Christina Jenkins-Likar - Republican, Board Member | Grundy County Website
Christina Jenkins-Likar - Republican, Board Member | Grundy County Website
Grundy County Insurance Trust Fund Board Dec. 9.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
I. Call to Order
II. Public Portion
III. Approval of Minutes
1. CCMSI Agenda
2. CCMSI Reports
3. CCMSI Agreement Renewal
V. Claims - $31,000.00
VI. Studio/Vezzetti Annual Meeting Report
1. Studio - Vezzetti Annual Meeting Packet
VII. FY24 Financial Reporting - Discussion
1. SIT Financial Reporting FY2024
VIII. FY2025 Budget - Action
1. GCIT FY25 Budget
IX. Old/New Business
X. Executive Session
XI. Action Taken as a Result of Executive Session
XII. Adjournment