City of Vienna City Council met July 6.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
The City Council of the City of Vienna met in regular session at Vienna City Hall with the following members and guest:
ELECTED/APPOINTED OFFICIALS PRESENT: Steve Penrod, Mayor Angela Moore, Alderman Richard Owen, Alderman Melissa Hill, Alderman Austin Tuey, Alderman Alan Racey, Alderman Ron Pitts, Alderman Shane Racey, City Supt Aleatha Wright, Clerk
GUESTS None present.
There being a quorum, Mayor Penrod called the meeting of the Vienna City Council to order at 6:30 p.m.
Alderman Moore made a motion to Authorize and Approve the Omnibus Consent Agenda consisting of the June 15, 2022 council meeting minutes and the Warrant ($32,353.64). Alderman Racey seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried.
Alderman Tuey made a motion to Authorize and Approve Resolution 22-06, A Resolution Authorizing an agreement with Anita Edmonds for redevelopment of property utilizing tax increment financing located at 408 Court Street. Alderman Hill seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried.
Alderman Racey made a motion to Authorize and Approve a Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment Agreement between the City of Vienna and Anita Edmonds, Kuts Salon, 408 Court Street. Alderman Pitts seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried.
Alderman Owen made a motion to Authorize the closing of two bank accounts with Banterra bank previously used for a grant project that has been completed. Alderman Racey seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried.
Mayor Penrod reviewed a draft Appropriation Ordinance with council for the 2022-2023 fiscal year budget. The ordinance would be placed on the next agenda for action.
Penrod said the Tax Levy Ordinance would not be passed until a later date as the council could review additional areas that the city does not currently levy for. Council had brief discussion and was in consent to discuss the tax levy further at a later date.
Fire Chief Williams said the truck placed on the agenda for action was sold. Williams asked for authorization for future purchase of a truck as most places are unable to hold a vehicle until the city meeting. Alderman Pitts made a motion to Authorize and Approve up to $50,000.00 (General Funds) to authorize Chief Williams to pursue purchase of a rescue replacement truck for the Fire Department. Alderman Moore seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: Hill-yes, Moore yes, Owen-yes, Pitts-yes, Racey-yes, Tuey-abstain as member of the fire department.
The Fall Fest committee discussed planning and budget for the October Fall Fest. Moore said at this time, bands were scheduled each evening to perform, vendors/food vendors had been contacted as well as mentioning renting a few bounce houses for the event. Moore thanked Tina Penrod for assisting the committee in the planning process. City Treasurer Meyers said funds for the event could be split between tourism, community fund, and the general account. Additional planning would continue. City Council was in consent to name Fire Chief, Brent Williams as the Grand Marshall in this year's Fall Fest parade.
Alderman Moore said the Vienna Grade School was planning a 5k Glow-run fundraiser event for September 17, 2022 at 7:00 the city park. Council gave consent.
Fire Chief Williams thanked the city public works department for their assistance in preparation at the ballpark for the fireworks show. Williams and council briefly discussed future shows concerning costs and needing a lead shooter for future displays. Alderman Tuey said he would be looking to obtain his lead shooter license.
Mayor Penrod thanked Chief Williams and the fire department for a great Fourth of July display. Penrod also updated council on the status of nuisance ordinance violations and fines.
At 7:45 p.m. Alderman Pitts made a motion to go out of Regular Session into Executive Session For Collective Negotiations between the City of Vienna and Local Union 50 as per 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2), Review of closed session minutes pursuant to 2.06 of the Open Meetings Act as per 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(21). Executive Minutes from 12-15-21. Motion seconded by Alderman Tuey.
Alderman Tuey was excused from the meeting at this time before entering closed session.
At 8:43 p.m. Alderman Owen made a motion to resume the Regular Session meeting. Seconded by Alderman Hill.
Alderman Pitts made a motion to Approve content of closed session minutes from 12-15-22 and to open the minutes as no confidentiality exists. Alderman Racey seconded the motion. All present in favor, motion carried.
As there was no further business to discuss, Alderman Owen made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Alderman Pitts. Mayor Penrod adjourned the meeting at 8:45 p.m.