After attending the back to school session on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) students in Mrs. Villa’s preschool classroom did some activities within the classroom.
Glen Ellyn Education Association (GEEA) Co-presidents Dina Sbarra and Tracy Guerrieri released the following statements after Glen Ellyn School District 41 announced today that the district will conduct a national search for a new superintendent and will announce the search firms at the board meeting Mon., Jan. 21.
The Illinois Education Association initiated a bill to repeal the 3 percent salary limit law that shifts the state’s cost of paying for an educator’s pensionable earnings to local school districts and institutions of higher education and local property tax payers.
On Jan. 22, 2019, Hamilton Nichole D. and Hamilton Shawn M. sold their home at 2495 E. Border St., Diamond to Malovski Nedzmedin and Malovski Fatmira for $262,000.
The following actions were taken on Jan. 18 in the House on House bill HJRCA10 ("conamend-legislative redistrct"): "Referred to Rules Committee" and "Read in Full a First Time".