Mr. Chris Spencer - Superintendent | Coal City Community Unit School District #1
Mr. Chris Spencer - Superintendent | Coal City Community Unit School District #1
Coal City Community Unit School District #1 Board of Education met Jan. 27
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
Board Study Session of the Whole Meeting Minutes
Call to Order
President Miller called the study session meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. with the board members answering roll call present: Jeff Emerson, Dan Engelhardt, Shawn Hamilton, Cindy Klein, Steve Rogers, and Ken Miller. Also in attendance were Superintendent Christopher Spencer, CSBO Jason Smith, Director of Curriculum and Instruction Jennifer Kenney, Director of Special Populations Luke Krippel, Board Secretary LaWanda Gagliardo, and Community Relations Specialist Ann Gill. Board Secretary Pro Tempore Quint Harmon attended the meeting via phone conference.
Pledge of Allegiance
President Miller led the Board, and others present in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
Discussion on FY26 School Calendar
Superintendent Christopher Spencer discussed the FY26 school calendar. Mr. Spencer has worked with GAVC and Union Leadership for their feedback. Mr. Spencer has a meeting scheduled an early morning meeting to allow district employees the opportunity to ask questions or provide feedback regarding the calendar. The first day of student attendance is slated for Wednesday, August 13, 2025, and the last day of student attendance is Thursday, May 21, 2025. Mr. Spencer plans to present the final draft of the calendar at the February Board Meeting.
Discussion on Intermediate School Concepts
Superintendent Christopher Spencer and CSBO Jason Smith debriefed the Board on the Town Hall Meeting held this past Wednesday at the high school. There have been a couple of emails received from the feedback email that was set up by the administration, and those were shared with the Board. Between both days there were 90 – 100 in attendance. Mr. Spencer went over the timeline of how things have transpired from then to now. Mr. Spencer had a Q & A session afterwards, where him and Mr. Smith provided answers. The slide presentation took about 30 minutes. Some of the Board members attended the meetings, and a candidate running for the Board also attended both meetings. The Board members in attendance thought this meeting was the best thing the administration could’ve done for the community. During the meeting Mr. Spencer also went over the design concepts and the community was given the opportunity to weigh in on those designs. Mr. Spencer mentioned that he is seeking individuals interested in possibly being on a committee. Modular classrooms were brought up, and that is something the administration is looking into and the cost associated with that route. The administration understands the sentimental value some community members have towards the Intermediate School. The administration must consider the financial cost of each design concept, and ultimately what’s best for the impacted students.
Discussion on District Capital Projects
CSBO Jason Smith discussed the district’s capital projects. Mr. Smith also discussed mechanical projects at the high school, the roofing project at the middle school, and improvements at the elementary school. The projects were discussed in order of priority: the Middle School roofing project is one that cannot be put off, the HVAC at the high school is past it’s life expectancy, and the improvements at the Elementary School were discussed to make the building more comfortable for the staff and students. Intermediate School staff and students will most likely be there next school year until the completion of the decided design concept has been completed. The administration will ask the Board for authorization to go out to bid at the February meeting. A decision on the design concept may not come until the March Board Meeting.
Discussion on IASB Three Rivers Division Meeting
Superintendent Christopher Spencer discussed the IASB Three Rivers Division Meeting being held at Manhattan Junior High, which is a new facility. The meeting is being held on Tuesday, March 4, 2025, at 5:30 p.m. Mr. Spencer asked the Board members to let himself or LaWanda know about their interest in attending. This is a new facility, so this would be an opportunity to see their facility for possible ideas for the district.
Discussion on New Social Studies Graduation Requirement
Superintendent Christopher Spencer discussed the new .5 credit needed for graduation in social studies starting in the FY26 school year. Mr. Spencer discussed colleges requiring 3-credits of social studies upon entrance. The high school currently requires 2 credits of social studies for graduation. Mr. Spencer will make a recommendation to move to 2.5 credits. This would align Coal City with the surrounding districts.
Discussion on School Fees
Superintendent Christopher Spencer reviewed the district’s school fees. The Board approved fees through FY27, this was just a review of those fees.
Discussion on the PowerSchool Data Breach
CSBO Jason Smith updated the Board on PowerSchool’s data breach. This was a nationwide data breach of tens-of-thousands of dollars. The district does not collect social security numbers for students, but some of them things compromised would’ve been first and last names, date of birth, and mailing addresses. PowerSchool made the district aware that a ransom was paid for the data, and that they were assured that the data would not be used. PowerSchool is required to notify the States Attorney of the breach, and they will provide 2 years of credit watch coverage for effected students. As a result of this breach the district made some practice changes.
Finance Reports
The bank statements, monthly revenue, expenditure summary reports, check reconciliation report, cash report, and cleared check report for December were enclosed for review. Detailed reports were available in the Business Office for review prior to the meeting. The Treasurer’s report, investment report, and lunch report for December were also enclosed for review.
Mr. Smith submitted paperwork to the insurance company to ensure payments will be received for some of the Intermediate School damage. Mr. Smith also applied for a grant and $50,000 was received to also offset the cost. Congressman LeHood publishes information on grants, and the district will explore those as options as well.
a) Items not known at agenda preparation time – none.
b) Sharing Ideas / Information – For the spring baseball season, there is a large group going out for the team. There were 15 sophomores, and 13 freshmen, with these numbers, the district may need a Freshsoph Coach. Mr. Boresi is confident he can get 12 games scheduled. The administration and the athletic director will talk to the head baseball coach Mr. Wills regarding this.
Closed Session
At 6:34 p.m. a motion made by Mr. Engelhardt and seconded by Mrs. Klein to go into closed session for the purpose of considering information regarding the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, individual student issue, performance, and administrative contracts.
Board Member Quint Harmon attended the meeting via phone conference. Jennifer Kenney, Luke Krippel, LaWanda Gagliardo, and Quint Harmon left the meeting at 6:51 p.m.
Roll Call.
Ayes: Dan Engelhardt, Cindy Klein, Jeff Emerson, Shawn Hamilton, Quint Harmon, Steve Rogers, Ken Miller Nays:
Motion: Carried.
Mr. Engelhardt moved, and Mr. Rogers seconded to return to open session at 7:24 p.m.
Mr. Hamilton moved, and Mr. Engelhardt seconded to adjourn at 7:26 p.m. the Board Study Session of the Whole meeting.