
Grundy Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Coal City Community Unit School District #1 Board of Education met Nov. 2

Coal City Community Unit School District #1 Board of Education met Nov. 2.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


President Miller called the regular meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. with the board members answering roll call present: Robert Bianchetta, Mary Gill, Shawn Hamilton, Quint Harmon, Chuck Lander, Steve Rogers, and Ken Miller. Also, in attendance were Superintendent Christopher Spencer, CSBO Jason Smith, Director of Curriculum & Instruction Tammy Elledge, Director of Special Populations Luke Krippel, Board Secretary LaWanda Gagliardo, and member of the press Ann Gill.


President Miller led the Board and others present in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.


1. Introduction/acknowledgement of guests. – none.


1. In regard to agenda items – none.

2. In general (Limited to 5 minutes per person.)

Girls Tennis Coaches Matt Leman and Justin Hayse were in attendance and recognized State Tennis Qualifier Abby Stiles. Abby’s coaches described her during the season as someone who focused on progress and not so much the wins. Abby had an amazing record of 29 – 6, which was the most wins in Coal City history. The Board thanked Abby for her hard work and dedication to the sport. The Board also thanked the Coaches and the parents for their encouragement and support.

High school Principal Jennifer Kenney was in attendance and acknowledged students who earned the following honors:

AP Scholars

AP Scholars with Honors

AP Scholars with Distinctions

AP National Rural Small-Town Award

AP National Hispanic Recognition Award

There are 26 AP Scholars at the high school this year. 186 exams were taken last school year, and 73% of the students scored 3 or higher on these tests that have very rigorous standards. The students were called up who were AP Scholars, AP Scholars with Honors and AP Scholars with Distinction. The Board thanked the students for their hard work, and are looking forward to what they will achieve in their senior year of high school. Board President Miller also thanked the parents, and staff members that have assisted these students in their achievement.

New certified staff member Sarah Bell was in attendance to introduce herself to the Board. Sarah is the new Transitions Teacher at the high school.

Superintendent Christopher Spencer acknowledged that November 15 is National School Board Member Day in Illinois. Mr. Spencer thanked the Board for their tireless effort and dedication to Coal City Community Unit School District #1.


President Miller asked if there were any items that the Board would like to remove from the consent agenda. Hearing none, President Miller asked for a motion to approve the consent agenda. Including the following building usage request:

Group Building Ins. Date

Coal City Soccer Club ES Yes 11/8/22

Mr. Lander moved and Mr. Harmon seconded to approve the consent agenda.

MINUTES CLOSED SESSION MINUTES October 5, 2022 - Regular Meeting October 5, 2022 - Regular Meeting October 26, 2022 - Board Study Session October 26, 2022 - Board Study Session


Activity Fund Reports – September 2022

Treasurer’s Report – September 2022

Monthly Manual Check Report – October 2022

Payroll Report – October 2022

Accounts Payable Report – November 2022



• Angela Bartholomew – full-time 1:1 Aide at the Elementary School. Ms. Bartholomew’s last day was October 19, 2022.

Employments - pending satisfactory completion of all state requirements

• Trisha Bell – full-time Custodian within the district.

• Alexandra Newman – 1:1 Aide at the Elementary School. Ms. Newman is replacing Angela Bartholomew.

Leave Requests

• Kailee Walgren – Social Worker at the Early Childhood Center – Mrs. Walgren is requesting the use of three (3) personal days from approximately Wednesday, January 11, 2023 through Friday, January 13, 2023 and, a thirty (30) day paid sick leave, with use of accumulated sick leave in accordance with the Teacher’s Negotiated Agreement, from approximately Tuesday, January 17, 2023 through Tuesday, February 28, 2023. Mrs. Walgren is also requesting sixty (60) days unpaid FMLA leave from approximately Wednesday, March 1, 2023 through Friday, June 2, 2023, pending satisfactory completion of all necessary paperwork. June is the last scheduled proposed emergency day of the 2022 – 2023 school year.

Extra-Curricular Assignments

• HS Speech Assistant Coach (based on numbers) – Adam Macholz, Hope Connelly, Colin Keppner, and Sonja Minnick.

• High School Assistant Track Coach – Mark Masters

• High School Assistant Wrestling Coach – Widlowski

• High School Fresh/Soph Boys Baseball Coach – Josh Loomis

Volunteer Coaches – High School Wrestling – Zach Berman & Nick O’Bert

Job Descriptions

High School Student Services Secretary

Overnight Trips for 2022-2023 Athletic Season

High School Wrestling - Abe’s Rumble Tournament December 29 & 30, 2022

Team would spend the night of December 29 in Springfield, IL

Funds will be from Athletic Boosters and Fundraising, not budgeted through school

Princeton Tournament - January 6 & 7, 2023

Team would spend the night of January 6, 2023 in Princeton, IL

Funds will be from Athletic Boosters and Fundraising, not budgeted through school

High School Softball – The Softball Team will play 3 games at the Rosemont facility over Spring Break. If the weather cooperates, the games will be played in the professional softball stadium. If the weather is not favorable, they would move to play inside the dome. The team would spend the night of April 3, 2023. Funds will be from Athletic Boosters and Fundraising, not budgeted through school.

High School Football Playoffs – The High School Football Team will play Carterville Saturday, November 5, 2022. The team will spend the night Friday, November 4.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Chuck Lander, Quint Harmon, Robert Bianchetta, Mary Gill, Shawn Hamilton, Steve Rogers, Ken Miller


Motion: Carried.



Principal Davidson Reported:

Calendar of Events:

October 31st - Halloween Parades and parties

October 31st - Support Staff Meeting @ 2:55 p.m.

November 1st - A Team Meeting @ 2:55 p.m.

November 2nd - SAP Team Meeting @ 2:55 p.m.

November 3rd - Specials Team Meeting @ 2:55 p.m.

November 7th - End of Trimester One

November 8th - NO SCHOOL

November 9th - SPED Team Meeting @ 2:55 p.m.

November 10th - Custodian Meeting @ 2:55 p.m.

November 11th - NO SCHOOL

November 14th - TALC Team Meeting @ 2:55 p.m.

November 15th - A Team Meeting @ 2:55 p.m.

November 16th - Staff Meeting @ 2:55 p.m.

November 17th - PBS Team Meeting @ 2:55 p.m.

November 21st - New Staff Meeting @ 2:55 p.m.

November 22nd - Support Staff Meeting @ 2:55 p.m.

November 23rd - November 25th - NO SCHOOL

November 28th - CPI Team Meeting @ 2:55 p.m.

November 29th - Kindergarten Team Meeting @ 11:15 a.m.

November 29th - 1st Grade Team Meeting @ 12:15 p.m.

November 29th - A Team Meeting @ 2:55 p.m.

November 30th - PreK Team Meeting @ 10:45 a.m.

November 30th - SAP Team Meeting @ 2:55 p.m.

Current Enrollment:

PreK: 153

Kindergarten: 128

1st Grade: 147

Total: 428 (in PowerSchool as of October 25th, 2022)

Completed Safety Drills:

• Fire Drill - September 21st, 2022 (with fire department present)

• Bus Evacuation Drill - September 8th, 2022

• Shelter-in-place Drill - September 8th, 2022

• Lockdown Drill - September 20th, 2022 (with police department present)

• Monthly Phone check for Lockdown - October 24th

• Monthly AED Device check - October 25th


• October is such a busy month at the ECC! The month started with a very successful turnout at parent/teacher conferences. We had 308 scheduled conferences and 296 attend = 96% attendance rate. It was a very busy few days, but is always positive to make connections with home and school.

• October 18th was our very successful McTeacher Night! The ECC and ES staff members worked at McDonald’s from 4:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. We raised $1,000 in cash tips just selling apple pies! The ECC received $500 and the ES received $500 and we will both be using the money raised to increase our PBS programs (positive behavior system).

• The ECC joined the district in participating in Red Ribbon Week - October 24th-28th. Students enjoyed fun dress-up themes each day with a positive message regarding making good choices. The students at the ECC LOVE to participate in dress up themed days!

• October 31st is always a very special day at the ECC. Halloween is so much fun at this age. Students will be wearing costumes to school and participating in a Special hour-long rotation of activities in the morning, followed by class parties and ending with the Halloween parade. The AM PreK parade will be at 10:00am and the PM PreK, Kindergarten and 1st grade parade will be at 2:00 p.m.

• Beginning October 24th - November 4th, the ECC and ES are participating in a Books are Fun Book Blast! Students are encouraged to send 10+ emails/phone numbers to earn 10 free books. Students completing the task receive daily prizes which include treasure chests full of prizes and money and one lucky student will win an iPad! At the end of the two weeks, every student in the building will receive at least one free book for an at-home library! It is a very exciting program that is so rewarding for our students. Teachers will also be earning prizes for reaching a certain percentage of their students participating.


• Thank you to Tracy Warner, Kristina Davy, and Emily Nolan for sorting all the Book Blast prizes, bagging the prizes and delivering to the classrooms These three are an amazing team in the front office and NEVER hesitate to jump right in and help with anything that is asked.

• A continued thank you to the entire staff of the ECC. I am humbled each time I ask for help covering a classroom, a lunch duty, a recess duty, etc. The staff never hesitate to jump in and help wherever needed and I could never say thank you enough.

• Welcome to Judy Washington, our newest ECC recess aide. She is very excited to be here working with the “babies!”


Principal Trotter reported:

Calendar of Events:

November 8th: No School - Election Day

November 9th: Erin’s Law Presentation

November 11th: No School - Veterans Day

November 23rd-25th: No School - Thanksgiving

ES Enrollment:

2nd Grade:147 students

3rd Grade: 139 students

Total: 286 (enrolled as of 10/27/22)


We welcome Alexandra Newman to the district as a 1:1 aide at the Elementary School. She lives in Coal City and has students in the district. We look forward to working with Allie.

CCES Happenings and Recognitions:

The month of October is very busy at the Elementary School.

• The month began with Parent/Teacher Conferences. It was nice to be able to meet with the parents face to face. For many families, this was the first in person parent/teacher conference they participated in.

• October is Fire Prevention Month. The Coal City Fire Department sent some great items to be sent home with the students. We also finished our required fire drills. The Fire Department was supposed to be at the school for a presentation and to let the students ‘check out’ the fire truck. However, we were rained out. We will work with the Fire Department to reschedule those presentations.

• October is also Bus Safety Month. The Bus Company sent information sheets and coloring pages home with the students.

• Red Ribbon Week is also celebrated in October. This is a campaign about making healthy choices. Our students and staff participated in fun spirit days (courtesy of the Coal City Intermediate School Student Council). The students had Disney Day, Neon Day, Backward Day, Animal Print Day and of course Halloween Shirt Day. It was a lot of fun to see the students and staff all dressed up.

• The Early Childhood Center and the Elementary School teamed up for a Books Are Fun Book Blast. The students earn prizes and get put into drawing for different items such as treasure chest full of cash and prizes or an iPad. The main objective of the Book Blast is to put books in the hands of the students. When the students get donations, they receive books and our school and classroom libraries also get books. The Book Blast runs for two weeks (October 24th - November 4th). We have had a great deal of participation so far and the students are really excited about the prizes.

• The super fun Black Light Paint Night took place on October 27th. We had quite the turn out between the ECC, Es and IS.

• The Elementary School teamed up with the Early Childhood Center another time this past month for McTeacher Night. We are waiting to hear our total earnings but we raised $500 for each building just through apple pie sales. The money is going to go towards our PBS program.

• We end the month of October with our Halloween parties and parade. This will be the first time in a few years that the parade will actually take place outside with spectators watching the parade along the route.

• I would like to take this time to thank Katie Ludes. She has been working very hard with our teachers. She has set up in-house professional development sessions with the teachers. Some of the topics they are covering: Phonemic Awareness, Small Group Phonics and Fluency. She even hosted a ‘make-n-take’ night. During this time the teachers created materials to use during their reading blocks. We have many teachers participating in these activities with Katie.


Principal Carlson reported:

Calendar of Events:

11/1 - PBS Meeting 3:00

11/2 - 5th Grade Team Meeting 3:00 p.m.

11/3 - Full-Time Aide Meeting 3:00 p.m.

11/7 - End of Trimester 1

11/7 - SAP 3:00 p.m.

11/8 - No School ~ Election Day

11/9 - VFW Flag & Veterans Memorial Assembly 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.

11/9 - Walk to CCHS to see Act 1 of MS Musical "Newsies" 1:00 p.m.

11/9 - 4th Grade Team Meeting 3:00 p.m.

11/10 - Custodian Meeting 3:00 p.m.

11/11 - No School ~ Veterans Day

11/14-11/18 - CCIS Book Fair

11/14 - A Team 3:00 p.m.

11/15 - TALC 3:00 p.m.

11/16 - BLT 3:00 p.m.

11/17 - LLT 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. at the District Office

11/17 - CPI Team Meeting 3:00 p.m.

11/18 - Storm Drill 10:30 a.m.

11/21 - SAP 3:00 p.m.

11/23-11/25 - No School ~ Thanksgiving Break

11/28 - SpEd Team Meeting 3:00 p.m.

11/29 - PBS Meeting 3:00 p.m.

11/30 - 5th Grade Team 3:00 p.m.

Current Enrollment:

4th Grade: 135

5th Grade: 159

Total: 294 This includes one 4th grade student and one 5th grade student who are enrolled in other special education programs outside of CCIS.

Emergency/Crisis Drills Completed:

Evacuation/Fire 8/17/22; 10/21/22

Shelter-in-Place/Storm 8/18/22

Lockdown 8/19/22; 9/20/22

Bus Evacuation 9/6/22

Month in Review:

• We celebrated Tommy Onsen, Reilly Radomski and Denise Esparza on October 2nd for Custodian Appreciation Day. We gave them several treats, and many students made them cards. They really do an outstanding job of taking care of our building and helping teachers.

• October is National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month. October 3rd was Blue Shirt Day at CCIS for World Day of Bullying Prevention. Students and staff wore blue shirts to school to show we are against bullying.

• We held our first Positive Behavior Incentive Assembly on October 6 for students who had positive behavior 80% of the time during the first 9 weeks of school. We played office chair basketball with the students and gave away many raffle prizes. They had a blast!

• Parent/Teacher Conferences were held on October 6 and 7. The 5th grade teachers had a turnout rate of 89% and 4th grade had 95%.

• We walked to CCHS on 10/14 to see Act 1 of the high school play "Holes".

• CCIS celebrated Fire Safety Week from 10/17-10/21. Firefighters Josh Eddy and Matt Shroba came to CCIS to give a Fire Safety Presentation during the students’ PE time. They also brought one of the fire trucks and let the students climb through it. We practiced a Fire Drill that week under the supervision of Deputy Fire Chief Dale Watson and 4 additional firefighters. Dale gave us many compliments on our evacuation time and our procedures.

• Our annual Cupcake Launch was held on October 19 after school. We had 27 entries this year. The cupcake launch is an optional 5th grade project that promotes creativity, collaboration, and family fun. The top launchers are listed below in the Student Recognition section.

• CCIS celebrated Red Ribbon Week from 10/24-10/28. During Red Ribbon Week we remind students the importance of staying away from drugs and making good choices. Students received Red Ribbon Week-themed gifts all week: a red wristband “Live Drug Free ~ Drugs are Not for Me”; Hershey Hugs candy “Hugs, Not Drugs”; a Red Ribbon Week pledge sticker; a bookmark; a red ribbon; Twizzlers candy “Don’t Let Drugs Twist Your Mind”. Student Council sponsored the following dress up days:

Monday - Disney Day ~ Making good decisions is Magical!

Tuesday - Neon Day ~ Our futures are Bright because we make good choices!

Wednesday - Backwards Day ~ Turn your Back on bad decisions!

Thursday - Animal Print Day ~ Making good decisions is WILD!

Friday – Halloween Shirt Day ~ SCARE away bad decisions!

• On October 25, the 5th Grade took a Field Trip to a Chicago Wolves hockey game. They offer day games for schools along with an interactive workbook for each student which covers every core subject. It was an engaging, educational trip that offered students the opportunity that many of them will never have with their own family.

• On October 27, the 4th Grade took a Field Trip to the Brookfield Zoo. This trip ties in directly with the 4th grade science curriculum.

• Students have really enjoyed our Friday morning “celebrity” Coaler greeters from CCHS: football players, golfers, soccer players, cheerleaders, tennis players, volleyball players and the Marching Coalers band.

• ASAP (After School Assistance Program) began on September 26. Recommended students receive homework help from 3:00-4:00 three days a week from Mrs. Cowherd or Mrs. Rink. We currently have 17 students in ASAP; eleven in 4th grade and six in 5th grade.

• Our Student Council sponsored the following spirit days this month on Thursdays: NFL Day; 80s vs. 90s Day; Board Game Day.

• Every Friday was Coaler Spirit Day at CCIS!

Student Recognition:

• Congratulations to following Students of the Week:

Week of 10/3: Addy Tinsley, Matthew Tibble, Bode Kline, Kaylie Brodnick

Week of 10/10: Luke Phillips, Aiden Rodriguez, Teigan Trofimchuck, Greyson Fergelec Week of 10/17: Ryleigh Kargle, Nolan Cardenas, Autumn Decker, Carter Shain

Week of 10/24: Dylan Rich, Olivia Beach, Caleb Hall, Lila Symons

• Congratulations to our CCIS t-shirt design winners, Aubree Dearth and Aubrie Kavanaugh.

• Congratulations to our top cupcake launchers:

Traditional Launchers

1st Place ~ Sling-n-ator by Cody Allen, 263.5 ft

2nd ~ Flame Slinger by Mitchell Jessen & Derek Maxwell, 114.5 ft

3rd ~ Llama Looney Launcher by Gabby Beyers & Binsley Stramaglia, 101.1 ft

Air Compressor Launchers

1st Place ~ The Karen by Marilah Kaplan, 421.7 ft

2nd ~ Cannonator by Chase Clubb, 246.1 ft

3rd ~ C-You Later by Carter Shain & Caleb Hall, 225.7 ft

Staff Recognition:

• I want to recognize Mrs. Rink and Mr. Nicholson for organizing the cupcake launch.

• I want to recognize the following staff members who received the weekly CCIS Kudos:

o Mrs. Harney for driving a CCIS Pizza Night vehicle back to Wilmington that evening

o Mr. Onsen for delivering boxes to the ES and MS

o Mrs. Budde for everything she does

o Mrs. Gaffigan for making the staff’s Halloween shirts


Principal Johnson reported:

Calendar of Events:

November 2 Erin’s Law Presentation to CCMS Students

Board of Education Meeting – 6:00 p.m. – Unit Office

November 5 IESA Speech Contest @ Dwight Grade School

November 6 Daylights Savings Time begins

November 8 NO SCHOOL – Election Day

November 11 NO SCHOOL – Veterans Day

November 10, 12, 13 CCMS Musical – Newsies Jr.

November 21 Athletic Boosters Meeting – 7:00 p.m. - CCMS

November 23 - 27 No School – Thanksgiving Break

November 30 Board Study Session – 6:00 p.m. – Unit Office

CCMS Attendance:

6th grade 166

7th grade 163

8th grade 165

Total: 494

Month in Review:

• Mrs. Bontrager and the CCMS Marching Band Warriors participated in two parades on September 30 and October 2. The band marched in the 2nd annual CCHS Homecoming Parade on September 30 and marched in the Morris Corn Fest Parade on October 2.

• CCMS Parent/Teacher Conferences were held on October 6 and 7. Thanks to all of the families who attended and checked on the progress of their child through the first nine weeks of the school year. We set up parent/teacher conferences with our most struggling students again this year.

• Here is the attendance data from Parent Teacher Conferences.

6th Grade - 52 of 166 parents attended - 31.3%

7th Grade - 36 of 162 parents attended - 22.2%

8th Grade - 36 of 165 parents attended - 21.8%

Overall - 124 of 493 parents attended - 25.1%

• Boys Basketball tryouts were held on October 12 & 13 (6th Grade) and October 17 & 18 (7th & 8th grades). Teams were chosen, practice began on October 19 and the boys are scheduled to begin games on November 1. Good luck to the teams and coaches, Chad Larson (8th grade), Harlan Kennell (7th grade) and Josh Quigley (6th grade) on their 2022-23 season

• Coal City students and staff observed Columbus Day on October 10.

• CCMS held McTeacher Night at the Coal City McDonalds on October 11. CCMS would like to thank all of the students and families who came out and supported CCMS. Despite the rain, CCMS was able to raise $865 for the CCMS PBS Committee. This money will be used to support our School Store and other PBS student activities throughout the school year. Thank you to McDonalds for hosting the fundraiser.

• CCMS held Picture Retake/Fall Sports pictures on October 12, special thanks to Pam McMurtrey and Van Gogh Photography for their work in organizing the event.

• October 17 marked the end of the 1st quarter at CCMS. Students rotated to new Encore classes for the 2nd quarter as well as moved to new Exploratory Classes on October 18.

• On October 19, CCMS 7th grade students attended a presentation on Elyssa’s Mission. Elyssa’s Mission is a depression awareness and suicide prevention training as part of the Signs of Suicide (SOS) program. The program aims to increase help-seeking behaviors among students concerned about themselves or a friend. Elyssa’s Mission is a nonprofit organization dedicated to suicide prevention. Elyssa’s Mission is the only organization in the state of Illinois to fund, distribute and implement SOS.

• CCMS and the CCMS Student Council sponsored our first dance in 4-years at the middle school on October 21. The Student Council selected a Fall Theme for the dance and we had a great turnout of students at the dance. It was great to see the students come to school and have a good time with their friends. Special thanks to Sharon Hilsabeck for her work with Student Council and organizing the dance. Thanks also to CCMS staff members who helped supervise the dance, Rod Monbrum, Danielle Meyer, Mercedis Neal, and Gina Piatak.

• CCMS students celebrated Red Ribbon Week October 24 – 28. Thanks to Sharon Hilsabeck and the CCMS Student Council for planning the different dress up days and activities throughout the week.

• CCMS and the Unit #1 teachers took part in staff development training/department meetings on October 26 at CCHS.

• CCMS held our first BLT Meeting on October 26 to look at our Fall Aimsweb Data and reorganized our intervention and extra support schedule for students. CCMS staff members on the BLT Team are Sarah Veronda, Lauren Kempes, Cealy DePersia, Tommy Fatigante, Michelle Sobieck, Sharon Hilsabeck, and Robin Fincher.

• On October 25, CCMS 8th grade students traveled to Morris High School for the Grundy County Vocational Center Career Fair. 8th grade students were able to visit a variety of local businesses and vendors to learn about the different fields and to better understand what type of schooling they would need to enter into that field in the future. Special thanks to the GAVC staff for sponsoring this event. Also, thanks to Lauren Kempes for her work with the 8th graders and the GAVC Career Fair.

• Coal Black Exotics visited CCMS and 7th grade ELA classes on October 26. Coal Black Exotics brought snakes and reptiles for the students to see and touch. This presentation ties into the 7th grade unit and novel, “Rikki, Tikki, Tavi”.


Principal Kenney reported:

Calendar of Events:

November 1 – Winter Sports begin

November 1 - Winter Activities Meeting in CCT

November 1 – Spanish Honor Society Induction

November 1-2 – Erin’s Law Presentations

November 2 – ICE Art Workshop at Wilmington High School

November 4 – Senior Graduation Orders with Jostens

November 4 – Class Ring Delivery

November 7 – ICE Choral Festival

November 7 – Freshman/Sophomore Organization Presentation

November 7 – Promfest Meeting

November 8 – No School

November 10 – Junior/Senior Organization Presentation

November 10, 12, 13 – Newsies Junior in the Performing Arts Center

November 11 – No School

November 22 – CCT STUCO Game

November 23-25 – No School

November 29 – Certificate of Employability Meeting

November 30 – PBS Assembly


• Thank you to Mr. Mikula for taking 7 students to the ICE Leadership Conference.

• Thank you to Mr. Kennell and the FBLA for organizing and sponsoring the Haunted Hallways.

• Thank you to Mrs. Dransfeldt and Mrs. Thetard for organizing our PSAT/NMSQT testing.

• Congratulations to Mr. Micetich and that cast of Holes!

• Congratulations to our Fall Sports programs on their successful seasons! Good luck to our Varsity Football team as they head into playoffs on October 29th.

• Congratulations to our November GAVC Director Award Winners:

Month in Review:

• The CCHS play, Holes, was a huge success! Mr. Micetich and the cast and crew of the performance did an amazing job. We are so proud of the performances that are happening in the Performing Arts Center and through our performing arts programs.

• We thank all of our parents that came out to our Parent/Teacher Conferences on October 6th and 7th. A FAFSA representative also was present on the 6th to assist parents with completing the form. In addition, Mr. Kiper and Mrs. Dransfeldt gave two presentations on our Acclaimed Coaler Program to students and parents.

• On October 12th, several juniors took the PSAT/NMSQT to get a good idea of where they will score on their upcoming SAT.

• All Freshmen were a part of the second Certificate of Employability presentation courtesy of the Grundy County Chamber of Commerce and Industry. This presentation covered interview skills and professionalism. They will be able to be a member of the program that will wrap with mock interviews in April. All participants that successfully complete the program will gain a

Certificate of Employability that they can provide to potential employers.

• On October 19th, 7 CCHS were chosen to attend the ICE Leadership Conference at Peotone High School. The conference was led by motivational and leadership guru Ted Weise. Students worked with students throughout the conference to gain leadership and communication skills. Students that were in attendance: Julian Micetich (9), Ava Kenney (9), Rey Gonzalez (10), Deborah Lynch (10), Jim Feeney (11), Addyson Waliczek (12), and Braiden Young (12).

• On October 26th, 1369 people attended our annual Haunted Hallways. Children from birth to 10 years old attended with their parents. CCHS clubs, organizations, and sports teams decorated doorways and passed out candy to our young community members. Everyone had an amazing time!

• October 27th was our annual Rhythm of Our Youth cardiac screenings through Morris Hospital. Over 230 students took advantage of this screening. Thank you to Morris Hospital for their partnership!

Enrollment as of 10/27/22

Freshman: 184

Sophomores: 148

Juniors: 139

Seniors: 161

Total: 632 Decrease of 2

Discipline as of 10/27/22

Class Cut 1

Inappropriate Physical Contact 0

Cell Phone Infractions 0

Fighting 1

Vaping 3

Safety Violation 2

Inappropriate Language 0

Theft/Damage to Property 2

Other Infractions 1

Total: 10


Director Krippel reported:


Anticipated Preschool Teacher (Beginning 2nd Semester)

Anticipated Preschool Classroom Aide (Beginning 2nd Semester)

Special Populations Data:

Coal City Schools IEP Data

ECC ES IS MS HS District







+4 Since

October 1st

+4 Since

October 1st

Coal City Schools 504 Data








+1 Since

October 1st

-1 Since

October 1st

Coaler Academy Data

Full Time Hybrid Intervention Total Students Pending Referrals






Out of District Placements


Elim Morris HS (ELL) Oswego SD308 High Road







Miscellaneous Student Data

ELL Homeless



Preschool for All Grant (PFA)

Current Students Open Spots



Overall Preschool Numbers

Current Students IEP Openings At-Risk Openings Waitlist






Director Elledge reported:

Professional Development:

December 7th will be our next professional learning opportunity. Teachers will have time to review assessment data and improve assessments. During second semester the teachers will begin reviewing mathematics materials for adoption for next school year.

State Information – Summative Designations

Congratulations to our students and teachers that received Exemplary status at the ECC, ES, IS and HS. The board’s commitment to keeping students in school as much as possible during the pandemic was certainly a factor in our results. Our building administrators and teachers keeping expectations as normal as possible made a difference. Our schools were the only schools in the county that received Exemplary status.


Mr. Spencer reported:

1. In order to recognize the outstanding efforts of the nearly 6,000 elected school board members throughout the state, November 15 of each year is designated as "School Board Members Day" in Illinois. This is an opportunity to build community awareness and understanding about the essential role locally elected board of education members assume in a representative democracy. This year's School Board Members Day theme is "Partners in Excellence." Mr. Spencer will recognize board members with a certificate and also present them with their years of service pins.

Robert Bianchetta – Seated 10/20/2011 – 12 years of service – receiving a 10-year service pin

Mary Gill – Elected 1997 – 25-years of service – receiving a 25-year service pin

Shawn Hamilton – Elected 04/09/2013 – 9-years, 7 months of service

Quint Harmon – Seated 05/04/2009 – 13 years, 6 months of service

Chuck Lander – Seated 02/06/2012 – 10 years, 9 months of service – receiving a 10-year service pin

Ken Miller – Elected 04/17/2007 – 15 years, 7 months of service – receiving a 15-year service pin

Steve Rogers – Elected 04/06/2021 – 1 year, 7 months of service

2. At the Three Rivers Division Meeting held on Thursday, October 27 Board members Robert Bianchetta, Shawn Hamilton, and Quint Harmon were recognized by the Illinois Association of Board Members as Distinguished Board Leaders for their dedication and years of service. Board Secretary Mary Gill received the Legacy Board Leader Award for her 25 years of service.

3. The Board sponsored luncheon will be served in each building on Wednesday, December 7, 2022.

4. Monthly student enrollment figures were available for review.


November 7 – ICE Choral Festival & K-5 End Trimester

November 8 – No School – Election Day

November 10, 12 & 13 – Middle School Musical

November 11 – No School – Veteran’s Day

November 15 – HS Winter Sports Pictures

November 17 – 20 – Joint Annual Conference in Chicago

November 19 – Jazz & Java @ 7:00 p.m.

November 23 – 25 – No School – Thanksgiving Break

November 30 – Board Study Session @ 7:00 p.m.

December 1 – 5th & 6th Grade Band Concert @ 7:00 p.m.

December 6 – HS Choral Concert @ 7:00 p.m.

December 7 – Board Meeting @ 6:00 p.m.


Mr. Lander reported:

1. Assistant Director, Mrs. Gierke discussed the 8th Grade Career Fair and close to 50 careers were present for 8th graders to visit.

2. Assistant Director, Mrs. Gierke discussed the counselor’s breakfast that GVAC hosted on October 5 and thanked the counselors for coming.

3. Assistant Director, Mrs. Gierke informed the Board of Control that sophomore tours will be on November 17.

4. Assistant Director, Mrs. Gierke informed the board that the Agriculture program would be attending the National Convention on October 27th - 28th in Indianapolis, IN.

5. Assistant Director, Mrs. Gierke informed the board that the Entrepreneur class is working to create the first ever GAVC Yearbook.

6. Director Copes updated the board on the current project house.

7. Director Copes discussed the FY 24 school calendar.

8. Director Copes updated the board on the progress of the renewal for Insurance and Workers Comp.

9. Director Copes discussed the TREES/GAVC process to date and the idea of coordinating Work Based Learning opportunities for the students.

10. Director Copes reviewed the process for canceling GAVC in response to weather related situations.

11. Director Copes updated the board on the current status of the Request for Quote process. 12. Approved Director Lance Copes to attend the Association of Career and Technical Education’s National Conference from November 29th - December 2nd. Registration and travel expenses will be covered by TREES.


Athletic Director Dan Hutchings reported:

Calendar of Events:

October 24, 2022 Competitive Cheer and Competitive Dance may start

October 31, 2022 High School Girls Basketball Practice may start

November 7, 2022 High School Boys Basketball, Wrestling, & may begin practice

MS Boys Basketbal

Boys Basketball Tryouts were October 17 & 18

8th Grade- (15) made the team and there were 14 cuts

7th Grade- (15) made the team and there were 11 cuts

6th Grade- (18) made the team and there were 9 cuts

MS Girls Basketball

6th Grade GBKB - (5-5 A Team) (B team 5-5)

7th Grade GBKB- (11-2) Season ends in early December

8th Grade GBKB- (4-9) Season ends in early December

High School

Overnight Trips for 2022-2023 Athletic Season

High School Wrestling - Abe’s Rumble Tournament December 29 & 30, 2022

Team would spend the night of December 29 in Springfield, IL

Funds will be from Athletic Boosters and Fundraising, not budgeted through school

Princeton Tournament - January 6 & 7, 2023

Team would spend the night of January 6, 2023 in Princeton, IL

Funds will be from Athletic Boosters and Fundraising, not budgeted through school

High School Softball – The Softball Team will play 3 games at the Rosemont facility over Spring Break. If the weather cooperates, the games will be played in the professional softball stadium. If the weather is not favorable, they would move to play inside the dome. The team would spend the night of April 3, 2023. Funds will be from Athletic Boosters and Fundraising, not budgeted through school.

High School Football Playoffs – The High School Football Team will play Carterville Saturday, November 5, 2022. The team will spend the night Friday, November 4.


1. In regard to agenda items – none.

2. In general (Limited to 5 minutes per person.) – none.



The 2022 levy must be filed with Grundy and Will County Clerk’s Offices on or before the last Tuesday in December, which is the 27th. The Board of Education must adopt the levy prior to this date in order to meet filing regulations. In addition to this time line, the following steps must be taken when the proposed tentative levy exceeds the previous year’s tax extensions (excluding Bond and Interest Fund) by more than 105 percent.

1. Present a tentative levy to the Board of Education for approval no less than 20 days prior to a public hearing on the levy.

2. Publish a notice no more than 14 days, nor less than 7 days prior to holding a public hearing on the proposed levy.

3. Hold a public hearing on the proposed levy prior to the final adoption.

If the Board chooses to exceed the 105% request, the following calendar is recommended.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022 Board adopts tentative levy

Wednesday, November 23, 2022 Publish notice of public hearing

Wednesday, December 7, 2022 Public hearing on tax levy, adopt levy

Tuesday, December 27, 2022 Last Day to file levy

CSBO Jason Smith discussed the Tentative Levy at the October 26 Board Study Session of the Whole Meeting in detail. Mr. Smith reminded the Board that the numbers presented at tonight’s Board meeting are higher than what will be presented at the December 7 Board Meeting for approval. The high EAV that’s being presented is due to what is believed to be a higher assessed property tax value on the GE Hitachi facility.

Mr. Bianchetta moved and Mr. Harmon seconded to adopt the Tentative 2022 Property Tax Levy for the Coal City Community Unit School District #1.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Robert Bianchetta, Quint Harmon, Mary Gill, Shawn Hamilton, Chuck Lander, Steve Rogers, Ken Miller Nays:

Motion: Carried.


At the October 26 Board Study Session meeting CSBO Jason Smith discussed the 2024 Life Safety Survey. The architects were asked to amend the proposal, and that amended proposal is what was presented for approval. Approval of this Decennial Life Safety Survey gives the architects the okay to proceed with the survey plan. Once that plan is presented, that information will be presented to the Board at a future Board meeting for consideration.

Mr. Lander moved and Mr. Hamilton seconded to approved the 2024 Decennial Life Safety Survey as presented.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Chuck Lander, Shawn Hamilton, Robert Bianchetta, Mary Gill, Quint Harmon, Steve Rogers, Ken Miller Nays:

Motion: Carried.

2022 – 2023 Page 95


At the September 28 Board Study Session Superintendent Christopher Spencer discussed the rededication of the High School Learning Resource Center. At that time, it was tabled to determine a mutual rededication date with the family. Mr. Spencer provided the Board with possible rededication dates for consideration. The Board thought the December 7 Board meeting date would be the best option for several reasons. Mr. Spencer will coordinate with all parties who were involved in the renovation of the Learning Resource Center. Some of the ideas mentioned were to have to the Madrigals performs, possible refreshments, and to have the rededication be one of the first items on the agenda.



The Quarterly Dropout Report for the quarter ending October 17, 2022 was prepared and presented for Board approval. The approval of the Dropout Report is a State requirement, which ensures that the School Board is informed of students leaving the district. This is something that happens at the end of every quarter.

Mr. Hamilton moved and Mrs. Gill seconded approve the filing of the Quarterly Dropout Report with the Regional Office of Education for the quarter ending October 17, 2022.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Shawn Hamilton, Mary Gill, Robert Bianchetta, Quint Harmon, Chuck Lander, Steve Rogers, Ken Miller


Motion: Carried.


State and federal laws require public school districts to release report cards to the public each year. Every school’s report card will include a summative designation, a descriptor of how well the school is meeting the needs of all students. Director of Curriculum and Instruction Tammy Elledge reviewed standardized test scores and the designation that has been received by district schools. Mrs. Elledge presented the highs and the lows of the summative designations for the district. There are schools who are doing phenomenal and discussed others that need improvements. Mrs. Elledge and Mr. Spencer discussed that they have already begun the work with putting a plan in place to address the concerns. Four of the school are Exemplary and one is Commendable.


The VFW St. Juvin Post 1336 donated $150 to purchase materials to paint a large American Flag near the military wall. This donation will purchase the paint and brushes needed to complete the mural. In addition, they will be donating plaques to be placed above the pictures that signify all of the branches of the military. In conjunction with the VFW, the Art Club students will paint the flag, and the high school will hold a contest with students to name the wall, which will be painted above the pictures.

Mrs. Gill moved and Mr. Harmon seconded to approve the VFW St. Juvin Post 1336 donation of $150 to purchase materials to paint a large American Flag near the military wall in the High School.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Mary Gill, Quint Harmon, Robert Bianchetta, Shawn Hamilton, Chuck Lander, Steve Rogers, Ken Miller


Motion: Carried.


CSBO Jason Smith recommended entering into an agreement with Apple Financial Services for the lease of MacBook computer equipment. The agreement will be effective December 15, 2022 through July 5, 2025. The first payment of $57,732.00 is due on December 15 and $79,281.65 is due each year by July 5 through 2025.

Mr. Hamilton moved and Mr. Lander seconded to approve the 4-year lease agreement with Apple Financial Services at a total cost of $295,576.95, as presented.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Shawn Hamilton, Chuck Lander, Robert Bianchetta, Mary Gill, Quint Harmon, Steve Rogers, Ken Miller


Motion: Carried.


Chapter 105, Section 5/17-1 of the Illinois Revised Statutes (School Code) directs the Board of Education to designate a person or persons to prepare in tentative form, the budget for the upcoming fiscal year. The Board is also required to “fix a fiscal year therefore”. The budget calendar provides a detailed schedule of the budgeting process. This is something that happens annually.

Mr. Bianchetta moved and Mr. Harmon seconded for the Board of Education to adopt the budget calendar as presented and appoint the Superintendent, Chief School Business Official and Building Principals to prepare, in tentative form, the school district budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023 and ending June 30, 2024.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Robert Bianchetta, Quint Harmon, Mary Gill, Shawn Hamilton, Chuck Lander, Steve Rogers, Ken Miller


2022 – 2023 Page 97

Coal City Community Unit School District #1 Board of Education Meeting Minutes Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Motion: Carried.


CSBO Jason Smith recommended entering into a sixty (60) month lease agreement with Proven IT for small office equipment. The agreement is effective November 2, 2022 through November 2, 2027 with at a monthly cost of $1,169.00. This agreement is for new copiers for the district.

Mr. Hamilton moved and Mr. Harmon moved to approve the 60-month lease agreement with ProvenIt at a total cost of $70,140.00.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Shawn Hamilton, Quint Harmon, Robert Bianchetta, Mary Gill, Chuck Lander, Steve Rogers, Ken Miller


Motion: Carried.


A donation was received from Coal City Athletic Boosters in the amount of $768 to help cover the cost of new 8 x 4-foot coaches boards for the locker rooms at Coal City Middle School. This donation will enhance the coach’s ability to share statistics with students before/after games.

Mr. Lander moved and Mr. Harmon seconded to accept the donation from Coal City Athletic Boosters in the amount of $768.00.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Chuck Lander, Quint Harmon, Robert Bianchetta, Mary Gill, Shawn Hamilton, Steve Rogers, Ken Miller


Motion: Carried.



1. In regard to agenda items – none.

2. In general (Limited to 5 minutes per person.) – none.


Mr. Hamilton moved and Mr. Lander seconded to go to closed session at 7:19 p.m. for the purpose of considering information regarding a student issue.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Shawn Hamilton, Chuck Lander, Robert Bianchetta, Mary Gill, Quint Harmon, Steve Rogers, Ken Miller


Motion: Carried.

When the Board returned to open session, President Miller called the regular meeting to order at 7:28 p.m. with the board members answering roll call present: Chuck Lander, Shawn Hamilton, Robert Bianchetta, Mary Gill, Quint Harmon, Steve Rogers, and Ken Miller.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Chuck Lander, Shawn Hamilton, Robert Bianchetta, Mary Gill, Quint Harmon, Steve Rogers, Ken Miller


Motion: Carried.

BOARD STUDY SESSION OF THE WHOLE DATE: November 30, 2022 @ 6:00 P.M. In Coal City CUSD #1 Administrative Center Boardroom

NEXT REGULAR MEETING DATE: December 7, 2022 @ 6:00 P.M. In Coal City CUSD #1 Administrative Center Boardroom


Mr. Lander moved and Mr. Harmon seconded to adjourn the meeting at 7:29 p.m. President Miller asked if there was any opposition to the motion, hearing none considers the motion approved.



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