Ric Offerman, Village President | Village of Minooka Website
Ric Offerman, Village President | Village of Minooka Website
Village of Minooka Village Board met Jan. 28.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
Village President, Ric Offerman, called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Trustees present: Ray Mason, Robin White, Dennis Martin, Barry Thompson, Terry Houchens and Gabriela Martinez. Also present: Dan Duffy-Village Administrator, Finance Director Austin Haacke, Ryan Anderson, Superintendent of Public Works, Chief Justin Meyer, and Village Clerk- Orsola Filus
Public Forum‐ Resident Dave Stasell mentioned an issue with the parking by BMO Harris Bank. He advised the company that is nearby is parking on the streets way pass the 2 hour limit. They are parked there all day. He is hoping the Village can look into this due to the congestion it causes.
Resident Tony Montagano asked about the Data Center and how its going to work with Lake Michigan Water coming in? The Board advised resident that is something that they will be figuring out as the project is in the beginning stages. He spoke about the $25.00 fee on his utility bill that pertains to Lake Michigan Water as well.
Changes to Agenda‐None
Review of the Village Board meeting minutes from December 17, 2024.
Trustee White moved, Trustee Martinez seconded the motion to approve the December 17, 2024 Village Board Minutes
Ayes: Martin, Thompson, Houchens, White, Martinez, Mason
Nays: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
Bills and Transfers
Trustee Houchens moved, Trustee Thompson seconded the motion to approve the Bills and Transfers
Ayes: Martin, Thompson, Houchens, White, Martinez, Mason
Nays: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
Trustee Houchens moved, Trustee Thompson seconded the motion to approve the Treasurer's Report
Ayes: Martin, Thompson, Houchens, White, Martinez, Mason
Nays: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
Consent Agenda
Resolution 25R‐3811 approving pay request #3(FINAL) to National Power Rodding Corporation Resolution 25R‐3812 approving pay request #2 (FINAL) to Aux Sable Township Resolution 25R‐3813approving pay request #1(FINAL) to Xylem Water Solution Resolution 25R‐3814 approving pay request #1 (FINAL) for 12 LED street name signs Trustee Thompson moved, Trustee Mason seconded the motion to approve the Consent Agenda Items as presented.
Ayes: Martin, Thompson, Houchens, White, Martinez, Mason
Nays: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
Unfinished Business‐none
New Business
Resolution approving contract with Robinson Engineer for the 2025 MFT Program $147,050 Trustee Thompson moved, Trustee Martinez seconded the motion to approve Resolution 2025R-3815 approving contract with Robinson Engineering for the 2025 MFT Program
Ayes: Martin, Thompson, Houchens, White, Martinez, Mason
Nays: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
Resolution approving agreement with Robinson Engineering to perform Phase 3 for the multi‐use path over the Dupage River $220,096.00
Trustee Thompson moved, Trustee Houchens seconded the motion to approve Resolution 2025R-3816 the agreement with Robinson Engineering for Phase 3
Ayes: Martin, Thompson, Houchens, White, Martinez, Mason
Nays: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
Resolution approving pay request #1(FINAL) to Burris Equipment $59,799.60 Trustee Thompson moved, Trustee Mason seconded the motion to approve Resolution 2025R-3817 approving pay request #1(FINAL) to Burris Equipment
Ayes: Martin, Thompson, White, Mason
Nays: Martinez, Houchens
Absent: None
Motion carried.
Resolution awarding contract with Premier Ponds $21,130.00
Trustee Thompson moved, Trustee Martinez seconded the motion to approve Resolution 2025R-3818 awarding contract with Premier Ponds
Ayes: Martin, Thompson, Houchens, White, Martinez, Mason
Nays: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
Resolution approving proposal to Upland Design for Lions Park $14,800
Trustee Houchens moved, Trustee White seconded the motion to approve Resolution 2025R-3819 approving proposal to Upland Design for Lions Park
Ayes: Martin, Thompson, Houchens, White, Martinez, Mason
Nays: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
Resolution awarding the Aux Sable Springs Landscape and Lawn Maintenance Contract 2025 & 2026 to Ramiro Guzman Landscaping $39,340.00
Trustee Houchens moved, Trustee White seconded the motion to approve Resolution 2025R-3820 awarding the Aux Sable Springs Landscape and Lawn Maintenance Contract to Ramiro Guzman Landscaping
Ayes: Martin, Thompson, Houchens, White, Martinez, Mason
Nays: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
Resolution approving the emergency work for Huber Step Screen at the Wastewater Treatment Plant $20,457.87
Trustee Thompson moved, Trustee Mason seconded the motion to approve Resolution 2025R-3821 approving the emergency work for the Huber Step Screen
Ayes: Martin, Thompson, Houchens, White, Martinez, Mason
Nays: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
Resolution approving Extension of Temporary Occupancy Permit for Methodist Church 1210 S. Ridge Rd.
Trustee White moved, Trustee Martinez seconded the motion to approve Resolution 2025R-3822 approving extension of temporary occupancy permit for Methodist Church
Ayes: Martin, Thompson, Houchens, White, Martinez, Mason
Nays: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
Resolution approving plans and Surety for Lantana Solar Farms
Trustee Mason moved, Trustee Martin seconded the motion to approve Resolution 2025R-3823 approving plans for Surety for Lantana Solar Farms
Ayes: Martin, Houchens, White, Martinez, Mason
Nays: Thompson
Absent: None
Motion carried.
Resolution granting an authorized departure for Aux Sable Ridge Phase Two (underground utilities)
Trustee Thompson moved, Trustee Mason seconded the motion to approve Resolution 2025R-3824 granting an authorized departure for Aux Sable Ridge Phase Two
Ayes: Martin, Thompson, Houchens, White, Martinez, Mason
Nays: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
Liquor Commission Report
Resolution approving Class E One Day License‐March 2, 2025
Trustee Thompson moved, Trustee Martin seconded the motion to approve Resolution 2025R-3825 approving Class E One Day Liquor License
Ayes: Martin, Thompson, Houchens, White, Martinez, Mason
Nays: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
Annexation Committee Report- none
Executive Session‐none
As Appropriate‐ Administrator Duffy mentioned the State of the Village is set for April 3 at 11:30 a.m. Trustee Martinez wanted to with the President a Happy Birthday!
Adjournment‐Trustee Houchens moved, Trustee Thompson seconded the motion to adjourn at 7:01 p.m. All Ayes.