Teresa Kernc, Mayor - Village of Diamond | LinkedIn
Teresa Kernc, Mayor - Village of Diamond | LinkedIn
Village of Diamond Village Board met Nov. 26.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The scheduled meeting of the Diamond Village Board was held on Tuesday, November 26, at 6:00 p.m. with Mayor Teresa “Terry” Kernc presiding. Upon a roll call Commissioners present Mark Adair Jeff Kasher and Dave Warner Absent: Dean Johnson.
Approval of 11-12-2024 Minutes
MOTION was made by Commissioner Kasher, SECOND by Commissioner Adair to approve the 11-12-2024 meeting minutes and place on file. All Ayes: Motion Carried.
Approval of November 26, 2024, Bill List and Additional Bill List
MOTION was made by Commissioner Adair, SECOND by Commissioner Warner to approve November 26, 2024, bill list and additional bill list and place it on file. All Ayes: Motion Carried.
Public Comment
New Business
Waive Competitive Bid-Aeration Tank Walkway
This Item Was Tabled
Approve and Accept Lowest Bid to Build and Install Aeration Tank Walkway at WWTP This Item Was Tabled
Waive Competitive Bid on Public Works Building Pad
Mayor Kernc stated this item needs a super majority to pass. Commissioner Kasher stated he has concerns about the elevation it is being built. Village Engineer Mike Perry stated it is approximately 4 feet however, he does not have the exact measurement. It would be the same elevation as the water/sewer plant buildings. Kasher stated it was his understanding that Public Works would be able to get the fill for the pad and now the cost is $97,230.00. Perry stated the fill is not dirt, it is limestone screenings, which are the same material they use on I-55 etc. Perry stated you need a solid base to build the building on. Commissioner Adair inquired if there are any other materials that could be used. Perry explained yes, clay could be used if you had a source to obtain the clay. However, unless you are hauling it yourself, it would not be less expensive. Perry added, but the downfall is that you need the right equipment to install clay also. Perry stated the limestone is available and affordable, unlike any other material. Commissioner Warner is comfortable with the price and the elevation. After discussing the materials which could be used and cost, discussion continued regarding elevation and the elevation is based on the 100-year flood plan elevation. Kasher feels 4 feet is a lot of elevation if it is not needed Kasher would like for himself, Adair and Perry to go to the area and physically look at the elevation before making his decision. After further discussion, this item was tabled until the three meet on site and advise the clerk how to word the item to place on the next agenda.
Approval of D Construction Proposal for Public Works Building Pad
This Item was Tabled
Approve Ordinance #2024-18, Disposition of Surplus Property
Mayor Kernc stated the surplus property are the old lanterns which were given to the village byMinooka many years ago. Public Works employee Ryan VanGilder found a municipality, which is in Rossville, that would like to have them to use in their park.
MOTION was made by Commissioner Adair, SECOND by Commissioner Kasher to Approve Ordinance #2024-18, Disposition of Surplus Property. All Ayes: Motion Carried.
Approve Ordinance # 2024-19, Amendments to the Village of Diamond Employee Handbook Village Attorney John Gallo stated the amendments were the sick leave section which was discussed at the previous meeting and Education Assistance Repayment Schedule.
MOTION was made by Commissioner Kasher, SECOND by Commissioner Warner to Approve Ordinance #2024-19, Amendments to the Village of Diamond Employee Handbook. All Ayes: Motion Carried.
Discussion of 2024 Tax Levy
Village Attorney John Gallo presented historical data and 2023 tax rates from surrounding villages for comparison purposes and options for the 2024 tax year. Commissioner Kasher stated he does not want to increase the tax rate. After discussion, the decision was made to move forward with option A which is the tax rate .4043. Gallo will move forward to prepare the paperwork.
Old Business
Grundy and Will County Sheriff’s Monthly Update
Legal Counsel
No Report
Engineer Updates
Village Engineer Mike Perry stated the blowers are installed and the deadline was met for the extra incentive. The watermain installation in various locations is going well. There will be a change order for the directional boring which was required on Division St. for approximately $5,000.00.
Public Works Department Updates
Clerk Updates
No Report
Commissioner Comments
Commissioner Adair
No Report
Commissioner Johnson
Commissioner Kasher
Commissioner Kasher stated there is a John Deere 4300 on Gov Deals for auction which was in Joliet. Public Works employees Larry Grachan and Ryan VanGilder went to look at it. This would be utilized for the plowing of the sidewalks. Kasher would like to bid on this item and would like permission to do so. After discussing the John Deere and the options on it, it was decided Kasher can bid up to $11,000.00 on the item. Village Clerk Lori Holmes will meet with Kasher and set up an account to bid on the item.
Commissioner Warner
No Report
Mayor Kernc
Mayor Kernc stated Surf Internet wanted to lease the top of the water tower. The board is not in favor of this.
MOTION was made to adjourn at 7:00 p.m. by Commissioner Warner, SECOND by Commissioner Adair. All Ayes: Motion Carried.