State Senator Sue Rezin | Illinois General Assembly
State Senator Sue Rezin | Illinois General Assembly
State Senators Sally Turner and Sue Rezin, together with McLean County Coroner Kathleen Yoder, have called for legislative measures to address the ongoing fentanyl crisis. During a press conference, they emphasized the need for action through four proposed bills aimed at penalizing traffickers, enhancing public safety, and accurately identifying fentanyl-related deaths.
Senator Turner is spearheading two initiatives: Senate Bill 280 and Senate Bill 1569. Senate Bill 280 proposes a Class X felony for illegal sale or dispensing of drugs containing fentanyl, punishable by 9 to 40 years in prison and fines up to $250,000. It also establishes a Class 1 felony with fines up to $100,000 for using electronic devices to facilitate trafficking. Senate Bill 1569 seeks to increase mandatory sentences for fentanyl-related crimes by adding an additional two years of imprisonment.
“We must take a firm stance against those who knowingly sell this deadly drug in our communities,” stated Senator Sally Turner. “Fentanyl is fueling the opioid epidemic, killing thousands, and leaving families devastated.”
Senator Rezin introduced Senate Bill 113 and Senate Bill 1283. Senate Bill 113 requires defendants charged with manufacturing or delivering significant amounts of fentanyl to prove they do not pose a public threat before pretrial release. Meanwhile, Senate Bill 1283 aims to classify fentanyl-related deaths as "fentanyl poisonings" rather than overdoses.
“Fentanyl is one of the most dangerous drugs we’ve ever encountered,” said Senator Sue Rezin. “In my district, we saw a case where an individual was arrested with enough fentanyl to kill 1.5 million people and was released."
Coroner Yoder highlighted the severe impact of fentanyl on communities. “The fentanyl crisis is a crisis for everyone," she said. "This crisis demands a holistic approach that includes prevention, treatment, and accountability."
The senators stressed that these legislative proposals are crucial in tackling the crisis. Two bills have been assigned to the Senate Criminal Law Clear Compliance Subcommittee while two await committee assignment.