
Grundy Reporter

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Grundy County Land Use Committee met April 26

Grundy County Land Use Committee met April 26.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

I. Call to Order

Attendee Name




Ann Gill

Vice Chair


Harold Vota

Board Member


Joshua Harris

Board Member


Jerald White



Christina Jenkins-Likar

Board Member


James Riley

Board Member


Nathanael Greene

Board Member


II. Public Portion

III. Approval of Minutes

1. Land Use Committee/ - Regular Meeting - Mar 22, 2023 4:30 PM


MOVER: James Riley, Board Member

SECONDER: Joshua Harris, Board Member

AYES: Gill, Vota, Harris, Jenkins-Likar, Riley

EXCUSED: White, Greene

IV. Land Use Department

A. Official Business

1. Petition 23-ZBA-003 Special Use for Events for Garden Parties/Lavendar Farms

Chairwoman Gill specified that any comments would be limited to four minutes and that they should not be redundant.

First Speaker: LuAnn Nash stated that she was against the petition.

Second: Jen Bilyen said she enjoyed her time there and always spent money in Grundy after that. So she said this use would economically help the County.

Third: John Skrapits wants to keep the area in agricultural uses and this use affects the residential uses.

Fourth: Gary Bounds stated that Pioneer Road is a narrow road and that it is not safe for cars to be backing out into the road.

Lorie Bracket: Stated that there was parking on Pioneer Road in the past and this use should not be approved.

Amy Carmack: Remarked that she had been there many times and that it is wonderful place.

Karen Schneider: Good educational tours for children and adults. Supports.

Bernie Myers: Too small for the uses proposed. Opposed.

Maggie Smith - Petitioner: Stated that she was working with Road Commissioner Ryan Cryder about a turnaround. She felt that this was a good use and that signage may be a good idea to help with issues with the bridge and Pioneer Road. She said she agreed with most of the conditions (14/17) and was willing to reduce the maximum amount of people to fifteen possibly.

Cathy Haefner: Works for a utility company and had not seen cars parked in the road. Enjoys the farm. Supports.

Patty Enright: Supports feels use is appropriate.

Vittoria Wurl: Said she supports Maggie and her use.

Maggie: Stated that she only wanted to change for possibly 2 or 3 Sunday events, sip/snip is non alcoholic, and would like to have weekday events. With 20 cars would like to make maximum 40 people but would accept less.

Gill asked Miller to summarize her packet (attached).

Balkema asked that it would be helpful to table this petition to give the Land Use Committee members more time to review and to have this petition better vetted. Balkema stated that he would like to have Mary Kucharz and Russ Baker to discuss with the opposition and the petitioner a compromise before this is brought back to the Land Use Committee in May.

Chairwoman Gill concurred and asked for a motion. Motion passed to have this petition to be tabled to next month to the Land Use Committee.

RESULT: TABLED [4 TO 1] Next: 5/24/2023 4:30 PM

MOVER: Christina Jenkins-Likar, Board Member

SECONDER: Joshua Harris, Board Member

AYES: Gill, Harris, Jenkins-Likar, Riley

NAYS: Vota

EXCUSED: White, Greene

2. Petition 23-ZBA-002 Text Amendments for the Unified Development Ordinance

Miller explained that only two of the three draft ordinances would be reviewed tonight. The subdivision ordinance is being reviewed by the Claypool Drainage District and their engineer and comments for revision should be ready for next meeting in May.

Miller explained that each ordinance would need a motion:

Modifications to Section 8-13-3-2 to be consistent with the changes to the recommending bodies such that the Planning Commission was dissolved. In addition, the Planning and Zoning Committee now matches the name of the Department as Land Use Committee. Motion made by Vota; Seconded by Harris. Motion Passed.

Solar and Wind Special Use Ordinance: This section was modified based on the Illinois state law that was passed in January 2023 to make all requirements consistent for these uses to allow for more sustainable energy to be produced. Miller stated that the changes meet the Il State Law. Motion by Vota; Second by Harris Motion passed.


MOVER: Harold Vota, Board Member

SECONDER: Joshua Harris, Board Member

AYES: Gill, Vota, Harris, Jenkins-Likar, Riley

EXCUSED: White, Greene

3. Grundy County Building Ordinance Adoption of the 2021 ICC Codes

Miller explained that the code for building changes every three years and that as a County we should keep our codes updated for safety of the residents and for insurance savings.

She went through a quick summary of the highlights of the changes for both the International Residential and the International Building codes.

Summarizing, she stated that the South Suburban Builders Association did not have comment, and the survey to the contractors provided positive comments when asked about the update. Motion was made by Riley, Seconded by Harris. Motion passed.


MOVER: James Riley, Board Member

SECONDER: Joshua Harris, Board Member

AYES: Gill, Vota, Harris, Jenkins-Likar, Riley

EXCUSED: White, Greene

B. New/Old Business

C. Monthly Reports

1. Monthly Report April

Miller explained how they were able to collect enough electronics to make the necessary weight for IEPA. The combination of shredding and electronics was well received by the residents and they enjoyed the gift bags that were given out. The next event will be Mother's Day seeds given out by the libraries and then the book drive for children.

Miller stated that building is in full swing which is clear in the reports from Beth Skoff.

D. Future Agenda Items

E. Claims

V. Budget Reporting

1. Budget Reporting

Kucharz stated that everything in the budget for revenues and expenditures was on a normal pace for this part of the budget year.

VI. Executive Session

VII. Action Taken as a Result of Executive Session

VIII. Adjournment

No comments were made.

Motion by Vota, Second by Riley. Motion passed.
