Village of Coal City Village Board Met May 25.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
At 7:06 p.m., Mayor Terry Halliday called to order the meeting of the Coal City Village board in the boardroom of the Village Hall. Roll call-Trustees Dave Togliatti, Ross Bradley, Dan Greggain, Dave Spesia, Tim Bradley and Sarah Beach. Also in attendance were Matt Fritz, village administrator, Ryan Hansen from Chamlin Engineering, attorney Mark Heinle and Chief Chris Harseim,
All present recited the pledge of Allegiance.
The minutes of the May 10, 2022 meeting were presented for approval. Greggain moved to approve the minutes as presented, second by Bradley. Roll call-Ayes; Togliatti, Bradley, Greggain, Bradley and Beach. Nays; None. Abstain, Spesia. Motion carried.
The warrant list was presented. Following review, Togliatti moved to approve the warrant list as presented, second by Spesia. Roll call-Ayes; Togliatti, Bradley, Greggain, Spesia, Bradley and Beach. Nays; none. Motion carried.
There was no Public Comment.
Discussion of the Sanitary Modernization Bond Debt Issuance Results. Representatives from Baird, Mr. Stephan Roberts and Mr. Adam Holstine reported they were able to obtain a 2.5% rate from the Bank of Pontiac in Coal City for the $2.3 million dollar project funds. Mr. Fritz thanked Baird for their efforts and finding local funding. The closing date is on June 7, 2022 for the cash to be available for the sanitary project. There will be a $5.00 surcharge for this project but would need to be increased if the surcharge is to pay for the entire debt. The surcharge amount will be determined when setting rates during the FY24 budget process.
A request for final payment on the Reed Road Improvements was recommended by Mr. Hansen to D Construction in the amount of $27, 848.48. The striping of Reed Road from last fall was done a couple of weeks ago which was under the original contract amount. Greggain moved to approve payment for the final payment, second by Spesia. Roll call-Ayes; Togliatti, Bradley, Greggain, Spesia, Bradley and Beach. Nays; none. Motion carried.
Discussion of Final Street Rehabilitation Plan for 2022. Mr. Fritz shared a map from Matt Halloran (Chamlin Engineering) of the final street locations. There were a couple changes noted; 2 projects qualified for TIFF funds and due to not enough funds in relation to the expected bid costs, the De Witt, Gordon to Oak portion will be removed. Mr. Hansen reported that the cost per ton was formerly $90 per ton for asphalt and it is now $100 per ton; the construction costs have been going up scheduled for MFT (Motor Fuel Tax). Other paving projects wo be included aside from the Annual Road Rehabilitation Program were discussed, including the Second Avenue storm project to be funded by DCEO and the paving of the sanitary treatment plant. These may take awhile to resolve and may not be paved until the Spring of 2023. Togliatti moved to approve the 2022 Street Rehabilitation Plan, second by Greggain. Roll call - Ayes; Togliatti, Bradley, Greggain, Spesia, Bradley and Beach. Nays; none. Motion carried.
Mayor Halliday noted that it is Memorial Day on Monday and to remember those that have served and are serving as well their families.
T. Bradley stated that there was a good ribbon cutting for a house finished with construction through NCICG. It was good to see money going back to our residents.
D. Spesia noted the celebration for Memorial Day at the intermediate school on Monday the 30th at 11:15 a.m. through Post 1336, weather dependent on inside or outside.
R. Bradley inquired about the funds for the sewer plant as well as the schedule. Mr. Hansen will check into it.
R. Hansen stated that Mr. Fritz is working on the MFT submittal and will get it to IDOT next week. Once that comes back bids can get started.
Chief Harseim thanked Trustee Spesia and village administrator Fritz for attending the Grundy County Law Enforcement Management Memorial. Mr. Fritz also advised that the SRO contract is coming up soon and will be discussed this summer.
Mr. Fritz gave an update on the citizens committee concerning the Coaler Park District and its buzz meetings to try and get key stakeholders aware of what the plan is; positive feed back. Brittney and the committee is trying to hold an update meeting in June. In the mean time we are looking at edits of the survey that was approved. If you are interested in seeing the survey, it will be going out in the next couple of weeks. It has pictures of the proposed community center so there is a visual of what kind of facility there could be. The survey has three questions for local residents, do they want to have a park district? Do you want these candidates? Would you support a .15 cent increase of levy in order to build a building? Also, we are waiting for bids for 95 E. Oak Street that we have to open at the next meeting.
Mr. Togliatti requested an overview of the security at the schools from Chief Harseim due to the mass shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas on May 24, 2022. The chief explained their process at the schools and indicated that they have safety meetings each year to discuss scenarios of this nature, Mr. Greggain inquired about the school district in the last couple of years spent $400,000 on upgrades at each school for safety precautions. The Mayor thanked the chief and the officers for taking the extra effort to be present within Coal City schools over the past week until the end of the school year.
Mr. Bradley moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:35 p.m., second by Spesia. Roll call-Ayes; Togliatti, Bradley, Greggain, Spesia, Bradley and Beach. Nays; none, Motion carried and the meeting was adjourned.