
Grundy Reporter

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Coal City Community Unit School District #1 Board of Education met November 1.

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Coal City Community Unit School District #1 Board of Education met Nov. 1.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board;


President Ken Miller called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. in the Coal City Community Unit School District #1 District Office Board Room. In attendance were Board members Robert Bianchetta, Jeff Emerson, Mary Gill, Shawn Hamilton, and Ken Miller. Board members Quint Harmon and Chuck Lander were not in attendance. Superintendent Kent Bugg, CSBO Jason Smith, Director of Curriculum and Instruction Tammy Elledge, Director of Special Populations Sandy Rakes, Board Secretary Karen Vota, and member of the press Ann Gill were also in attendance.


President Miller led the Board of Education and others present in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.


1. Introduction/acknowledgement of guests. President Miller welcomed those in attendance.

2. Principal Tracy Carlson organized the Board presentation this month. VFW St. Juvin Post 1336 members John Dite, Jim Richards, Keith Roseland, Bill Bomba and Jim Phillips, under the direction of Post Commander Charlie Brown were in attendance to talk about their recent visit to the Intermediate School. CCIS students Colton Lemmons, Brenna Gibson, William VanCura, Melody Kinder, Sam Sterba and Riley Clements were in attendance to share what they learned from the VFW members regarding the American Flag and how it's changed over the years.

3. Secretary Gill read a thank you note from Charles Brown, Commander of St. Juvin Post 1336 VFW. The members of St. Juvin Post thanked the Intermediate School students and faculty for the hospitality shown to them during a recent visit to their school to present an assembly about the American Flag.

4. Secretary Gill read a thank you note from the Middle School Staff. The staff thanked the board for the meal that was provided to them during parent-teacher conferences. The note says that it is “nourishing” to know that we are always supported and appreciated by our School Board.


1. In regard to agenda items – none.

2. In general (Limited to 5 minutes per person.) – none.


President Miller asked if there were any items that the Board would like to remove from the consent agenda. Hearing none, President Miller asked for a motion to approve the consent agenda.

Mr. Hamilton moved and Mr. Bianchetta seconded to approve the consent agenda including:


October 4, 2017 – Regular Meeting October 4, 2017 – Regular Meeting - NONE

October 25, 2017 – Board Study Session October 25, 2017 – Board Study Session


Activity Fund Reports – September 2017

Treasurer’s Report – September 2017

Monthly Manual Check Report – October 2017

Payroll Report – October 2017

Accounts Payable Report – November 2017



Ron Becker – Full-Time 1:1 Special Education Aide at the High School

Erin Christopher – 3.2 hour per day cafeteria worker at the Intermediate School

Meghan Ragland – 3 hour per day cafeteria worker at the High School

Employee Transfers

Curtis Lackner – from custodian at the Elementary School to custodian at the High School

Denise Esparza – from custodian at the High School to custodian at the Intermediate School

Michael Muser – from custodian at the High School to custodian at the Elementary School

Employee Involuntary Transfers

Kim Teague – from custodian at the Elementary School to custodian at the Early Childhood Center.

Lynn Pearson – from custodian at the Early Childhood Center to custodian at the Elementary School

Employee Leave

Cynthia Bennett-Valtman – Music Teacher at the Elementary School – In August, the Board approved a thirty-seven day paid medical leave from August 16 through October 6, 2017. Ms. Bennett-Valtman is requesting an additional fifty-one (51) day paid medical leave with use of accumulated sick leave in accordance with the Teacher’s Negotiated Agreement, from October 10, 2017 through December 22, 2017. Ms. Bennett-Valtman hopes to be able to return to school after winter break, on January 8, 2018.

Katie Muntz – Life Skills Teacher at the High School – Ms. Muntz is requesting a thirty-six (36) day paid maternity leave with use of accumulated sick leave in accordance with the Teacher’s Negotiated Agreement, from January 29, 2018 through March 20, 2018. She is also requesting a seven (7) day unpaid Family Medical Leave from March 21, 2018 through April 6, 2018. She plans to return to school on Monday, April 9, 2018.

Extra-Curricular Assignments

7th Grade Girls Basketball Coach – Layne Miller

Freshmen Boys Basketball Coach – Cal Vigna

Winter Poms Coach (split) – Jessica Zierman and Laura Alderson

Extra-Curricular Volunteers

Wrestling – Nick O’Bert, Michael Barrie, Ryan Cumming, Nick Dziuban


Job Description for Permanent Custodial Substitute

Job Description for Data Support Staff - updated


Group Building Ins. Date

Lil Coalers Wrestling Club ES Yes 10/24-2/27/17

Lincoln Lake Rec Adult Volleyball MS Yes 11/1-3/21

Step by Step Child Care Center Auditorium Yes 12/13/17

Forte Arts Center Auditorium Yes 1/21/18

Roll Call.

Ayes: Shawn Hamilton, Robert Bianchetta, Jeff Emerson, Mary Gill, Ken Miller


Motion Carried.



Principal Spencer Reported:

Calendar of Events:

November 14 PSO Meeting @ 6:30 IS

November 15 Early Dismissal

November 22 No School

November 23 Thanksgiving No School

November 24 No School


Bus Slips 9

Inappropriate Physical Contact 5

Other-Lunchroom 2

Other-Bathroom 1

Pupil Personnel:

October 3, 5, and 23 the Fire Department came to the ECC and did presentations for Fire

Prevention to the student of the ECC.

The week of October 23th, we will celebrate Red Ribbon week. Ms. Marketti, helped

coordinated dress up dates in conjunction special phrases about making “good choices” in life.

Month in Review:

October 10 we held BLT meeting

October 19 and 20 will be Parent/Teacher Conferences, at the ECC

October 23-27 Red Ribbon Week

October 27 Fire Department taking a student from each classroom to breakfast

October 27 Picture Retake and whole school picture

October 31 we have our Halloween parties and our Halloween Parade (2pm)


Principal Spencer reported:

Calendar of Events:

November 14 PSO Meeting @ 6:30 IS

November 15 Early Dismissal

November 22 No School

November 23 Thanksgiving No School

November 24 No School


Bus Slips 2

Inappropriate Physical Contact 3

Pupil Personnel:

October 17th, the Fire Department came to the ES and did a presentation for Fire Prevention to the Second-Grade students. The on October 18th the Third-Grade students walked to the Fire

Department for a tour and presentation.

The week of October 23rd, we will celebrate Red Ribbon week. Mr. Dziuban coordinated dress up dates in conjunction special phrases about making “good choices” in life.

Congratulations to third grader, Isabella Bartholomew. She was the CCES Grundy County Trashformations winner. She used 24 recyclable items to design her Fairy House.


Mrs. Brncich had the Art classes paint a Witch that is currently being displayed in the Wilmington downtown area.

Mrs. Brncich approached the PSO about helping pay for 20 third grade students to go to Brookfield Zoo and decorate a Christmas tree. The PSO agreed to pay for it and in November, 20 third grade students will be go to the Zoo and decorate a tree.

Month in Review:

October 12 we held BLT meeting

October 18 Picture Retake and whole school picture

October 19 and 20 will be Parent/Teacher Conferences, at the ES

October 23-27 Red Ribbon Week

October 26 Fire Department taking a student from each classroom to breakfast

October 31 we have our Halloween parties and our Halloween Parade (1pm)


Principal Carlson reported:

Calendar of Upcoming Events:

10/23 Red Ribbon Week

Monday – Making good decisions is magical! (Disney Day)

Tuesday – Our future is too bright to make bad decisions! (Sunglasses Day)

Wednesday – Save the day by making good decisions! (Superhero Day)

Thursday – Put on a smile and make good choices! (Emoji Day)

Friday – Red Day

10/24 5th Grade Fire Safety Presentation During P.E.

10/24 PBS Meeting 3:10

10/24 Picture Retakes and All-School Photo

10/25 4th Grade Fire Safety Presentation During P.E.

10/25 Student Council Meeting 3:00-4:00

10/25 Candy Apple Pickup 3:00-4:00

10/25 5th Grade Team Meeting 3:10

10/25 5th Grade Cupcake Launch 4:00

10/27 Mix It Up Day at Lunch

10/30 Problem Solving Meeting 9:00

10/30 Specials Team Meeting 3:10

11/1 Storm Drill 2:15

11/1 Data Analysis Team Time 3:00

11/2 Walk to HS Play 12:15-2:30

11/2 Custodian Meeting 3:00

11/7 TALC 3:10

11/8 SpEd Team Meeting 7:30 a.m.

11/8 Student Council Meeting 7:30 a.m.

11/8 4th Grade Team Meeting 3:10

11/9 LLT 8:00-11:00 at CCHS

11/9 A Team 2:00

11/9 Mother/Son Fall Ball 6:00-7:30 p.m.

11/13 End of Trimester 1

11/13 Let’s Make a Difference Week (Collection to help stock Help for Hope)

11/13 Problem Solving Meeting 9:00

11/14 DLT Meeting 8:30 a.m.

11/14 PBS Meeting 3:10

11/14 PSO Meeting 6:30 p.m.

11/15 5Essentials Survey Opens

11/15 11:35 Dismissal

11/16 School Store 7:40-8:05 a.m.

11/22-24 No School – Thanksgiving Break

11/27 Grandparents Week During Library Time

11/27 Problem Solving Meeting 9:00

11/27 Specials Team Meeting 3:10

11/28 TALC 3:10

11/29 Student Council Meeting 7:30 a.m.

11/29 5th Grade Team Meeting 3:10

Current Enrollment:

4th Grade 163

5th Grade 137

Total 300

We also have three additional 5th grade students enrolled in other special education programs.

Emergency/Crisis Drills Completed:

Evacuation 8/24/17; 10/23/17 Rained Out;

Shelter-in-Place/Storm 8/22/17

Lockdown 8/23/17

Bus Safety/Evacuation 9/18/17

Student Discipline in Previous Month:

Bus Slips 2

Lying 1

Stealing 2

Defiance 1

Inappropriate Language 1

Disrespectful to Staff 1

Excessive Noise 1

Not Keeping Hands/Feet to Self 2

Tech Device Without Permission 1

On Stage Without Permission 1

Brought Cap Gun to School 1

Brought Lighter to School 1


CCIS welcomed custodian Denise Esparza to our building on October 16th. Denise transferred from the High School.

Previous Month in Review:

On October 2nd, CCIS celebrated National Custodian Day. Several students made cards for the custodians, and we gave them special treats.

We also celebrated World Day of Bullying Prevention/Blue Shirt Day on October 2nd.

Our After School Assistance Program (ASAP) began on October 2nd. We currently have 21 students in ASAP – thirteen in 4th grade and eight in 5th grade. ASAP meets three days a week from 3:00-4:00 with Mrs. Cowherd and Mrs. Rink.

Post Commander Charles Brown (along with Sgt. Jim Phillips, Sgt. Keith Roseland, Sgt. Jim Richards, Sgt. Bill Bomba, Sgt. Irv Dewald, and Sgt. John Dite) from the VFW came to CCIS on October 3rd and 4th to talk about the American Flag. They showed pictures of all the different flags we have had through the years, and they also showed us the proper way to fold the American Flag. They gave away two large American Flags in a raffle, and every student received a ruler that had the Pledge of Allegiance on one side and all the American presidents on the other side. We also went outside to the War Memorial. Commander Brown and a few students will attend the next Board of Education meeting to give a summary of their visit.

On October 3rd and 5th, over 100 K-8 students participated in the HS Poms Clinic, which was held at CCIS. The participants performed their routine on 10/6 during halftime of the HS Football Game.

October is Fire Safety Month. Firefighter Nick and the Coal City Fire Department brought a select few CCIS students to the Fire Station for breakfast on October 6th. The students are listed below in the Student Recognition section. The students got to ride to/from the fire station in a fire truck. Later this month, Firefighter Nick will come to CCIS to give a presentation about fire safety.

On October 13th, CCIS students walked to CCHS to watch the first act of the MS Musical, Into the Woods.

The 4th grade class went to Brookfield Zoo for a field trip on October 17th.

CCIS held its first Book Fair of the school year during the week of October 16th. The theme was Wild, Wild West. The students visited the book fair during reading class, and the book fair was also open during Parent/Teacher Conferences.

The BLT met all day on October 18th to review AIMS web data and determine the interventions needed for our at-risk students.

We held our first PBS event on October 19th and boy was it fun! EVERY student was able to participate in a life-size version of Hungry, Hungry Hippos. We also gave away over 150 raffle prizes.

Parent/Teacher Conferences were held on October 19th and 20th. We had 91% of the parents attend. The teachers plan to continue to reach out to the parents who did not attend.

Student Council sponsored the following Friday spirit days this past month: Pajama Day, Mismatch Day, Comfy Clothes Day.

Mrs. Cowherd’s 4th grade class is collecting winter clothes of all sizes (jackets, hats, scarves, gloves, boots) to help Coal City Intermediate School provide FREE clothing to the public. Donations can be brought to the CCIS Office. Shopping dates will be in December and January.

Student Recognition:

Congratulations to following Students of the Week: Week of 9/25: Grace Heatherwick, Lance Cuddy, Peyton Gibson, and Zander Meents Week of 10/2: Mackenzie Lovell, Devun Tarman, Hayden Adams, and Mackenzie Messina Week of 10/10: Aubrey Grunwald, Mason Hamilton, Addison Martis, and Adam Collins Week of 10/16: Payton Vigna, Destiny Medina, Madison Wilson, and Sam Sterba

Congratulations to Melody Kinder, who was the winner of this year’s CCIS t-shirt design contest.

Congratulations to the following students, who were chosen to ride on a fire truck to the fire station to enjoy breakfast and a tour of the fire barn: Kyliee Jones, Andrew Banach, Liam Maier, Elarik Shoulders, Zander Meents, Brittnae Combes, Erin Dempsey, Hayden Francisco, Lillie Wren, Destiny Medina, Mekhi Riley, Christian Wren, Aiva Tourigny, and Becca Hall.

Staff Recognition:

I want to thank Mr. McCleary, Mrs. Troll, Mrs. Alderson, and Mr. Nicholson for helping with our Hungry, Hungry Hippos PBS assembly.

I want to thank Ms. Talty for making our Hippo Trophies.

I want to recognize the following staff members who received the weekly CCIS Kudos:

- Mrs. DePersia for helping out with an injured student

- Mr. Leve for fixing the copy machine

- Mr. Leve for setting up a teacher’s Macbook

- Mrs. Boresi for creating reading tests


Principal Johnson reported:

Calendar of Events:

October 23-27 Red Ribbon Week at CCMS

October 24 CCMS 8th Grade Students to GAVC Career Fair

Athletic Boosters Meeting – CCMS

October 25 Board Study Session – 6:00pm – Unit Office

October 31 Halloween – Student Council Sponsored Dress Up Day

November 1 Board of Education Meeting – 6:00pm – Unit Office

November 2 CCMS to POPS (Peers Offering Positive Solutions)-Morris

November 3 CCMS Fall Dance – 6:00pm

November 3, 4, 5 CCHS Play – Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

November 4 MS IMEA Festival – Lincoln Way Central HS

IESA Speech Contest -

November 5 Daylights Savings Time Begins

November 13 Music Booster Meeting – CCMS

November 15 Veterans Day Assembly – 11:15am


Staff Development Day

November 22 - 26 No School – Thanksgiving Break

November 27 Athletic Boosters Meeting – 7:00pm - CCMS

November 29 Board Study Session – 6:00pm – Unit Office

November 30 5th/6th


As of end of 10/23

Month Year to Date

0 Out-of –school suspensions 1

3 In-school-suspension 6

0 Bus suspensions 0

9 Behavior-related detentions 15

Month in Review – October

Congratulations to the CCMS Baseball Team who captured Second Place in the IESA 3A State Championship on September 30. In the 2017 State Finals, the Warriors won their first game 11- 6 over Mahomet-Seymour. In the semi-finals, Coal City faced Manteno and defeated them 10-3. For the championship game, the Warriors faced an undefeated Chatham Glenwood. The Warriors continued their great play but were defeated 3-4 in the championship game. The boys played outstanding baseball and represented both CCMS and the Coal City District with class and pride. The boys finished the season 24-5 which is a school record for wins. This was the Warriors fourth state trophy in five years and 5th trip to the state finals in 7 years. Congratulations to Coach Monbrum and the boys on a great season and how our boys conducted themselves at the State Finals and throughout the entire season.

CCMS Staff held a McTeacher Night on October 4 at the Coal City McDonalds. We had a great turnout and were able to raise over $1,000 for the CCMS PBS program. Thanks to all of the teachers who helped with the event.

CCMS students and staff observed Columbus Day on October 9.

October 11 was Picture Retake Day for CCMS Students. We have also had picture day for all Fall Sports/Activities at CCMS. Fall Sports/Activities at CCMS are Softball, Baseball, Girls Basketball and Marching Band. Special thanks to Ashley Matsko for her work on Picture Day.

Congratulations to Jack Micetich and the cast of “Into the Woods”. The students worked extremely hard to prepare for the show. The students performed on October 12, 14 and 15. All parts of the production was outstanding from the singing to the acting to the stage design. It was once again a great showcase for our students and the musical and acting talents that they have. Jack, his creative team and the students created another memorable experience for the students and their families. Special thanks to Mr. Micetich for his hard work, long hours, organization and flexibility in working with the students and their busy schedules. We look forward to next year and our next great show.

Boys Basketball Tryouts were held on October 16 and 17 at CCMS. We had 38 sixth grade boys, 26 seventh grade boys and 19 8th grade boys attend tryouts. Both 7th and 8th grade teams kept 15 players while 6th grade kept 18 players this year. Coaches for Boys Basketball are 6th grade, Josh Quigley, 7th grade, Keegan Clampitt and Nick Micetich, and 8th Grade, Chad Larson. We wish all of our coaches and teams the best of luck this season.

October 18 marked the end of 1st quarter Encore Classes. Students began new nine-week Encore classes on October 19.

Parent/Teacher Conferences were held on October 19 and 20. Thanks to all of the families who attended and checked on the progress of their child through the first nine weeks of the school year. We had approximately 248 parents attend conferences. Up from 175 from the 2016 Fall Conferences. CCMS 8th grade students participated in Student Led Conferences again this year and the process was very successful for the students and parents.


Principal Hamann reported:

Calendar of Events:

October 31 Girls Basketball Starts

November 4-5 Fall Play (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)

Showtimes are 2 and 7 p.m. on Saturday and 2 p.m. on Sunday

November 6 I-8 Choral Festival 8:30 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.

November 6 Boys Basketball and Wrestling Starts

November 11 Veterans Day

November 15 Early Dismissal – Staff Development

November 14 H.S. Winter Sports Picture Day

November 18 Jazz and Java Footnotes, Jazz Band performing at Cinder Ridge Golf Course 7-9 p.m.

November 18 H.S. Band IMEA District

November 20-25 Thanksgiving Invitational Tournament 6:00 & 8:00

November 22-26 Thanksgiving Break

Month in Review:

Coal City High School presents: "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” a nonmusical version. The shows are directed by Mrs. McDowell. The shows will be on Saturday, November 4 @ 2 p.m. & 7 p.m. and Sunday, Nov. 5 @ 2 p.m. in the HS auditorium! Tickets are $5.00

Parent/Teacher conferences were held on October 19th and 20th. Conferences are held in the cafeteria.

Our After School Assistance Program started the third week of school. It will run on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:20-4:20. Mr. Jeremy Unger and Mrs. Kaitlyn Czernicki are our ASAP coordinators.


Coal City High School students will be attending the Interstate -8 Leadership Conference held at Morris Country Club on October 23rd and hosted by Seneca High School. The following students represented CCHS at the conference. Students who attended were Anjalie Medina, Asa Cooper, Rose Feeney, Austin Pullara, Makenna Crater, Alex Friddle, Koren Friedres & Yohanten Figuroa

The marching Coalers participated in the Octoberfest Parade, Corn Fest Parade U of I Band Day, and four other band invitationals. The band is under the direction of Cameron Kotovsky.

Congratulations to the following students who were selected as October Students of the Month for October: Tyler Polarek, Abigail Seeley, Logan Mills, Tyson Spencer and Joe Farriols.

Student Director Awards for September at GAVC were Jacob Krug (Welding) and Shawn McLey (Computer Graphics & Multimedia Design), Emma Williams (Criminal Justice CCHS) and Sonja Minnick (Early Childhood)

Congratulations to the Coaler Boys Golf Team and Coach Sinkular and Coach Castle on sending three individuals to the Sectional Tournament. Coaler Golfers advancing were Matt Misewicz, Russell Gomien and Keegan Gagliardo

Current Enrollment Figures thru October 20, 2017

9th Grade = 175

10th Grade =173

11th Grade =168

12th Grade = 169

Total 685

Discipline Report from September 24 to October 20.

Infraction Totals:

Harassment 4

Inappropriate Checkout 2

Bus Misconduct 1

Class Cut 2

Fighting 1

Totals: 10


Director Rakes reported:


We are at 130 preschoolers in our blended and special education classrooms. We have 6 Coal City blended spots available. We have 16 pending evaluations for special education. Ten of the evaluations are EI referrals and 6 are from screening referrals.

There are 3 out of district students on the wait list for the PFA part of the programming.

The District recently had its 4th quarter quality assurance review. Amanda Davidson prepared everything and the district once again received 100% on the review. The report was reviewed.

COOP withdrawal update

Amanda Davidson and I will be presenting our comprehensive withdrawal plan to the ISAC committee on Wednesday, Dec 6th @ 1:00 pm. The presentation will be in Springfield. The plan was submitted to the ISBE on November 1st.


Director Elledge reported:

Department Information:

The curriculum departments, led by their department leaders, have outlined their projects and work goals for the year. These ideas will help them guide their activities and focus their time during early dismissal days. The goals were reviewed.

Department meetings for the high school have begun. Highlights of changes include the expansion of AP course offerings in new departments and discussion of supporting students with remedial coursework before they go to college.

Standardized Tests:

The state released performance levels for the state sponsored SAT exam. The performance levels were set to reduce the likelihood that student would need remedial coursework upon entering college. As a reminder, the SAT college and career benchmarks were set to predict a 75% likelihood of achieving a C or higher in related college courses. Therefore, the state levels and the SAT benchmarks are slightly different yardsticks. All the percentages and comparison scores will be shared once comparison results become available.


We have been in discussions with various cloud-based communications solutions companies to revamp our website, and streamline various communication channels for our stakeholders. It is our hope to have a communications partner in place before the end of the calendar year and new channels in place by spring.


Dr. Bugg reported:

1. The Board sponsored luncheon will be served in each building on Wednesday, December 6, 2017.

2. Lewis University student Kimberly Onsen will complete her student teaching requirements with Kindergarten Teacher Jill Duffy and Pre-School Teacher Hayley Stout during the second semester of the school year.

3. A Freedom of Information Act request was received from American Watchdogs Inc. The group requested a copy of all debt currently held by the District, payment structures for the debt, compensation provided to the Superintendent, the Superintendent’s contract and the minutes and agenda where the Superintendent’s contract was approved. (Enclosure)

4. Enclosures

A. Monthly student enrollment figures


11/13/16 End of Trimester 1 – Grades K-5

11/17-11/19/17 Join Annual Conference

11/22-11/26/17 Thanksgiving Break – No School

11/29/17 Board Study Session – 6 p.m.


Mr. Harmon reported:

1. Approved the fiscal year 2016-2017 audit as presented by Mack and Associates.

2. Approved the Consent Agenda.

3. Director Sanburg presented the GCSEC Leadership Team goals for the 2017-2018 school year, as well as a summary sheet documenting the accomplishments towards the 2016-2017 goals.

4. Approved the employment of an Registered Nurse to perform required medical services to students within the Saratoga Multi-Needs Program.


Mr. Lander reported:

1. Approved allowing Mr. Cebulski and his students to attend the National Welding Competition in Tulsa, Oklahoma from March 2, 2018 through March 4, 2018.

2. Approved the purchase of a 2013 Skid Steer at a cost of $14,000 and a trade in of the current 2007 Skid Steer.

3. Approved allowing the GAVC student organizations to conduct their annual fundraising activity.

4. Approved allowing the Automotive Program organizations to raffle off the 2016 Kit Car.


Athletic Director Dan Hutchings reported:

Important Dates:

October 28 IHSA 4A Playoff Football at Taylorville 3:00pm – Dr. Bugg noted that the football team and parents worked in cooperation with Taylorville to raise $1,300 for a Taylorville family.

October 30 High School Girls Basketball Practice may start

November 6 High School Boys Basketball, Wrestling, & Cheerleading may begin practice

November 20-25 CCHS will host Coaler Turkey Tournament

Middle School

On September 30, 2017, the Warriors “A” Baseball team placed 2nd the Class 3 IESA State Baseball Championship in East Peoria Illinois

Boys Basketball Tryouts were October 16 & 17

8th Grade- (15) made the team and there were 5 cuts

7th Grade- (15) made the team and there were 14 cuts

6th Grade- (18) made the team and there were 20 cuts

High School

Boys Soccer – Finished season with a 12-8-1 record –Lost to Momence in Regionals

Boys Golf – (9-5) Qualified (3) golfers for the Sectional : Russell Gomien, Keegan Gagliardo, and Matt Misewicz.

Girls Tennis – Finished season with a 14-4 record

Volleyball – (17-12) overall record and (8-3) in the I-8

Varsity Football (6-3)

Sophomore Football (8-1)

Freshmen Football (8-1)


Grade/Group Destination Date Teacher Responsible

MS & HS Morris – Leadership Conference 11/2/17 Cealy DePersia


1. In regard to agenda items – none.

2. In general (Limited to 5 minutes per person.) – none.



The 2017 levy must be filed with the Grundy and Will County Clerk’s Office on or before the last Tuesday in December, which is the 26th. The Board of Education must adopt the levy prior to this date in order to meet filing regulations. In addition to this time line, the following steps must be taken when the proposed tentative levy exceeds the previous year’s tax extensions (excluding Bond and Interest Fund) by more than 105 percent.

1. Present a tentative levy to the Board of Education for approval no less than 20 days prior to a public hearing on the levy.

2. Publish a notice no more than 14 days, nor less than 7 days prior to holding a public hearing on the proposed levy.

3. Hold a public hearing on the proposed levy prior to the final adoption.

If the Board chooses to exceed the 105% request, the following calendar is recommended:

Wednesday, November 1, 2017 Board adopts tentative levy

Wednesday, November 22, 2017 Publish notice of public hearing

Wednesday, December 6, 2017 Public hearing on tax levy, adopt levy

Tuesday, December 26, 2017 Last day to file levy

Mr. Hamilton moved and Mr. Bianchetta seconded to adopt the Tentative 2017 Property Tax Levy for the Coal City Community Unit School District #1.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Shawn Hamilton, Robert Bianchetta, Jeff Emerson, Mary Gill, Ken Miller


Motion Carried.

The estimated total property tax levy for 2017 represents a 2.23% increase over the previous year, which would not require the public hearing, but the Board will hold the public hearing on Wednesday, December 6 at 6 p.m. for anyone who wishes to comment on the proposed levy.



A recommendation was made to approve a license agreement with Music Theatre International for five (5) performances of Les Miserables School Edition., the High School musical performance that will be presented in March. The total cost of $2,410 includes the royalty fee of $1,000, and rental of music and rehearsal sets of $1,410.

Ms. Gill moved and Mr. Hamilton seconded to approve the license agreement with Music Theatre International for use of Les Miserables School Edition. at a cost of $2, 410, as presented.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Mary Gill, Shawn Hamilton, Robert Bianchetta, Jeff Emerson, Ken Miller


Motion Carried.


Chapter 105, Section 5/17-1 of the Illinois Revised Statutes (School Code) directs the Board of Education to designate a person or persons to prepare in tentative form, the budget for the upcoming fiscal year. The Board is also required to “fix a fiscal year therefore”. The budget calendar provides a detailed schedule of the budgeting process.

Mr. Hamilton moved and Mr. Bianchetta seconded for the Board of Education to adopt the budget calendar as presented and appoint the Superintendent, Chief School Business Official and Building Principals to prepare, in tentative form, the school district budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2018 and ending June 30, 2019.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Shawn Hamilton, Robert Bianchetta, Jeff Emerson, Mary Gill, Ken Miller


Motion Carried.


The Quarterly Drop Out Report for the quarter ending October 1, 2017 has been prepared and is ready for Board approval. The approval of the Drop Out Report is a State requirement, which ensures that the School Board is informed of students leaving our school system.

Mr. Emerson moved and Mr. Hamilton seconded to approve the filing of the Drop Out Report with the Regional Office of Education for the quarter ending October 1, 2017. President Miller asked if there was any opposition to the motion, hearing none, considers the motion carried.


A School Site Donation in the amount of $961.92 was received from Grundy County. A resolution has been prepared for acceptance of the school site donation.

Mr. Hamilton moved and Mr. Emerson seconded to approve the resolution to accept the School Site Donation of $961.92 from Grundy County and to waive the reading of the resolution.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Shawn Hamilton, Jeff Emerson, Robert Bianchetta, Mary Gill, Ken Miller


Motion Carried.


Recently, two of the District’s authorized depositories were sold and the facility names were changed. In September, Centrue bank became Midland Bank and First Community Financial Bank will soon become Busey Bank. The resolutions were updated and will need to be adopted:

Resolution Naming Depository of Student Activity Funds, Appointing Treasurers and Respective Bonds, and Authorizing Signatures on Student Activity Accounts

Resolution Designating and Authorizing Depositories of School District Funds, Approving the Treasurer, Authorizing Signatures and Respective Bonds on the Coal City Community Unit School District No. 1 Bank Accounts at Midland Bank, BMO Harris Bank, Busey Bank, Bank of Pontiac, and PMA Securities Inc.

Mr. Hamilton moved and Mr. Bianchetta seconded to adopt the Resolution Naming Depository of Student Activity Funds, Appointing Treasurers and Respective Bonds, and Authorizing Signatures on Student Activity Accounts and the Resolution Designating and Authorizing Depositories of School District Funds, Approving the Treasurer, Authorizing Signatures and Respective Bonds on the Coal City Community Unit School District No. 1 Bank Accounts at Midland Bank, BMO Harris Bank, Busey Bank, Bank of Pontiac, and PMA Securities Inc. and to waive the reading of the resolutions.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Shawn Hamilton, Robert Bianchetta, Jeff Emerson, Mary Gill, Ken Miller


Motion Carried.


CSBO Jason Smith has made a recommendation to enter into an agreement with American Capital for the lease of 100 iPad minis. The 34-month agreement will be effective November 1, 2017 through September 1, 2020 at a yearly cost of $12,962.86.

Mr. Hamilton moved and Mr. Emerson seconded to approve the 34-month lease agreement with American Capital Financial Services Inc., at a yearly cost of $12,962.86, as presented.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Shawn Hamilton, Jeff Emerson, Robert Bianchetta, Mary Gill, Ken Miller


Motion Carried.


Middle School Teacher Pam McMurtrey submitted a proposal for a seven-day excursion to Washington D.C. to be taken from June 10 – June 16, 2018. This trip is totally financed by the students with no district costs incurred. A sample itinerary was reviewed. This will be the third year that this trip has been offered to 8th grade students.

Mr. Hamilton moved and Ms. Gill seconded to approve the seven-day 8th Grade Trip to Washington D.C. from June 10 – 16, 2018, as presented. President Miller asked if there was any opposition to the motion, hearing none, considers the motion carried.


A recommendation was made to approve a license agreement with Dramatic Publishing for four (4) performances of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory., the High School Fall Play that will be presented this week. The total cost of $540 includes the royalty fee.

Mr. Hamilton moved and Ms. Gill seconded to approve the license agreement with Dramatic Publishing for use of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. at a cost of $540, as presented.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Shawn Hamilton, Mary Gill, Robert Bianchetta, Jeff Emerson, Ken Miller


Motion Carried.



1. In regard to agenda items – none.

2. In general (Limited to 5 minutes per person.) – none.


In Coal City CUSD #1 Administrative Center Board Room

Monday, November 13 @ 6 P.M.


In Coal City CUSD #1 Administrative Center Board Room

Wednesday, December 6 @ 6 P.M.


Mr. Hamilton moved and Mr. Emerson seconded to adjourn the meeting at 6:29 p.m. President Miller

asked if there was any opposition to the motion, hearing none considers the motion approved.



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