City of Highland Building and Zoning Combined Planning & Zoning Board met March 4.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
1. Call to Order – 7PM
2. Roll Call
CPZB Members – Present – Chairperson Korte, Al Stoecklin, Bob Vance, Shirley Lodes, Deanna Harlan, Anthony Walker and Bill Koehnemann Staff – Breann Speraneo, Mike McGinley, Brian Wilson, Chief Chris Conrad, Joe Gillespie, and Kim Kilcauski
3. General Business:
Approval of the February 5, 2020 Minutes
Motion to approve the minutes as written made by Bill Koehnemann, seconded by Al Stoecklin - 6 Ayes, 1 Abstain, 0 Nays. Motion carried.
4. Public Comment Section
Persons who wish to address the Combined Planning and Zoning Board regarding items not on the agenda may do so at this time. Speakers shall be limited to five (5) minutes or a reasonable amount of time as determined by the City Attorney. Any presentation is for informational purposes only. No action will be taken.
Chairperson Korte opened the Public Comment Section. There were no comments from the citizens in attendance. The Public Comment Section was closed.
5. Public Hearings and Items Listed on the Agenda
Persons wishing to address the Combined Planning and Zoning Board regarding items on the agenda may do so after the Chairperson opens the agenda item for public hearing or for public comment. Speakers shall be limited to five (5) minutes or a reasonable amount of time as determined by the City Attorney.
Chairperson Korte reviewed the process and administered the witness oath to three of the citizens in attendance.
6. Unfinished Business
a) Jason Mettler, of 12359 Highland Rd, is re-submitting a preliminary plat for Carbay Crest Phase II at the northwest quadrant of Sportsman and Vulliet.
Chairperson Korte opened the public hearing. Breann Speraneo presented the staff comments from Planning and Zoning, Public Works and Public Safety on the re-submittal of the preliminary plat for Carbay Crest Phase II, which proposed removing the entrance on Sportsman Rd. from the preliminary phase II plat. She stated that if the entrance is not put in, then there would only be a single entrance off of Vulliet. Planning and Zoning comments included that two streets are preferred for a subdivision to control traffic flow as the subdivision grows. Without a second entrance, 121 lots in total would be required to use Vulliet for access. Single points of access are becoming less common in other communities surveyed. While the City of Highland’s Code of Ordinances does not currently regulate the number of required access points for subdivisions, staff has worked with the developer and engineer throughout the platting process to ensure that two access points are installed. Public Works’ comments included, that a new street directly opposite an existing street is ideal. If the development had not originally shown a street connecting to Sportsman Rd., then a recommendation would have been made for one across from Arbor Crest, the existing subdivision to the south. The initial Carbay Crest design presented last summer showed a street directly opposite Arbor Crest. It promoted a good flow of traffic, limited the introduction of new intersections and allowed access flow for municipal services. Subdivisions developed after 2000 were preliminary platted with two or more access points, including Prestige Estates, Autumn Crest, Evergreen Court and Augusta Estates. After much discussion, the City approved the relocation of the street to the east because if was critical to the development. Public Safety’s comments included that removing the secondary entrance to the subdivision would be irresponsible from an emergency management planning perspective. Preferred choice is to have a secondary ingress/egress point directly across from Arbor Crest. A single entrance creates a single point of failure. The fatal car accident in the Willow Creek subdivision was noted as an example. The subdivision residents were blocked in the subdivision for the duration of the investigation. Construction projects have had a secondary point of ingress/egress to ensure safety and traffic flow. Breann Speraneo also stated that staff did not receive a written response to staff comments from Netemeyer Engineering Associates Inc.
Jason Mettler addressed the board and asked if the board had any questions. Jason Mettler mentioned a previous meeting comment that Sportsman Rd. would be a better travelled road, but Vulliet Rd. is 11 ft. wider than Sportsman Rd. Jason Mettler said that he understood the concern if the access would become blocked; however, the 45 m.p.h. speed limit on Sportsman Rd. is also a concern. He said those buying lots do not want a second entrance. Chairperson Korte asked for clarification. Jason Mettler stated that there is more risk putting people on a high speed road than that a single subdivision entrance would be blocked for an emergency. He added that it would take a semi to block the entrance as it is 34 ft. curb to curb. Jason talked about the types of roads, speed limits, repaving of the road. Jason added that there are many single entrance subdivisions and the likely hood of accident or emergency blocking the only entrance is slim. Chairperson Korte asked Jason to confirm that the only reason for removing the second entrance is that he thinks that it is more dangerous to put people out on that road. Jason Mettler confirmed. Chairperson Korte asked if there were any additional questions. Jason Mettler said that he gave land to the city to expand and improve the road. Chairperson Korte asked where the information on speed limits came from. Pat Netemeyer stated that IDOT provided the information. Chairperson Korte asked for clarification that the speed limits that they are considered maximum limits. Clarification not provided. Pat Netemeyer mentioned at the previous meeting there had been mention of a site distance problem on Vulliet Rd. Pat Netemeyer said people may divert through subdivision instead of taking the main roads. He also mentioned the Willow Creek accident included in the presentation, but does not believe it happens often to create an issue. He stated that there are a number of single entrance subdivisions in the metro east and that the current ordinance does not require a second entrance to subdivisions. Chairperson Korte asked the board if there were any further questions for the applicant, engineer or staff. Chairperson Korte asked staff how long a fatal accident would take to investigate. Chief Conrad responded that the Willow Creek accident was included as an example of a single point of failure. Emergency management always tries to avoid single points of failure. Chief Conrad said there is a section of Vulliet that is already a single point of failure for Cedar Hills, Liberty Lane, Independence, and Silver Fox. He said that more houses mean more traffic on Vulliet. Chief Conrad also said that there have been complaints about speeding. He added that the speed limit currently changes at the top of the hill at Tyson Ln. from 45 to 35. As traffic flows increase, then the speed limit should be reviewed and possibly reduced to 30 m.p.h. like other city streets. Chief Conrad mentioned the construction of the new roundabout created a diversion of traffic down Sunflower for the short term. He also said that the additional traffic on Vulliet would possibly create issues for the existing homes. Chief Conrad stated that new developments create a need to re-evaluate signage. Public safety will be working with the street department on that effort based on crash data and traffic counts. Chairperson Korte asked if there were any other questions. Hearing none, Chairperson Korte closed the public hearing.
Chairperson Korte asked for a motion to approve the re-submittal of the preliminary plat for Carbay Crest Phase II at the northwest quadrant of Sportsman and Vulliet.
Motion made by Shirley Lodes, seconded by Bill Koehnemann.
Chairperson Korte asked if the board had further comments. He said that city staff showing up to support their comments should be taken into account by the board. Chairperson Korte said if we go to one entrance that it could be regrettable. He asked if there was any further discussion. Hearing none, Chairperson Korte asked for a roll call vote.
Vote – 1 Aye, 6 Nays. Motion did not pass.
7. New Business
a) Dwight Rutz of 28 Willow Creek Drive, Highland IL is requesting a Special Use Permit to allow for self-storage within the C-3 zoning district at 2650 Plaza Drive (PIN # 02-2-18-32- 13-301-017).
Chairperson Korte opened the public hearing. Breann Speraneo presented the standards of review for special use permits and staff discussion. She stated that the property at 2650 Plaza Drive was not owned by Dwight Rutz when the Special Use Permit (SUP) for self-storage at 2670 Plaza Drive was reviewed and approved. This SUP would be an extension to the self-storage plan at 2670 Plaza Drive. Deanna Harlan asked for verification that the landscaping along with the self-storage facility would be continued. George Marron, representative for the applicant and Breann Speraneo both confirmed.
Chairperson Korte asked if there were further questions. Hearing none, he closed the public hearing and asked for a motion to approve the Special Use Permit to allow for self-storage within the C-3 zoning district at 2650 Plaza Drive (PIN # 02-2-18-32-13-301-017).
Motion made by Deanna Harlan, seconded by Bob Vance.
Chairperson Korte asked if any board member had anything further to discuss. There was not any further discussion. A roll call vote was requested.
Vote – 7 Ayes, 0 Nays. Motion approved.
b) Cathy Yockey, representing Walmart Stores Inc. of 2608 SE J Street, Bentonville, AR, is requesting a variance for signage at 12495 State Route 143 (PIN # 02-2-18-29-03-301- 001).
Chairperson Korte opened the public hearing. Breann Speraneo presented the standards of consideration and staff discussion. She stated staff did not have any objections to the sign variance. The board did not have any questions. Chairperson Korte closed the public hearing. Chairperson Korte asked for a motion to approve the request for a sign variance at 12495 State Route 143 (PIN # 02-2-18-29-03-301-001).
Motion made by Anthony Walker, seconded by Al Stoecklin.
Chairperson Korte asked if the board had further comments. Deanna Harlan asked why the board would consider a sign variance for this address when the board had previously not approved a signage request for another property. Breann Speraneo addressed the concern and stated that Walmart has always had more signage than allowed; however, a sign variance had not previously be obtained. She also stated for comparison if there were separate businesses in the same building, then the allowed signage would be greater than what Walmart is currently seeking approval on.
Vote – 7 Ayes, 0 Nays. Motion approved.
8. Calendar
a) April 1, 2020– Combined Planning and Zoning Board Meeting
Breann Speraneo listed the following agenda items for the April meeting: two zoning text amendments, a rezoning, and a special use permit.
b) Adjournment - 7:40PM