Special Education Students:

At the time of writing this report, the district is anticipating seven students moving into the district that have Individualized Education Plans (IEP’s). While this number is relatively low compared to previous years, the needs of the students are greater than in the past. I will provide a further update at the meeting on August 3rd.

Special Education Teacher Shortage

As you are well aware, there is an extreme shortage of Special Education Teachers in the state of Illinois. Again, we have been fortunate to fill all of our positions with quality candidates. One of these candidates is currently in the process of receiving the Special Education Endorsement through the State of Illinois. Due to the shortage, the Illinois State Board of Education created an approval program for teachers in this situation which allows them to educate as a Special Education Teacher while in the process of receiving this endorsement. Parents/guardians of students who will be affected by this will receive a letter prior to school beginning on August 17th which will explain this process. An official approval form will also be submitted to the Regional Office of Education.

IDEA Consolidated Grant

The IDEA Consolidated Grant has been submitted to the Illinois State Board of Education. This grant is used to pay salaries for paraprofessionals, provide professional development for staff members, and purchase technology and supplies related to our special education programs throughout the district.

Preschool for All Grant

The Preschool for All (PFA) grant has been submitted and approved by the Illinois State Board of Education. This grant is used to pay salaries and benefits for the PFA teachers while also assisting in the purchase of supplies and technology for the preschool program.

CPI Training

CPI training is a professional development program that focuses on nonviolent crisis intervention as well as de-escalation techniques and nonrestrictive interventions. Due to the special education programs within our district, this training is essential for many of our teachers and paraprofessionals. Our district is fortunate to have three certified CPI instructors that are able to train our building team members. We will be offering this training opportunity to approximately 75 staff members prior to school beginning on August 16th.


Full Time Reading Specialist - Coal City Intermediate School

● In an attempt to gather more interest in this position, a posting for a “Reading Interventionist” was also created.

Full Time 1:1 Aide - Coal City Early Childhood Center


Director Elledge reported:

Professional Development:

August 12th is right around the corner and we will have our opening day kick-off starting with an optional breakfast at 7:30 a.m. Superintendent Chris Spencer will provide the opening day message to set the tone for the year at 8:30 a.m. Sessions that day will include:

Emergency Operations Plan


Science training

Diabetes training

Evaluation instrument information

Social and emotional strategies for all students

Financial wellness

Department meetings

This will be a full day of sessions at the high school since we have reinstituted a second teacher institute day at the beginning of the year.

Mentoring Program

At the current time we have fifteen teachers that will be going through the mentoring program. We will kick-off the program with three days of learning and working from August 9th to the 11th. We have several people that will be helping in the training including: Keith Kiper, Erin Dransfeldt, Cealy DePersia, Dave Sinkular, Michelle Painter, Matt Leman. All of the district admins will be working with the new teachers as well as several building administrators. It’s a whole team effort as we welcome these new staff members to the district. A continental breakfast will be offered on the 9th and 10th in the morning starting at 7:30 a.m. and you are all invited to stop by and meet the new staff members. As always, we are indebted to the staff members that willingly mentor new staff members. The program’s success is dependent on their hard work and professionalism.


Mr. Spencer reported:

1. At the July 6, 2022 Board meeting, the Board authorized the Superintendent to employ personnel as needed in order to start the 2022 – 2023 school year fully staffed. This authorization will sunset on September 7, 2022. The following will be employed for the 2022 – 2023 school year, pending satisfactory completion of all state requirements:

Certified Staff

• Ashley Jackman – Kindergarten Special Ed Teacher at the Early Childhood Center. Ms. Jackman is replacing Aimee Wren who transferred to be the general education Kindergarten Teacher. Ms. Wren replace Devon Esparza who resigned at the conclusion of the 21 - 22 school year.

• Adam Macholz – CTE Industrial Arts Teacher at the High School. Mr. Macholz is replacing Samuel Wurster, who resigned at the conclusion of the 21 - 22 school year. • Eusebio (Joey) Rivera – 4th Grade Teacher at the Intermediate School. Mr. Rivera will replace Brad Boresi, who is now the Dean/Assistant Athletic Director for grades 6 – 12.

• Tracy Schmitz – Reading Specialist at the Intermediate School.

• Cristina Schultz – Ms. Schultz will be the new Social Worker/K-5 Counselor at the Elementary School. Ms. Schultz is replacing Craig Warner, who transferred to the high school.

Support Staff

• Kristen Erhard – 3hr-Reading Aide – Ms. Erhard will work an additional 2 hours as the Lunch/Recess Supervisor. That will make her a 5hr employee.

• Peggy Feeney – K-5 Permanent Substitute Teacher

• Nick Ingalls – 6 – 12 Permanent Substitute Teacher

• Janet Mahlfeldt – 3-hour Reading Aide/Recess Supervisor at the Elementary School.

• Jason McGoldrick – Maintenance for the District. Mr. McGoldrick is replacing Matt Wisnewski.

• Ashley Meyerhoff – 1:1 Aide at the Middle School

• Kathryn Long – 1:1 Aide at the High School.

• Stacey Roach – 1:1 Aide at the Early Childhood Center.

• Deborah Sawyer – 3hr Food Preparer at the Middle School.

• Shannon Shirley – 1:1 Aide at the Early Childhood Center

• Sabrina Swearingen – 3hr Food Preparer at the High School.

• Sophiya Williams – PAC Audio/Visual at the High School. Ms. Williams is replacing Antonio Petrongelli.

Department Leader

• Tiffany Stewart – K-5 Social Studies Department Leader


Lynnae Bontrager for Michael Kren

Allison Anderson for Sonja Minnick

Sarah Veronda for Sara Bohac

Mike Kostbade for Richard Taylor

Melissa George for Sara Bell

Katie Ludes for Kristen Strunga

Tiffany Stewart for Tyler Schoonover

Matt Leman for Sarah Cyrkiel

Cassie Spicer for Emily Halliday

Val Clark for Amanda Gibson

Angie Phillips for Ashley Jackman

Mark Fiske for Adam Macholz

Amanda Patten for Cristina Schultz

Neil Nicholson for Joey Rivera

Cealy DePersia for Lindsey Mettille

Amy Gaffigan for Tracy Schmitz

2. Lyndsey Mettille will be a long-term sub in the district covering several maternity leaves throughout the district for the 22 – 23 school year.

3. There will be two (2) new student teachers at the Elementary School. Angelina Incavo at student at Trinity Christian College will be with Miss Bruzzino from August 23, 2022 through October 21, 2022. Also, Savanah Jacobs, a student at St. Francis University will complete her student teaching requirements with Ms. Terrel.

4. A. Monthly student enrollment figures were available for review.


August 4 – HS Freshmen Orientation from 8:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

August 4 – HS New Student/Freshmen Parent Meeting @ 6:00 p.m.

August 8 – ES New Student Orientation @ 10:00 a.m.

August 8 – IS New Student Orientation @ 9:00 a.m.

August 8 – MS 6th grade Orientation 8am – Noon & New Student Orientation @ 11:30 a.m.

August 12 – Teacher’s Institute/No Student Attendance

August 15 – Teacher’s Institute/No Student Attendance

August 15 – ECC Back to School Night from 3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

August 15 – ES Back to School Night from 4:45 p.m. – 6:15 p.m.

August 15 – IS Back to School Night from 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

August 16 – First Day of Attendance

August 23 – MS Back to School Night from 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

August 20 – HS Sports Pictures

August 24 – HS Fall Pictures

August 31 – Board Study Session of the Whole Meeting @ 6:00 p.m.

September 5 – Labor Day – No School

September 7 – Board Meeting @ 6:00 p.m.

Joint Annual Conference Pre-Conference Registration is available


Mr. Lander reported:

*No August report, due to no July meeting.


Athletic Director Dan Hutchings reported:

Calendar of Events:

July 25 - Middle School Softball tryouts –37 girls - added “C” Team based on the numbers

August 2 - Middle School Boys Baseball tryouts

August 8 - High School Boys Soccer, Football, Volleyball, Girls Tennis, & Golf may begin practice per the IHSA

August 20 - Fall Sports Picture Day

All Summer Camps will be completed by the end of July.


1. In regard to agenda items – none.

2. In general (Limited to 5 minutes per person.) – none.



At the July 27 Board Study Session, Superintendent Christopher Spencer discussed the proposal from Cordogan Clark to conduct a Facilities Improvement Plan. Approving this plan will allow the architects to identify the improvement plans for FY23.

Mr. Hamilton moved and Mr. Bianchetta seconded to approve Cordogan Clark to develop a district facilities improvement plan as presented.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Shawn Hamilton, Robert Bianchetta, Mary Gill, Quint Harmon, Chuck Lander, Steve Rogers, Ken Miller


Motion: Carried.



A Federal requirement for school districts with outstanding bond debt is that each district must provide a “Continuing Disclosure” report to certain repositories. Attached was the proposal from Raymond James and Associates, to provide assistance with continuing disclosure obligations for fee of $1,750.

Mr. Hamilton moved and Mr. Lander seconded to accept the proposal from Raymond James & Associates, Inc. to provide the district with the annual Continuing Disclosure as presented.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Shawn Hamilton, Chuck Lander, Robert Bianchetta, Mary Gill, Quint Harmon, Steve Rogers, Ken Miller


Motion: Carried.


Athletic Director Dan Hutchings recommended entering into an agreement with Cinder Ridge Golf Course for the 2022 – 2023 golf season for the amount of $2,750.00 and additional meets at a cost of $550.00. Mr. Spencer thanked Nettle Creek for allowing the 21 – 22 golf season to be held at their course. The school district has utilized Cinder Ridge in the past.

Mr. Harmon moved Mr. Lander seconded to approve utilizing Cinder Ridge Golf Facility for the 2022 – 2023 golf season per the terms outlined in the letter of agreement.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Quint Harmon, Chuck Lander, Robert Bianchetta, Mary Gill, Shawn Hamilton, Steve Rogers, Ken Miller


Motion: Carried.


A donation of a new popcorn machine worth $1,587.95 was donated from the Athletic Boosters. This new popcorn machine will enhance the quality of the product at the concession stand for sporting events held at the high school.

Mr. Lander moved and Mrs. Gill seconded to approve the donation of a new popcorn machine from the Athletic Boosters.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Chuck Lander, Mary Gill, Robert Bianchetta, Shawn Hamilton, Quint Harmon, Steve Rogers, Ken Miller


Motion: Carried.


The Board must take formal action to approve the Return School Plan. The Board has to take this action annually due to receiving ESSER funds.

Mr. Bianchetta moved Mr. Harmon seconded to approve the Return to School Plan as presented.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Robert Bianchetta, Quint Harmon, Mary Gill, Shawn Hamilton, Chuck Lander, Steve Rogers, Ken Miller


Motion: Carried.


Summer curriculum and assessment writing was completed. Copies of completed curricula are available for review on the district’s website and were ready for adoption.

https://www.coalcityschools.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=1251626&type=d&pREC_ ID=1478519

Mr. Bianchetta moved and Mrs. Gill seconded to approve the formal standards aligned curriculum for all completed subjects areas as presented.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Robert Bianchetta, Mary Gill, Shawn Hamilton, Quint Harmon, Chuck Lander, Steve Rogers, Ken Miller


Motion: Carried.


The Board of Education voted to table this matter until the September 7 Board meeting, due to the Village of Coal City not approving the terms of agreement until their August 10 meeting.

Mr. Hamilton moved and Mr. Lander seconded to table the Intergovernmental Agreement between the Village of Coal City and Coal City Community Unit School District #1 for providing for a School Resource Officer until the September Board meeting.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Shawn Hamilton, Chuck Lander, Robert Bianchetta, Mary Gill, Quint Harmon, Steve Rogers, Ken Miller Nays:

Motion: Carried.



1. In regard to agenda items – none.

2. In general (Limited to 5 minutes per person.) – none.


Mr. Lander moved and Mr. Hamilton seconded to go to closed session at 6:24 p.m. for the purpose of considering information regarding the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees, and collective bargaining matters.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Chuck Lander, Shawn Hamilton, Robert Bianchetta, Mary Gill, Quint Harmon, Steve Rogers, Ken Miller


Motion: Carried.


Mr. Lander moved and Mrs. Gill seconded to return to open session at 6:45 p.m.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Chuck Lander, Mary Gill, Robert Bianchetta, Shawn Hamilton, Quint Harmon, Steve Rogers, Ken Miller


Motion: Carried.

BOARD STUDY SESSION OF THE WHOLE DATE: AUGUST 31, 2022 @ 6 P.M. In Coal City CUSD #1 Administrative Center Boardroom

NEXT REGULAR MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 7, 2022 @ 6 P.M. In Coal City CUSD #1 Administrative Center Boardroom


Mr. Bianchetta moved and Mr. Harmon seconded to adjourn the meeting at 6:45 p.m. President Miller asked if there was any opposition to the motion, hearing none considers the motion approved.



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