
Grundy Reporter

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Gardner-South Wilmington High School #73 Board of Education met June 19

Webp 7

The Pantherette Spiritline Members | Gardner-South Wilmington Township High School District 73 | Facebook

The Pantherette Spiritline Members | Gardner-South Wilmington Township High School District 73 | Facebook

Gardner-South Wilmington High School #73 Board of Education met June 19.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


Supt. Avery distributed the budget sheet with all the funds to board members and attendees.


PRINCIPAL’S REPORT: Mr. Brian Davis, Principal, reported the following:

● GSW HS Graduation was held on Sunday, May 19 – students decorated their caps this year and celebrated with approved confetti canons. The ceremony went well, and everyone enjoyed it.

● Summer School – Students finished summer school on Monday, June 17.

● Eligibility and sports - Mr. Davis met with Guidance Counselor Chris Ruddy and Athletic Director Amber Eisha to discuss these.

● Mentor Program – GSW will have three new teachers this upcoming school year. A mentor will be assigned to each teacher. Mr. Davis is reviewing the mentoring program.

● Athletic Handbook—Mr. Davis has met with the athletic director, Amber Eisha, the Coaches, and board member Mr. David Simms to create one handbook for all sports.

● Teacher Institute Days at the start of the school year – Agenda is planned for those two days.

● Students First Attendance Day at GSW for the 24-25 school year – Activities are being planned.

● PLC – Vertical Alignment Process – will be ongoing for 24-25 school year.

DIRECTORS’ REPORTS: None for tonight’s meeting.

BUILDING AND GROUNDS REPORT: Mrs. Sue Avery discussed the following:

● HVAC Update -Mrs. Avery met with Ryan Hansen from Chamlin & Associates regarding the overall cost of this project. The cost would be estimated between $600,000 and $750,000. The board will consider a combined project that would include the HVAC and athletic room as one big project, which could save on costs. The combined project is in our future plans to have a new athletic training area for our Athletic Department and other Physical Education fitness programs.

● Summer work update - The cleaning crew has been painting, cleaning, and completing projects.

● Marquee - A panel out on the west side. According to the sign company, our marquee is outdated and needs to be replaced in a couple of years.

● Lighting project - We can apply for a Com Ed grant to replace all our fluorescent lights with new LED lights. The cost of replacing all of the inside lights in our building is estimated at just over $16,000.00. We would get a return on our investment in one year on our energy costs.

SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT: Mrs. Avery presented on the following:

● School Board Conference – November 22-24 – Chicago

● Expected end-of-the-year budget balance – was discussed during the Budget Amendment Hearing, and our funds are sufficient.

● Next year’s levy figures – Supt. Avery discussed projected tax levy numbers.

● Insurance Update / Workman’s Comp Update = fees/costs are increasing this year.

● Bus Lease Information = We are looking into leasing a new Panther Bus. The offers are for a 1-year, 3-year, or 5-year contract. Our plans are to sell our existing Panther Bus to the public and lease a new one for a 5-year contract. This bus is consistently used for band, sports, student use, etc. We need a reliable, dependable bus. The Board asked for multiple quotes.


None at tonight’s meeting.


● Approve the FY25 Budget Amendment, as presented

● Approve the Consolidated District Title I Plan for 2024-2025

● Approve the Property/Casualty Insurance Renewal FY25

● Approve the Workman’s Compensation Insurance Renewal FY25

● Approve the Board Resolution to abate Working Cash to Fund 20 (O&M)

● Approve the Board Resolution to abate Working Cash to Fund 80 (Tort)

● Approve the Destruction of Closed Session Audio Recordings 18 months and older

● Approve the Opening of Board of Education Closed Session Minutes from January 2024 to May 2024

● Authorize the payment of July 2024 bills

● Authorize employment of new staff for (2024-2025) – if needed

● Approve Administration Contract – Director of Student Services – Mrs. Christine Ruddy

● Approve Superintendent Contract – Mrs. Sue Avery

● Approve the IGA between Gardner-South Wilmington High School and Braceville Elementary School for a shared Superintendent – Mrs. Sue Avery.

● Approve Language Revisions to the Principal Contract, as presented.


Mr. David Simms asked if the standing water in the parking lot has been taken care of yet. Mrs. Avery informed him that the Head of Maintenance was handling the situation to get it drained.
